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前夫竟在前妻埋葬這天大婚還把骨灰當場撒掉沒想到從前乖乖的妻子竟重生後穿著性感內衣跟別的男人....總裁坐不住了 重生後前夫變醋王天天打臉全集短劇甜寵灰姑娘逆襲霸道總裁都市情感劇 with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

My sister was forced to death by you

Jiang Yingzi, a guy like him can still die.

He won't ask me to shoot alone

I'm going to call him right now and tell him to get out.

Husband, please stop hitting me. Can you see me here?

Hello, the user you dialed is currently unavailabl­e.

Are you a fucking human being here?

Abandon dignity and bottom line

You married someone else less than ten minutes after he passed

He disgusted me for eight years

I can just marry the one I love

Husband, how could you say such heartless words?

I asked you to kneel down and repent in front of our lover

You are just playing fake death

This urn contains just some flour, right?

This urn contains some flour, right?

How dare you do this to my sister

Come out and see me pointing at someone else

It was you who forced him to death

Stop hiding when you are about to die

I think you found the woman you love well

I remembered that you were so sweet that you wanted to divorce

It's the one that makes you desperate

Jiang Yunci came to my office

Why don't you come in quickly?

After eight years of hard work, you crushed me to ashes.

Associate lawyer, if you have anything to say, just say it.

Who told you to talk to me in this tone?

Please remember the deputy lawyer

He also said that once a week is the time for married life

Didn’t you ask grandpa to force me to miss you?

How many times do you want me to say it?

You are barely qualified to use it to vent your desires.

But don't ever try to get pregnant with my child

Don't let me call you husband

Don't let me announce our relationsh­ip suddenly

Every time, they force me to take birth control pills before and

And use the ugliest words in the world to capture me

I've had enough of this kind of life

What tricks are you playing again?

Then let's play a divorce or not divorce game

Is this what you call a divorce or not divorce game?

Do you want me to continue taking it off?

Qiuhan, you are worse than a beast

If you are in pain, why don't you want to get divorced?

People who love too much always hate

Qiuhan, you are worse than a beast

Can't you just get divorced quickly?

Next week's school discipline

You will fall in love with warmth at first sight

You tried your best to force me to divorce

I just want to see my past life after I die

Do you get the happiness you want?

Next week you will be eager to force me to divorce

Let’s see how you behave like a monster

Jiang Yinci will only beg me to touch him

It's absolutely impossible to hide

Gratitude from the bottom of my heart

The despicable me in the past is dead

Have you been stimulated by something?

This is the psychiatri­st I know

If you have the guts, take your time and see for yourself.

We can just settle the divorce matter ourselves.

No need to enter the family affairs of both parties

You only need to consider the property division.

What kind of trick is this woman playing?

Need to investigat­e carefully

After Miss Jiang left the company

I went directly to the hospital to see a gynecologi­st.

Is there something fishy about Xiao Wang who delivers medicine to

After checking, Xiao Wang has already admitted it.

The birth control pills given this month are all fake.

It turns out that woman just filed for divorce

It just makes me relax my vigilance

I want to take advantage of this opportunit­y to conceive my child

Then he entangled me tighter and tighter

I want to slap it in his face

You want me to have a bachelor party this afternoon to celebrate

I thought it would be more lively

Unexpected­ly, friends of friends

I also came here with Fu Xiaohan.

It doesn't matter. I'll play with him separately and it won't

If you are really my brother, then

Don’t even suggest a single punctuatio­n mark.

Come, let's get to know each other quickly

I really underestim­ated this woman

You can actually resist not sitting next to me

No different than being single

Even if you haven’t divorced before

Isn’t that heartless man single if he doesn’t go home all year

My father can also be a good companion

My ex-husband sends luggage photos every hour

Posted for a month continuous­ly

It was so exciting that I got depression

Now this is provoking by pretending not to know each other

A disgusting wife with decent methods

Looks a bit like my scheming guy

A disgusting wife with decent methods

Jiuhan, you have a bad stomach

You can see them showing off their affection like this.

He won't eat anything handed to him

It turns out that his so-called mysophobia

It's just a reason to stop me from getting close to him.

Don't want to mess around anymore

Inspiring to eat, drink and have fun

Be a heartless and happy beautiful little rich woman

How could he bear it so well today?

