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More violence in Pakistan as Imran Khan appears in court with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

police battled to keep Imran Khan's

they use tear gas to stop them getting

to the police compound where he was

Courthouse Imran Khan's hearing was

behind closed doors this the only image

of the accused he pleaded not guilty to

the charge he unlawfully sold State

Security Forces pounced yesterday

arresting him in a courtroom over a

separate corruption case there are many

all of which he claims are politicall­y

campaignin­g in elections later this year

and through his lawyer Imran Khan told

his supporters to stay on the streets

he said tell the nation whether they

impose martial law or the law of the

army Chief a scene you have to stand

the Nationwide protests at his arrest

tell you how much support Imran Khan

the shower it's reported four people

were killed and many injured in clashes

in Lahore they faced water cannons and

yesterday they inflicted a great

atrocity on us they crossed a red line

but they should not expect us to sit

quietly we're going to teach them a

lesson that they'll remember all their

Imran Khan was ousted as prime minister

no-confide­nce vote he's been agitating

ever since a dangerousl­y popular thorn

in the government­'s side and now Fierce

critic of the military many believe

with protesters now attacking military

headquarte­rs some observers fear the

collapse of the state the biggest engine

is that elections are supposed to be

um and I doubt it very much that it

would happen What will it mean it will

mean that the civilian government will

have to depend more and more on the

military and that is the danger that

military interventi­on will create a very

very dangerous situation it's a very big

future I've never seen this kind of

as protests continue into the night

troops have been deployed in several

speaking to the nation this evening the

Prime Minister Shabazz Sharif said no

one would be allowed to conspire against

Pakistan he compared the action of Imran

political upheaval is nothing new in

this country but many fear this could


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