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楚乔传 Princess Agents 13 Eng sub未删减版 赵丽颖 林更新 窦骁 李沁 主演 with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

the map of military distributi­on on the border

Something this serious happened

but the Eyes of God of your Yuwen Household

I would like to make amends for this mistake by good deeds.

Someone please come and write down the decree.

The map of milltary distributi­on of

I will do my best to get to the bottom of it

and find out whoever is responsibl­e.

The Han State came to an end because of Zhang Liang.

The Qing State came to an end because of Lu Zhonglian.

I remember my root and grace I was given.

It was written by the Emperor Xiaojing

Right after the Emperor Xiaojing

he was killed by the rebel, the Gaos.

In the city of Ye, the rebel, Gaoyang

You are the heir of the Yuwen Household.

You were the heir of the Eyes of God

picked by Yuwen Zhuo after thorough considerat­ion.

You are the eyes and ears of the Wei State.

I have faith in you and trust you.

Now you dare to tell me you don’t know.

Rebellion is the most serious crime.

Would you swear on your family name

I am honoured to have you trust.

I need to be cautious. Only inform You Majesty

intelligen­ce with concrete proof, but not my speculatio­ns.

This is my way to show my loyalty.

but you are not making any decision for me.

Someone stole the map of military distributi­on

Every Emperor would be willing to kill a thousand innocent

rather than miss the guilty one.

what your grandfathe­r taught you.

According to the Imperial concubine Wei

His Majesty still has concerns over

placed by the Liang State in us

Xing’er is not ready for this task yet.

you have spent so much time on her

but now you claim she is not ready.

has something to do with Jile Pavilion.

Shut up. This is the shame of our family.

to assassinat­e that person successful­ly

what are we going to train today?

There is an hourglass behind you.

All the arrows will be aiming at you.

This time, the arrows are real.

go to the shooting ground to practice.

Make sure to hit the targets thirty times without a miss.

Do not stop practicing until you can do it.

Young Master, Prince Yan Xun is here.

Are these enough? If not, just name your price.

something from the bottom of my heart.

It will destroy the cage and hurt herself.

If I tell you, there is no fun then.

is just one of many maids of yours.

I added some salt and alcohol in them.

Can you not be as stubborn as him?

You can’t image how hard it is.

That’s because it dislikes you.

It doesn’t cause me any trouble.

Even I, a Prince, listen to you

I have to lead it all the way back.

You can easily order a servant to do it.

wouldn't she be as impenetrab­le as you

she shall not leave the Green Hills

If you don't give her to me today

I will never ever talk to you any more

If he keeps staying here in Chang'an

he and the Northern Yan will be in danger

He would rush to the emperor to argue

or show his puppy eyes to his lovely great empress dowager

he will be angry and start to yell

to deceive him to leave quietly

the Eyes of God to find the truth

before the majesty starts his move

Didn't you said we were just taking a ride

Why are we still in the Green Hills

You'll know it in a few minutes

We'll be there just after a little while

These are the secret trees that I found

Each year at this season at dusk

Because you are the only one that

the beautiful petal rain like this

You think I can't do any thing to you little humble slave

so that I'll let you be my concubine

Master Huai you are the master of Yuwen family

I won't see you for a long time

Master Huai That's not what I mean

I wanted to take a chance to meet you

I'll let him pay for my brother's death

All the things he had done for you

And the person that killed my sister

Yuwen Yue really ricked his life

I feel it hard to make decision too

some physical exericises at most

How could I not satisfy your wish

And there won't be a third time

And you just leave without a thank you

Wild kitten Where are you going

Thank you for your concern your highness

thanks to prince Yan saving me in time

I have something important to do

Where are you going wild kitten

Learn to enjoy her beauty Like me

If Yuwen Huai have her one more time

She rode my horse out without permission

about changing your family name

to get informatio­n about the Eyes of God

if you want me to know about it

And when he was about to kill me

We were just about to kill her

The Agent Decree of Secret Repository of the South Empire

Since the repository was set up

by the royal family for 300 years

The noble and the loyal will betray their belief

You have been an idler for sixteen years

And there's a bloody floral dress

It's the ghost wearing this dress

The secret and scandal of sixteen years ago

What the hell do you want me to do

The map of secret tunnel in the building of Eyes of God

and all the masters of those great families

and experience to fight with people

When the enemy changed their move a little bit

their weakness during the fight


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