Normally, I would have gone crazy and flipped the table over.

He used to be hot and not happy

Nowadays, the taste has changed so much.

And in the past, his eyes wanted to be on me

If I lose an eyebrow, he will notice it

Why don't you even look at me now?

Just use juice instead of bar

As expected, he is taking good care of his body to prepare for

We all come to the club and don’t drink.

As expected, he is taking good care of his body to prepare for

Who stipulates that you must drink when you come to the club?

Brother told him what I came to do

Today is my sister’s divorce party

I’ll give you 100 top cards for you to choose from.

So how can it be considered too much?

You just saw too little of the world before.

This is the informatio­n of the 100 top brands

I also checked the physical examinatio­n report for you.

Be young and energetic, love sports and have good looks

Secondly, the height must be over 1.8 meters

Dress to make legs look slimmer

Is there any more? Is there any more?

In short, it must be perfect from head to toe

Just to be better than some scumbags

1,000 times better than 100 million times better

You guys are just fooling around

You guys are just fooling around

That's right, where is the nonsense?

Beauty, why don't you consider me?

Sorry, I plan to find someone younger in the future

Those over 20 years old will not be considered

Really? I happen to have a younger brother at home

I’ll introduce you to each other another day.

If your mouth is dirty, let me wipe it for you.

Xiao Han, come and have another bite

Don’t you have hands yourself?

Let him wipe your mouth for you

What I do to pay the lawyer seems to have nothing to do with you.

Don't think I don't know what you're thinking

Come here and flirt with other men.

I never expected to meet you here

I will only become more and more disgusted with you

Your dislike for me actually still has room for decline

Only then can you hit the bottom directly?

Do you know what you are talking about?

Please raise your dislike for me to the highest level

Everyone, let me excuse you for a moment.

I'm wandering deep in my memory

Find the remaining temperatur­e

I wake up in the middle of the night with only me

Why did you change your tactics?

I've seen too many so-called serious things like yours.

Thinking that using the threat of divorce to divide property can

I deserve whatever amount of property I get.

Although I am not the winner in Gu Jiuhan’s love

Then that person will definitely not be you

There are so many women around me that I can’t even count them on

But I am definitely the most special one in his heart

The women around Jiuhan have never been together for more than a

But I've been with her for almost a month

He will break up with you at 11:05 tomorrow

You set the alarm clock and prepare to cheat

Now I really feel that I have been reborn

Able to clearly know the developmen­t direction of everything

Young Master Temple: My afterlife is limited

Didn’t Mr. Yu Xinggu just shovel my body?

Why do you still think I'm trying to catch you?

Let me clarify one last time

The more disappoint­ed this woman is

I want her more and more uncontroll­ably

We haven't finished talking yet. Why did you leave?

You saw me and Fu Jiuhan alone together

I can't get divorced from this marriage.

Jiuhan only cares about his father’s marriage outside.

Come out, weren't you very impressive just now?

You were so fierce with me in the toilet

Just enough to show off your football

Jiang Yingci, I know you are inside

But you don’t even dare to see me once

Do you know that 9han loves me?

You feel ashamed in front of me, right?

Do you know what Jiuhan said to me?

I hate you from physical to psychologi­cal aspects

Every time I'm forced to touch you

It takes several hours to take a shower

When I sleep, I dream about being oppressed by ghosts.

Pretending to be quite energetic

He's probably so disgusted that he won't be able to get hard for

Now you are going crazy on me, where is your pillow?

Now you are going crazy on me, where is your pillow?

Didn't he say that you see me irritable?

Could you please explain it?

Sister Jiang just kept humiliatin­g me with words

I also like to play passionate­ly

It's not like there's something dirty on your back, right?

He doesn't have any jealousy at all

Watch me blow through his mask

Why don't you buy the condoms for me?

When you were with me in the previous life

They always force me to take medicine

You still treat Xiao Yun like this

Actually, I think Lawyer Feng doesn’t need to ask this question.

If you're pregnant, you'll give birth.

If you're pregnant, you'll give birth.

Why don't you snatch me and touch another woman?

How can you have such a thing?

What do you want to do by keeping the other two?

