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The Secrets of a 102-Year-Old Doctor for Keeping A Sharp Mind Dr. Gladys McGarey with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

so we have the inner physician which can

be contacted only as we contact that

inner aspect and that's what motivates

and juices up and actually activates our

brain our will our sense of who we are

what we are what we're doing no matter

what it is that you're doing if it's

being done in a loving attitude it'll

mean a lot more than of its own man I

gotta do this thing you know a grudging

attitude doesn't help a bit but if

you're doing it and you think wow you

know let's do this it's a whole juice of

Light of Life welcome back to the quick

brain podcast I am your host and your

brain coach Jim quick of quick learning

and we help people to learn quickly with

our quick reading our quick recall quick

Focus quick productivi­ty quick

confidence programs uh we know your time

is extremely valuable that's why we

provide this show with with no sponsors

and also their advice where you can

learn something in 10 or 15 20 minutes

max where you could use it that are very

practical and proven and Powerful things

that you could do to upgrade uh the most

magnificen­t gift that we have which is

which is the human mind and the topic

for today is how do you have a healthy

and sharp resilient mind at any age this

is something you know as as we grow

older you know we want to be able to not

be absent-min­ded we maintain our focus

our the vibrancy of our learning and our

life and in this conversati­on we have a

very special guest uh her name is Gladys

McGarry and MD she is a 102 year old

still practicing doctor and the mother

of holistic medicine she's she founded

Associatio­n and the author of the brand

new book the well-lived life if you're

watching this on YouTube and you're one

of our million plus subscriber­s you

could see a copy of it on the screen

right now this is 102 year old doctors

six secrets to health and happiness at

every age Dr Gladys thank you so much

for being on the quick brain podcast

for having me so wonderful to have you

can you start by maybe let's share some

insights with our audience on maybe the

connection between brain health and

mental well-being and and Longevity

what's your perspectiv­e on on these how

these three things come together your

brain health your mental well-being and

the start of it is having a purpose for

you have if you don't have any purpose

for a living you don't know why you're

living and it gets very complicate­d and

ultimately can you can lose your juice

but what I call the juice is that inner

life drive force which I call a

physician within each patient that I

work with incidental­ly I'm not an active

practice right now but I'm doing

consulting so it's okay so we have the

inner physician which can be contacted

as we contact that inner aspect and

that's what motivates and juices up and

actually activates our brain our will

our sense of who we are what we are what

are we doing and if we're doing it right

or what we're what what's going on in

our our world our own personal world and

that's what we're in charge of

and um the sad thing is that for me the

whole field of medicine has forgotten

and we think that we have to have a

doctor do something to us and for us

well they have things that they can do

that we are very helpful and really

important and really good but in the

long run we the patient has to figure

out how we're going to do that and work

um my oldest son is a retired orthopedic

and when he came to through Phoenix

ready to start his practice in Del Rio

he said to me Mom I'm really scared he

said I'm going into this world I'm going

to have people's lives in my hands I can

and I said well Carl if you think you're

the one that's doing the healing you

have a right to be scared but if you can

do your job the way you've been taught

to do it which is amazing orthopedic

if you can do your job the way you're

been taught to do it and then support

the patient as they do their own healing

you have nothing to be afraid of that

reality of how life moves through each

one of us and how we have not just the

responsibi­lity but the the privilege

of living this life and the way we

choose to do it and when I was reading

her book it talked a lot about holistic

medicine and you being an expert I was

wondering how how do you approach the

concept of lifelong learning and what

role do you think it plays in promoting

a healthy and and vibrant mind as we age

well I'd like to take you back to the

womb I think the the fetus the baby is

learning as the mother is learning I

think that learning doesn't just start

it is activated when you take your first

breath but it's been going on as you and

your mother have shared this nine month

or however long the time is living

and in that unit there is this living

process of learning which goes on all

the time and when you take your first

Breath You Take a responsibi­lity for it

until then it's been going on but you've

been benefiting from what your mother's

but at this point you take your own

responsibi­lity and with each breath you

do something new it's amazing you know

and so learning doesn't have to stop

when we finish school it doesn't have to

stop when someone retires so in your

experience what what are some of the

what are your favorite most effective

lifestyle changes that people who are

listening can make to enhance more of

their cognitive abilities their overall

mental health throughout their lives

well one of the really important things

is to realize that there are times when

life gets so tough and you can get stuck

and if you get stuck you're stuck

because life has to move life is a

moving process and if we don't keep it

so in the process of moving moving your

body you have your body's moving all the

time anyway your blood's flowing the

cells are doing what they're doing in

fact I've just had a whole influx of

stem cells that have been given to me

which I'm paying for but you know I'm

getting because I think that these stem

cells which are the very essence of the

cells within our own bodies that are

active and working all the time some of

us can have it opportunit­y received sort

of an influx of those however without

the whole process is to realize that the

thing the things that we think about the

things that we want to do the things

that activate us that make us feel like

we are alive are the things that make us

if we think that we're not alive

then and that that everything is dead

falls into itself and it and it dies so

it's always the process of looking

towards the light looking towards what

and I like to think of it as sort of

like having a little flashlight and

you're walking down your own special

path and that flashlight you can just go

as far as that light takes you

because then you can't see any further

but as long as you keep that life moving

and the light process going on you're

going to be taking steps to fill in that

realizatio­n of who and what we are and

what we can do no matter how stuck we

are we can find that little bit of light

and move towards it and we want to keep

um very bright right so many times

people shrink sometimes or dim their

light but you know you talk a lot in

your tedx talk which will put a link in

the show notes at jimquick.c­om forward

slash notes when you add love to it and

purpose you know to to life to learning

to labor to uh to laughter then it

really expands love is the greatest

healer of all it's it's the essence of

healing it's what allows a person to

it's that love aspect that activates the

life within another person because life

itself is sort of like a little seed it

has a shell around it and you can find

one of these cells in the pyramids you

know they've been there forever but you

have within that that shell whole

universe energy the universe energy is

within that child but it can't do

until that shell is broken and the only

way that happens is when love activates

and so it's that whole love life process

that is our life process it's what keeps

us going it's what keeps us alive it's

what makes us choose to do what it is

that we need to choose you know it's

it's that inner urge that latches on to

something and says yeah that that's good

for now and then you know this could

we can find something else if we need to

but if we don't we make do with my

mother's first date at one of her

important statements was well just make

do you know if you do you take what

you've got on hand and you and you make

it work you move it you talk from

activity going within it this is a

special message an invitation for our

students I want to tell you about a

revolution­ary unique powerful and proven

course to be able to upgrade your

learning and your life so not only can

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use the code podcast 15 and you'll get

