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TEKNIK PUKULAN BULUTANGKIS DROP SHOT (part -1) - Drop Shot Swing and Swipe with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

This is Kevin Sanjaya with drop shot.

This is drop shot while jumping.

So he aims it toward the "T" line.

Hi to all badminton lovers from inside\nor outside Indonesia.

Before I talk about how to play doubles\ni­n the next video

I think I really need to talk about an\nimport­ant technique

Why is this technique important?

Actually, there are several drop shot techniques­.

But this drop shot that I will talk about\n

So why is it flexible and easy?

Because, first, you can do it with\nor without jumping.

Second, I usually teach this technique\­nto athletes age 9 to 11

And this technique can also be used by\n

So why self-taugh­t players can use this technique?

Because this technique can go well with\n

For self-taugh­t and veteran players,\n

But for single players, you must use\n

This drop shot technique, should be\nmaster­ed by these players:

Players who still haven't trained their\n

Or players who are defending and\n

Or young athletes from 9 to 14 years of age.

Therefore, if you're belong to any of these\n

you must be able to master this technique.

For those who still don't know drop shot,\n

drive the birdie the down, just like smash,\n

So the birdie will go down, but not too fast.

And the trajectory looks like the sides\n

the angle is like this, and you hit the birdie\n

The birdie shouldn't go high.

The birdie shouldn't go in a curve.

So it shouldn't go in a curve,\n

Just like the sides of a triangle.

If you can master this drop shot technique,­\n

Because this drop shot doesn't need power,\nbu­t it needs feeling.

You can aim it to the left, straight,\­n

But remember if you can't use this technique\­n

So your partner can switch\nto a defensive position.

So don't control the game with this\ntech­nique for too long.

Because your partner would be\nwaitin­g in the front for too long.

Kevin Sanjaya or Gideon or\nother world class players.

Often use this technique to\ntrick the opponents.

So why is this called a\ndecepti­on technique?

Because every time players receive a lob shot,\n

That's why whenever the opponents give a lob shot\n

they always think that Kevin or Gideon\nwi­ll reply with a smash.

The result is when they do a drop shot,\n

because they thought it was going to\nbe a smash.

Because you're not used\nto smash like those pro players.

Then, you should be better at drop shot.

So your opponents will think that\n

Now, how to take advantage of this?

After you did one, two, or three\ndro­p shots

your opponents should think that\n

So after you've done it several times,\nno­w you can attack with

So you move slowly with drop shot, again,\n

And they will go for the kill,\nand you hit it like this.

So the point is that your next move\n

It's the same with what\nKevi­n and Gideon did.

Their movements for drop and smash\nare the same.

Let's learn about the impact.

For the birdie, we hit it on the\ntop position

and we pull the racket to\nthe top left position.

So hit the birdie, and pull\nthe racket to the left.

Don't swing the racket downward.

So don't do that,\nbut you should hit it first.

Don't move the racket like this.

And then pull the racket to the left.

This is what it looks like\nfrom the front.

It can be done from the right \nor upper side.

So there are more ways to do it.

These are athletes aged 9 to 11\n

Using this technique they can\ndo sharp hits.

The move is same as before,\nd­on't swing the racket downward.

And the swing is like this,\ndon­'t swing the racket downward.

Don't swing it like you're playing tennis.

The move is similar to the defensive\­n

This is what the practice looks like.

Think of him as the back player.

The angle shouldn't be right on\ntop of your head

That's where you hit the birdie.

Swing your racket to your shoulder.

The head of the racket shouldn't\­nbe facing down.

You must pull the racket to the side.

Now for the grip, it's\nAmer­ican grip.

Your fingers shouldn't grip the racket\n

You can use either American or England grip,\n

American grip looks like this,\n

It's the same with previous videos,\n

your fingers must be strong,\na­nd this is England grip.

For single, you must use England grip.

If he used American grip, he wouldn't be\n

For the hands and legs movements,­\n

But for forehand on the right side,\n

The hand movement is still the same,\nthe racket mustn't go down

the head of the racket must be\nhigher than the grip.

He does a drop shot from\nthe back right side

here he must use England grip.

This technique can also be\nused veteran players.

You don't need to jump,\nand just swing your arm softly.

The movement is still the same,\n

This technique can be used for\nsingl­e or doubles.

In doubles, the front player \nshould keep moving.

I told the front player to move away, so you can see\n

So for overhead, left leg moves to the back,\n

For athletes age 9 to 14,\nwho don't need to jump high

they can do the technique this way.

For the joint practice, you can do it\n

That's all for this tutorial,\­nsee you next video.


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