Be a human being, especially a man

You must be careful about your physical strength

Just have a clear understand­ing

Found out I have another woman

He even threatened me by cutting my wrists

I think you should calm down first

Your lover is watching right next to you

If you see me and Xiao with your own eyes

Even the clouds didn't respond

I just believe you really want to divorce me

please start your performanc­e

I knew you, this woman, were playing tricks.

What do you think, my grandpa will come over and help you?

If a celebrity likes it, then invest in it.

Then can I go to work every day?

What does it mean to go to work?

They definitely want to be my brother-in­-law

Thank you, brother. Only brother is good in the world.

Do you know what you are talking about?

You have no control over what I talk about

I'm already standing here watching you perform with him

Now you believe that I really want to marry you

I'm going to find my brother

You don't want to go anywhere

What is the goal you want to achieve?

Associate lawyer, let me make two points first.

Second, my purpose is very simple

You rescued me from the river

At that time, I promised to save my life

Now I have promised that you despise me

Why do you seem like a different person?

The free and easy drama is really good.

I was almost deceived by you

It's a pity that I know your dreams very well

What did he do when he went to the hospital this afternoon?

Are you looking for someone to follow me?

This is a necessary means for me to investigat­e as a lawyer

will be used as evidence in court

No, let’s explain it privately

If you are asked to cut down a tree, then cut down the tree.

Everyone is equal before the truth

Assistant Zhang told him in front of him

I'm going to the hospital this afternoon

Miss Jiang went to the hospital to prescribe medicine today.

Is it a medicine to recuperate the body and prepare for

You really hide your secrets

Change the contracept­ive pill I feed you

Then he pretended to file for divorce

Then all kinds of demons aroused my interest

Let me follow your routine step by step

Tell him all the medicines he went to the doctor to prescribe.

Did he take every brand of pregnancy pills?

I've opened it all and processed it.

I prescribed every brand of medicine.

It's not a pregnancy pill, it's a birth control pill

Take one pill of all birth control pills

Until that doctor swore to God

Are you sure he is taking birth control pills and not pregnancy

I just told you this in private

Deputy lawyer gossips about your face

I went to get it prescribed after I found out that grandpa had put

I don’t know what label you want to label me with again.

Does he really want to divorce me?

It's getting late, Lawyer Fu.

It's all because of his hesitant speech.

Did you see his smug expression­?

Forget it, this woman is really ignorant

Am I some kind of tiger beast?

I also need to take all brands of birth control pills

Miss Jiang won’t pester you anymore

Let me take you back to your private house first.

Sorry, I plan to find someone younger in the future

Those over 20 years old will not be considered

You go, I'll sleep on this tonight

If you don't open the door, I'll leave

You will definitely open the door in the middle of the night and

Why is Fu Jiuhan still here?

Sure enough, you still want to attract my attention

School anniversar­y in two days

It was my grandfathe­r who forced me to do so.

Otherwise I won't take you there

Even if my grandfathe­r forced me in my last life

Fu Jiuhan is not willing to take me to the school anniversar­y

It was also on the school anniversar­y

He fell in love with warmth at first sight

Deputy lawyer, we are not on the right track.

This is our new style this season

Brother, please call me out early in the morning

I drank and took you back with me

Oops, he wishes I would leave him alone.

Why would you still bully me now that you have everything you

I promised you to handle your own affairs.

That is my sister since childhood

If you have anything, you must tell me

Actually, I think this one suits you very well.

You also went to this store to buy clothes

This is the most famous private server store in the country

It’s even better than internatio­nal big names.

Knowing that I want to take her to attend the school anniversar­y

She also specifical­ly asked for leave and asked her brother to

Then you should take a closer look.

Otherwise I will buy her later

I'm a regular customer of this store

We spend a lot of money here every year

Do you particular­ly like this skirt?

Didn't you realize that you don't suit this dress?

I don’t have to say whether this dress suits me or not.

It doesn’t matter if you say it

Of course, it sounds better and looks better when worn.

Anyway, I wear the same thing

Leave it to those who deserve it

Why is the waiter still standing there?

Packaging is what I like first.

Simply pay twice the price and I will give it to you.

Why did he give up his skirt so readily?

Shouldn't he tear off his skirt?

You can't let others get it either.

Then don’t give fulfillmen­t to your family.

How about you help me choose a few more sets?

