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3 BADMINTON JUMPING SMASH - Teknik Smash (part-4) with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

This isn't how you do jumping smash.

This is jumping smash, but with drop shot.

Hi, badminton lovers wherever you are.

In this video I will give a tutorial\n­on how to do jumping smash.

Jumping smash is a smash hit\nwhile jumping.

There three ways to do jumping smash,\n

So there are three moves, depending\­non where the birdie is.

When it's right above the head, in front\n

So how do you do jumping smash depending\­n

There are three techniques­, let's take a look.

This is the basic move for vertical jump.

Where the birdie is on top of the head.

And then you jump by bending the knees

Your body must bend backward,\­n

The one in Grey is also doing it wrong.

The body should bend backward more.

It's like when you're blocking in volleyball­.

To practice this you can try vertical jumping\n

There are several athletes that I train,\n

and which ones are doing it incorrectl­y.

here is the good example of it.

So you move as if you lift a ball up.

Usually I practice outside while holding a ball

and then I throw it on the ground.

Like when you would practice volleyball­.

Since they are inside, they're not using a ball.

Next is using a racket, so you jump twice\n

Do you still remember how to play\n

If you're behind you do smash, and\n

And your partner who is in front must\nfill the empty space

So you move twice just like that.

So this is only the basic or warm-up,\n

For those of you who want to warm-up\n

one or two courts should be good,\nor behind the court.

So don't play immediatel­y, but try\nto do some warm-up first.

You can warm-up using these moves.

Because after doing these moves,\n

For newcomers, click the text PB KUSUMA TANGKAS\n

Next is practicing using birdies.

The one in the middle is still new,\n

So the move consists of jumping upward\nwh­ile bending the knees.

You do vertical jumping smash when\n

When I train them, I always tell each\n

Not hundreds of times since this move\ndrai­ns a lot of stamina.

Since the body is bending backward,\­n

Children shouldn't do this,\n

Kids younger than 12 shouldn't do this move\n

And their knees might get hurt.

Old people shouldn't do this as well,\n

You don't need to copy other players,\n­just do what you can do.

I made this video because some adult players\n

If you like the video please like the\nvideo and subscribe.

Jumping forward using only one leg.

The difference from before is you use\n

For double jumping or vertical jump, it can't be done\n

if the birdie is in front of you, you must \n

He is practicing with a birdie.

You do one step and jump with one leg.

You can watch my old video to learn\nhow to train your legs.

It's the main practice on how to train your legs.

If you haven't subscribed yet, it's okay,\n

and click the playlist, you have \nplenty of options there.

This is the third variation, the technical name\n

Jumping smash with your legs\nmove like scissors.

So you don't just spin your legs,\nbut you must lift them up.

From starting position with right leg in\n

The pressure point is on the right leg.

You can use this move on singles, or \n

If the second variation using left leg as \nthe pressure point

and the first variation using both legs

this third variation is using the right leg.

The position of the birdie is also different.

For this scissors technique the birdie is behind us\n

we only need to do one step, and then jump.

You can already reach the birdie behind you.

You jump as high as possible and swat the \n

Don't forget to grip your racket tightly.

This athlete is still prepubesce­nt and \n

Please subscribe so this channel can grow,\n

and don't forget to click all the bells.

If you click all the bells I can reply to you easily,\n

This is an example of the training.

They practice in pair, one is feeding the birdie,\n

Any trainers can try this method.

So that you can observe them.

That's all the tutorial from me, \nsee you next video.


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