instant enrollment as a thank you for

listening to our show we talked about

what you're feeding your mind and

learning always but you also have to

feed your your body and you study the

impact of nutrition on brain health

extensivel­y can you maybe discuss your

dietary principles that contribute to A

Healthy Mind and support that supports

this lifelong learning I like to eat

and it's not all you know I I like cake

sometimes and I like I like chocolate

and it makes it makes me happy to do

that you know we each have our own I

can't tell everybody that they should

or that they should stop doing this or

start doing that or I think that there

are certain principles that are really

basic to the Inner Health of our body

and and they're available to us if

you're not looking for them or for your

own if all you want is a a really good

hamburger every day well I go for it but

see you know it's going to be a little

bit tough on your body you know these

principles are there the nutrition has

been studied and re-studied and studied

again but only if we take in the

informatio­ns that's there and make it

personal will it be real to us I like to

say a good balanced diet is plenty of

water plenty of live foods and foods

that make you really know that this is

but pay attention to that because some

foods that are good for one person are

so just to say that everybody should eat

this that or the other thing I think is

maybe stretching it a little bit but you

know uh if you find that you there's

something that works for you well maybe

everyone's a little bit bio individual

um in in your book you address stress

and we know that chronic stress could

potentiall­y shrink the human brain so as

increasing­ly more prevalent in today's

fast-paced world right how do these

factors affect our brain health and our

mental health and are there strategies

that you go to to help manage or cope

with stress well you know life has

points of stress that are really

terrible sometimes you know and really

can put you on the edge of just saying

oh it's not worth it if you get to that

point if if it gets so heavy that you

know you can't carry this I pray that

you have a community that is helpful to

you I pray that it's part of your own

being activated to have someone

something that you can some person that

you can talk to some way that you can

share your love because love is the

greatest healer it's the greatest healer

you know you can take a ordinary process

in the medical field and do it without

love and it may not heal but if you have

activated that process whatever it is

and you're you really love what you're

doing and you love the patient that

you're working with or you love the

process that you're doing that'll change

activates it it's like that little seed

it takes the shell off and the life

force of the universe is there yeah you

talk about that in in your other book

which I also enjoyed as well that um and

part of Love is self-love it's not just

love from others my experience and no

love from another person is enough to

fulfill that need that our spirit has to

um it has a forward from our mutual

friend Dr Mark Hyman who I believe you

mentored also he's been on the show he

talks about this yes your biological

networks and certainly your neurologic­al

networks but it's also your social

networks the benefits that come from

fostering strong relationsh­ips and how

they contribute to a healthier uh more

well-mined yeah and I think it's so

important that you if you're at a point

where you're stuck look within yourself

for who it is or what it is outside of

yourself that you want to reach for you

have to look within yourself to see what

I call that the physician within you

and and that's the one I like to contact

when I work it was a patient is that

that activates anything that I might

want to do with and forth and about this

patient whatever that is so it's taking

what is available having the physician

within me say yeah that's a good thing

to do and then take it on and do it

whatever that is and no one else can

tell you that and even when you're going

back to labor and adding love to your

labor I feel like that if we could do

what we love or find the love in what we

do we could add five days you know to

our to every week because most people

look forward to only only the weekends

yeah really yeah so Dr Gladys what would

um as we wrap and I have a couple more

questions what would be maybe three

things pieces of advice for our

listeners who want to maintain a healthy

a sharp a more resilient mind throughout

that maybe we haven't discussed yet yes

um the first one is understand­ing that

you're the one that has to look for this

but you're not looking for it you're not

going to see it so it's the inner aspect

of yourself that has to look for what it

is that you want to do where you want to

take your life even if it's the

slightest thing even if it's just like

getting up and and walking out

throughout into the neighborho­od but

that's that active process of keeping

life moving is essential the second one

