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Milestones Series: India Pak war, 1971 05 February, 2022 with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

third december 1971 to 16th december

a 13 days war that changed the geography

and the historical narrative in south

this third war fought between india and

pakistan saw india emerging as the

decisive winner while midwifing birth of

on the eve of december 3rd 1971 pakistan

launched a series of air strikes against

signaling the official beginning of the

the war saw the indian political class

the army air force navy intelligen­ce

agencies as well as paramilita­ry forces

come together to give befitting response

on december 16 1971 over 92 000 west

pakistani soldiers sailors airmen

paramilita­ry personnel policemen and

civilians surrendere­d to india in east

pakistan after 13 days of the war

india two reported some co-little damage

the instrument of surrender was signed

between pakistan's lieutenant general

aak nyazi and india's lieutenant general

js aurora in dhaka on december 16 1971

this was the largest surrender ever


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