You just watch your wife being raped by someone else

Didn't he keep saying he wanted to divorce me?

You don't really want a divorce

You don't really want a divorce

My brother just can't bear to see me being bullied

Associate lawyer, don't understand what he means.

I thought it was the deputy lawyer who found out I was here.

You must have made an appointmen­t with an important customer

These clothes are all good, I like them all

Thank you, you are so kind to me

Sister Zhang, where are you?

Haven't you noticed anything after looking at it for so long?

Does Sister Jiang only buy this one?

Look, Jiuhan usually gives me clothes.

They are given in several pieces.

Jiuhan usually doesn’t give you money to spend.

I'm afraid you don't even have an ordinary one

This one, this one, and this one

This one, this one, and this one

The rest will be wrapped up for me

The lady will pack it up and deliver it directly to your home.

This store was opened by our boss within 6 days of Miss Er

It's just that he thought these clothes were too gorgeous before

He likes to keep a low profile

This is the store my mother opened for me

Only mother is good in the world

Your mother taught you not to be a mistress

Don't be so reasonable after becoming a mistress.

My sister likes to be high-profi­le now

She will pay all the money for future visits to the store first.

If you like it, just leave it

Booking the entire movie is the best

I also prepared snack cakes for you

Xiaoyu, this packet of paper is just for wiping your tears.

The fact that the two of them broke up shows that he loves the

He also said yesterday that you would break up with me at 11:05

Xiaohan, am I not doing well enough?

It's all just to make him jealous and jealous of you

Now he doesn't take you seriously at all

In fact, Xiao Yun and I have never had a relationsh­ip.

I actually just wanted to make you angry on purpose

Where did you put the contract you signed with Mr. Wang?

Why don't you reply to my message?

Do you have any recommenda­tions?

Why don’t you reply to my messages when I send messages to Moments

Assistant Zhang, please come in and handle it.

Ah, I was just about to report this to you.

Didn’t you give your order before?

I caught him absent from work

Help me deal with so many things every day

You actually drove him straight away

Of course it can't be opened

I also need to give him a raise

You fired him without investigat­ing clearly.

You should go to express condolence­s first

Then I think you should not go to him today.

I went to see him who disappeare­d today with Master Jiang.

Moreover, this young master Jiang also posted a video

It’s even trending on searches

My sister used to be a 999 pure gold lover

Today I took him through 8 consecutiv­e games and he disappeare­d.

I finally came to my senses and drafted a divorce agreement

I want to go back and question him face to face.

If you go, won't you let him succeed? Isn't that right?

He had to watch 8 movies to fully understand

It means he didn't steal it at all

You almost never came here before

A married woman dresses like this

Didn't get home until midnight

What did you say happened to me?

A married woman dresses like this

Didn't get home until midnight

What did you say happened to me?

How I dress depends on whether I like it or not

People who wear it every day look like dogs

Have you done enough caries?

It's time for you to see an eye doctor

Who taught you your recent transforma­tion?

I'm too lazy to explain to you

This is the divorce agreement I printed

See if you have anything to add

Let me not see this ugly thing with the wrong format

A large character should be enlarged and centered by size 3

I didn’t expect you to follow me for so long

I haven't learned such a simple thing yet

Okay, I'll go and retype it right now.

You won't die again, will you?

I just like to tear it apart

You like tearing it apart, right?

Here are 500 divorce agreements

The deputy lawyer can tear it up

Wait until you get tired of it

Why are you preparing so many divorce agreements­?

There is a wedding invitation when you get married

Of course, when you get divorced, you must also have a divorce

Only then can there be a beginning and an end.

Otherwise, my three aunts and six wives are all around me.

Strong words: You are no longer an 18-year-ol­d girl

After divorcing me, we got married for the second time.

Can you still find someone with better conditions than me?

See if I can find someone better than you

Qiao Enci, aren’t you just jealous of Xiao En?

Aren’t you just jealous of cigarettes­?

Can I just sleep with you in my arms?

Why didn't you listen when I told you not to wear that thing?

The collar is open to just below the chest.

I think there's nothing wrong with me wearing this.

If grandpa hadn't forced me to treat you well in school

Do you think I've ever cared about you?

You don't seem to have any friendship with him, right?

Don't let your pride get in your way.

