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Crash Course Zoology Preview with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

Hi, I’m wildlife ecologist Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant­,\n

I’ve been studying wild animals in their\n

I discovered my interest in wild animals when\n

shows for hours on end and wanted to explore\n

I later learned that there are entire fields\n

Zoology is the study of those animals and\n

And the scientists who study zoology are zoologists who

of species changed their form and function\n

other and the rest of the Earth.

Others are making medicine from spider venom,\n

or turning hagfish slime into bulletproo­f\nvests.

Zoology is a big field and it overlaps with\nmany more.

Like ecology, where we study how living things\n

These days my work focuses on the way animal\n

The work I do helps us better understand wild\n

to save endangered species from going extinct.\x­a0

It’s super fun, but also very challengin­g\nwork.

I travel around the world and have worked\n

gorillas in central Africa, grizzly bears\n

cougars in California­, lions in Tanzania,\­nand more. Oh my!

And those are just 5 of the 1.5 million animal\n

There are millions more out there that are\nyet to be discovered­.

And within their incredible diversity, there\n

Every single one of them is unique, and at\n

The next 14 episodes will give you a taste\n

kingdom and the surprising ways they’ve\n

We’re going to dive deep into how animals\n

eat, how they sense their environmen­t, and\nhow they behave.

And through it all, we’ll show you how evolution\­n

how the only way to make sense of the truly\n

We’ll spend a whole episode about animals\n

of another episode about animals that sense\n

Just wait until you hear how many beetles\n

and then evolved their current body shape\n

It’s a wild world out there, hundreds of\n

can give us the tools to make sense of it\nall.

Thanks for watching this episode of Crash\n

in partnershi­p with PBS and NATURE.

It is shot on the Team Sandoval Pierce stage\n

and made with the help of all these nice people.

If you’d like to help keep Crash Course\n


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