is to have a community we need other

people we are social beings there are a

few people that are Hermits and like to

live by themselves of somebody that's in

the Himalayas or something that's fine

that's their choice the rest of us need

other people that's why the coveted

thing was so hard for so many of us

because we couldn't do our normal stuff

we're just hugging people and and being

aware that the world is there and then

not the last but the third one is the

whole understand­ing that love itself is

the greatest healer no matter what it is

that you're doing if it's being done in

a loving attitude it'll mean a lot more

than of its own man I've got to do this

thing you know a grudgy attitude doesn't

help a bit but if you're doing it and

you're saying wow you know let's do this

it's a whole juice of Light of Life I

like that word juice because you use it

a lot in in the book also people finding

there and discoverin­g and developing

that juice and one of the questions I

asked Dr Gladys of a lot of our guests

is I'm a memory coach so memory is very

fascinatin­g to me and it's not just

rememberin­g facts and figures and

formulas and foreign languages it's

rememberin­g the things that are

important the things that make us laugh

you know our loved ones the things that

make life worth living talking about

rememberin­g how um how would you like to

be remembered I asked this question of a

but how would you like people to to

remember you and and your work in your

life well I'd like them to be going down

you know if if you're up at night and

you think Jesus I should I have to sleep

I have to sleep you're not going to go

saying you have to sleep but if you

realize that you need to sleep and you

got to go to sleep take a trip down

memory lane cherish those moments

and quite often in my midnight or

whatever Memory Lane trips I discovered

that there were times when I was doing

things that oh now that was really

really amazing and whatever it was you

so as we actually look for the things

that are great within our lives other

people will see them too because you

know you're shining the light and when

you're shining the light it doesn't just

Shine On You It Shines on everybody

around you it's it's like my six kids I

mean you know that ain't easy raising

these because each one of them had their

own opinion of what the they were going

to be doing and hold on and they were

but I actually was so inspired by them

it's like by a four-year-­old Bob who

came in and said to me Mama I know

something if I make a friend and he

makes a friend and he makes a friend

it's going to go all around the world

and come back to me so of course he's a

psychologi­st you know and then my

seven-year­-old son who came in one day

and he says to me I wish Jesus was here

and I says well I do too but why do you

want him and he says because I've got

uh I'm here maybe I can help he says you

don't have the answers and I said well

so he says okay how could God be if he'd

ever got started and I said oh well

maybe it's sort of like a circle it

doesn't have a beginning or an end he

says I knew you didn't have the answers

and he ran off but he's a presbyteri­an

Minister retired you know so young ones

allow you to see what it is that what

they're reaching for it's huge but it's

not just your kids it's your friends

it's the people around you what are they

doing what what's activating them what's

making them happy and and laugh when you

can find yourself laughing at almost

that's it that's everything a well-lived

life this book is full of encounters

with Mahatma Gandhi you know to

overcoming biases against women

Physicians and and as you mentioned

raising six children uh Dr Gladys has

amazing stories to share and her six

profound principles for living if you

want to find out more check out the

well-lived life uh 102 year old doctors

six secrets to health and happiness at

every age and so we'll definitely put

that all in the show notes at

jimquick.c­om forward slash notes as well

as a link to your website uh to social

media to your book to your tedx talk and

and so much more I really do believe the

life we live are the lessons we teach

others and so I want to thank you so

much for uh your inspiratio­n and your

example and and thank you so much for

being on the show you young ones if all

that I've done wouldn't amount to a hill

take it up and run with it well I know a

lot of our community is going to go

deeper with you and connect with you you

know and so I really wish everybody

who's listening I want to thank you I

want to make sure you make sure you

subscribe if you're one of our 1 million

YouTube subscriber­s there or subscribe

to the podcast and let us know what you

thought about this episode the six

lessons these are like the first

principles for for learning for living

and really for for loving and so I wish

everybody their days before that full of

laughter full of light uh full of uh

learning love and obviously uh jumps of

lots of yeah lots of Joy Dr Gladys thank


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