Therefore, since he is the protagonis­t of the school anniversar­y

Why don't I take you to our school?

I have something to tell you

For once, take a walk around by yourself first

I'll call you starting at 7 o'clock

In the past ten years, I didn’t see what Nuan Nuan looked like.

How could I let go of such a good opportunit­y?

Please don't disgust me, okay?

Wouldn’t it be that we can’t see famous scenes?

But why should I look at that dog?

A man falls in love with another woman at first sight

It will rain heavily in the city today

You also have the hope of recovery

Weren’t you afraid of nothing before?

I heard thunder when I turned into a soul in my previous life

I am always afraid of the days when I will be reborn these days

In what capacity are you asking me to help you?

If you don't want me to take you away, forget it

Assistant to the head office, right?

Sure enough, he still doesn't want to leave me

Even if you are fired, you still want to deal with it as me

Let's just forget about yesterday'­s absence from work.

It's going to rain heavily soon

It's going to rain heavily soon

Say you won't make trouble anymore

I will never mention divorce again.

I can pretend nothing happened

Beautiful and beautiful, go to attend the school anniversar­y

There's no way you can't even think about it

You've been making trouble for so long

Don't you just want to tie me up?

Jiang Yici, you know the relationsh­ip between our two families

It is impossible for the elders in the family to agree

You have plenty of ways to get them to agree

Stop telling me what you mean here.

In this way, you will be submissive to me.

Yes, I will try to accept you in the future

Let everyone know you are a rich wife

Jiangnes, you have thought clearly.

This is the most remote place in the school

Normally no one would pass by here.

What would you do if you met some bad guy?

Like you, who is neither convex nor protruding in the back.

It’s also the blessing you gained in your previous life

You go, you come down and go

Don't know what is good or bad

Okay, let me see how stubborn you are

No matter what effort you put in

I won't have a single thought about you

In order to verify this result

You have the nerve to say you want to take me away

As expected, you never contact me

Is it thundering and raining today?

That girl's figure looks so familiar

That girl's figure looks so familiar.

The legs may be lonely and gone, absolutely

You just said thank you to me

You're welcome. What's your name?

It's such a warm and nice name.

Tonight it all makes you and me look up

But how should I return the clothes to you?

Just send the clothes to Fujiu Law Firm

You shouldn't be senior Fu Guhan, right?

You are the legend of our law school

After graduation­, he founded Jiuhan Law Firm

The manager handles thousands of cases and never fails

I didn't expect that I would meet my idol here

His first meeting with Nuan Nuan

Said that he was full of enthusiasm and vitality

That look of joy and admiration

Let him want it so much for the first time

Protect one's impulses and beauty

What I couldn’t get after 8 years of hard work and companions­hip.

But he only got it with one look

How to stand in the rain and get wet

When did my brother return to China?

Why didn't you call me to pick you up?

Come back and take care of some things and leave in two days.

Is Brother Zhiyuan the elder brother of Senior Jiuhan?

It turns out that this is the relationsh­ip

No wonder Brother Fu found me in my previous life

Hope to work together to dismantle Fu Jiu Han Yu Nuan

It's a pity that we both failed

Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new

Who in the family understand­s?

When I saw my mistress, I even wanted to compare her names.

Brother, I will send Nuannuan back to the dormitory first.

It's easy for him to catch a cold if his clothes are wet.

In your previous life, you had to attend my wedding even if you

It will make you 10,000 times and 100 million times worse than

It was indeed love at first sight

Jiang Yin even calls you a shining billionair­e

Warmth sounds like an ordinary little green flower.

You two have been married for so long

Why is my brother still treating you so badly?

He will be like this until I die

You can't get a taxi in such heavy rain

Okay, let me treat you to dinner another day

Remember to take a shower and change your wet clothes when you get

I'll have someone make ginger soup for you and leave it at your

Remember to bring it in for a drink

We are all a family, no need to be so polite

I'm leaving first. Come in quickly.

Leave both laughter and tears behind

There are too many questions unanswered

Then I turned around and started looking for my brother.

You brought warmth to your home

You brought warmth to your home

Is there any law that stipulates that I must reply to you?

you have the right to remain silent

When I suspect you have the intention to cheat

I have the right to know your whereabout­s

To avoid the risk of me being cheated

What's more, that person is still my brother

Your brother asked you to give him your favorite woman

You fell in love with warmth at first sight, right?

It seems like she really likes it

That’s how big your reaction is

People like you who do whatever it takes to get everything

Do you know what feelings are?

A bit of a moral high ground

Negative Jiuhan, you are more ruthless than anyone else

His blood is colder than anyone else's

Your sudden change is because of my brother

When you touch me, my waist is weak and my legs are weak

I got goosebumps all over my body.

Two words are written all over the body

Even though we are married now

Marital rape is generally not considered a crime of rape

Apply for resignatio­n first and then divorce

There is also an intern who has not graduated.

Doesn’t the company never recruit interns?

It took me a year to pass the exam.

This is the first time we have made an exception for compound

I don’t know who the other party is.

My name is Wen Nuan and I am the intern who just joined today.

He never explained here in his previous life

I was originally worried about coming here

I don’t know anyone except Senior Jiuhan.

It turns out that my favorite sister is also here

Senior, I will help you wash your clothes and bring them with

Isn’t there serious mysophobia in our village?

A person who usually seems to be cold and unkind

But something happened to pull me back last time.

I can sue you for intentiona­l injury

I didn't even know he was allergic to pollen

Stop pretending that you haven’t investigat­ed any of the women

You deliberate­ly brought the flowers in front of him. You are so

I put this flower on the table from the moment I walked in.

Wen Nuan said it looked good, so I gave it to him.

He's allergic to pollen and you gave him flowers

Which children do you think you count?

Who said this to buy it for me?

I have an upset stomach and I'm leaving now.

Whether it is the past life or this life

Fu Jiuhan's preference for warmth

You know the situation of our family

Grandpa doesn’t want me to get too close to Jiuhan

Anyway, I want to thank you for what happened yesterday.

I just want to treat you to dinner

Stir-fried pork, pine nuts and corn with chili pepper

And your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs

Add a side of stir-fried vegetables

Is four dishes enough for the two of us?

How do you know I like sweet and sour pork ribs?

Ask Yingzi to hand over something to you

Sister Yingzi, I was curious yesterday

What is your relationsh­ip with brother Zhiyuan?

Could it be that they are boyfriend and girlfriend­?

Are they really just friends?

But I think brother Zhiyuan is very kind to sister Yingzi

Who ordered the sweet and sour pork ribs?

My brother doesn't eat sweets

Sweet is what Brother Fu must order when we have dinner together.

It's okay, so just eat if you like

The waiter helped me change the tableware

Don't know what is good or bad

If you follow him, your marriage will last longer.

The twisted melon is not that delicious

Only freshly picked ones are delicious

Will you find someone you like and have something in common with?

For example, both have the surname He

I want to wait until after the divorce to do these things

You take your time and think about it. I can wait.

I won't get divorced without waiting.

I will try my best to steal the warmth

thank you for everything you have done for me thank you

Your brother asked you to give him your favorite woman

You asked me this question then

I'll tell you a secret quietly

Did I fall in love with him at first sight?

So sister, I want to say that you are the assistant to the senior

This records the replicator­'s preference­s.

Just take a look for reference

The senior wants us to attend Mr. Wang’s signing meeting

I was so valued on the first day I entered the company

After successful­ly signing the contract in the previous life

Fu Jiuhan held a celebratio­n banquet

As a result, Jiuhan took out a dish

Fight the fake video of my cheating in marriage

Fu Jiuhan actually announced his divorce in public

It made me the laughingst­ock of the whole city

I will carry this with me until I die

It's okay. Let's go change into clothes.

The deputy lawyer can go and sign the contract.

When did my figure become so good?

Oh, the deputy lawyer is so polite.

How could I find such an elegant place?

Assistant Jiang, you found this, right?

Hey, Mr. Wang, let’s go over there and have a drink first.

Do you know how expensive this dress is?

What should you do if your hand wrinkles after holding it like

Give me clothes as clothes racks

This lady will compensate you 10 pieces

Fu Jiuhan's eyes wanted to stick to Jiangzi's body

No, I can't let things develop like this.

Let's go quickly. Don't keep Mr. Wang waiting too long.

Last month’s performanc­e was still very good.

I have one cup and you have three cups

The same direction as in the previous life

Forget it, after signing the contract, we have a celebratio­n

Just be patient for a few minutes

It’s not that the deputy lawyer doesn’t drink.

Mr. Wang, I will do this first as a token of my respect.

That deputy lawyer is waiting for a drink for Assistant Jiang.

Assistant Jiang is not feeling well today

I remember when we first met

Assistant Jiang drank two cases of beer

His face changed after drinking

Leave him on the street and let him take a taxi home

Why don't we get down to business?

Mr. Wang, this is the contract we prepared

Take a look and see if you think there's nothing wrong with it

All future legal matters for your company

Our law firm is responsibl­e for everything

We have reached a consensus on price

Associate lawyers can never fail

It's just that you're trying to work for me

According to the developmen­t of previous lives

I'll take this glass of wine and pour it over his head

After Mr. Wang went crazy in his previous life

Jiang Yingzi picked up a glass of wine and knocked it off his

As a result, Mr. Wang not only did not move in

I signed the contract quickly and happily.

Do you think what I said is wrong?

Is there anything else about you that deserves my high regard?

Don’t regard platform as strength

I won't allow you to insult the senior like this

How could you do this, Hunhun Nuan?

This is obviously what I do for money.

Therefore, sister, as the senior’s assistant

How could he let others bully him?

And are you, Mr. Wang, awake now?

After all, you are also the president of a large group.

You should know what ideals and hard work are, right?

Being a good lawyer has always been the ideal of senior students

He has been striving for this goal

A true and responsibl­e partner

He didn't just do what I did in my previous life

Even what I said in my previous life is exactly word for word.

Jiang Yingzi is stupid, right?

Next, just wait for Mr. Wang to praise me.

Mr. Wang, this is my new school girl.

I want him to know that you are with him

Mr. Wang shouldn’t have listened to my remarks

I feel that it is not easy to start a business at my age.

Then is it my only important responsibi­lity?

Bastard, you still haven't apologized to me

Something is wrong, it shouldn't be like this

Do you still have to hold on a little longer?

Senior, because of your reputation­, everyone will only rush to

You don’t need this at all to cooperate

The so-called capitalist­s who know nothing

He did what I did in my previous life.

Said what I said in my previous life

Is this the act of imitating a concubine?

Why are you still standing there?

Okay, great, why are you still standing there?

Don't touch me, don't move, help me

Mr. Wang, don’t be the same as him.

You bastard, why don't you apologize quickly?

It's too late to apologize now

I not only have to settle this account with him

I still have to settle with you

Help me, I know you can find a way

If the contract is not signed, it is not signed.

Then the progress of the divorce will be delayed, right?

Mr. Huang, please calm down first.

Don't worry, Deputy Lawyer will definitely deal with him.

I don’t need anyone to explain to me

I'll take it upon myself to explain it to myself

Mr. Huang, I know you are very angry now.

In my previous life, I was not as incompeten­t as Nuan Nuan.

I gave Mr. Wang what he wanted

It also showed his identity as the daughter of the Jiang family.

I don't have to worry about women

But this woman is called warm

You must kneel down and apologize to me

I don’t need to meet with lawyer Gu

You must kneel down and apologize to me

What on earth did you say to Mr. Wang?

Made him even more angry with me

You don’t bear the consequenc­es of what you do.

How can it be that you think you did this yourself?

Mr. Wang will also praise what you have done.

What did you whisper to Mr. Wang just now?

Brother Zhiyuan was the same before

Brother Zhiyuan said, let me tie your heart tightly

This way he won't have any burden on his heart

Strong word, have you forgotten what I told you?

Don't mess with my brother again

When it comes to marriage, whatever you say is what you say

Have you seen me provoke Brother Fu with your own eyes?

Forget it, but you have nothing to explain

You have no control over what I want to do

You just want to sever ties with me completely

What happened today is so offensive

I will be your legal advisor for a year

Jiangyin Temple is left at your disposal

Maintain the dignity of seniors

Isn't that what you should do as the one who calls the shots?

Zheng Enze forbids you to ask for warmth

I'm going to cooperate with others

I won’t allow you to remember what happened today.

Vice lady, it’s so refreshing­.

Thank you for the generous gift, haha

Fu Jiuhan, you are a beast and I am myself

Fu Jiuhan, you are a beast, I will commit suicide

Before the resignatio­n report is approved

You forgot the employment contract you signed with me

In fact, that contract is invalid

Welcome letter from Ms. Zhang and Lawyer Tie

It's better to wait until your resignatio­n report is approved.

If you don’t have the goods, come to me and give me a secret.

The senior is not good, right?

We really have to leave Sister Yingzi here alone

Little darling, you have nowhere to escape

I won't jump, I'm warning you

I am Jiang Yici, the daughter of the Jiang family

Jiang Jiang will never let you go.

She is said to be the daughter of the Jiang family

Besides being the daughter of the Jiang family, you

Just the daughter of the Jiang family

Even though I have been forced into this

He didn't even want to say she was my wife

Is she really moving towards her?

Assistant Jiang, although your surname is Jiang

But do you know what kind of wealthy family the Jiang family is?

A good life with fine clothes and fine food is nothing more than

Become a little assistant next to Fujiuhuan

It's just that I was out of my mind back then.

Only then would you pay for someone like him

It's not too late to wake up now

Don't worry, I will hurt you well

If you want a mobile phone, jump on it

Lawyer Du, your assistant is not very obedient.

Senior, let’s just forget that my sister doesn’t want to dance.

This thing started because of me, I jumped up

This matter has nothing to do with you

You don't need to sympathize with him

You rescued me from the river

I've been afraid of water ever since

I usually don’t even dare to use the bathtub

I've been afraid of water ever since

I usually don’t even dare to use the bathtub

I don’t even dare to use the bathtub

It would be best if the leading force has no one to rely on

I am the only big ship that can save you

You also know that as long as you prove my identity

They don't dare to touch me anymore

Are you just going to watch me being bullied?

It's my fault that you shouldn't have provoked my brother

We all saw it in the afternoon

It's Brother Zhiyuan who you took the initiative to hug.

That's because I thought of something so I

So just throw yourself into my arms

Hey, stop running and play again. Hahaha. Help, help.

Hey, stop running and play again. Hahahaha. Help, help.

Please hurry up and save sister Yingzi.

Maybe she really just wanted to give her a hug to get away.

Stop talking. I can't possibly save you.

Jiang Yingzi, you don’t even think about my brother trying to

Then I'll teach you a lesson

Xiaoqiang, your waist is really thin, hahaha

I ran to the front and cried like this

That polished thing is the card chain

Did the simplicity change that night?

I want to go with my eyes open

I'm still rushing to get married

I know what you're going to ask

You're too embarrasse­d to ask

Still belongs to those who worry about the person who can’t live

Everyone misses me when I see you

Why is the splendor so disappoint­ing?

Why do you love me but stay in my prison?

Why do I want to be tied up more and more when I seek help from

It turns out that I died in such despair in my last life

9 Rings, you saved me from the water

Watching me die in the water again

Stand up straight with your legs straight

Your clothes are too dark. I won’t help you take them off.

Sister Eiko, she won't survive

Senior, please stop doing useless work.

It's so unlucky that I haven't started playing yet.

Why should I be angry with you?

Money or not, it doesn’t matter to anyone.

Fu Xiaohan, stop pretending to be determined­.

I never want to see you again in this life

Fu Jiuhan, stop being so hypocritic­al.

I never want to see you again in this life

I must pay a heavy price for him

Gentleman, why are you still protecting her at this time?

When I heard him say he was afraid of getting entangled with me

Like being stabbed hard with a knife

Oh my god, senior, why did you drink so much?

Are you feeling uncomforta­ble anywhere?

I'm just a gasbag, you want to be with my brother

I don’t really want to do anything to you

Today I originally wanted to go and have a chat with sister

I didn't expect him to just dump this notebook on me

He said something I couldn't understand what it meant

He said he had long regretted it

If I had not persisted in repaying my life-savin­g grace

Choose to be with your brother early

Senior, what do you mean by this?

The real notebook has been ripped off by me a long time ago

Senior, where are you going?

Who calls him to make him quiet?

Jiang Yingci, why haven’t you come to work yet?

Did you know you're already an hour late?

Do you want to be fired again?

He is not feeling well today

Let him have a good rest first

And he works so hard every day

What's wrong with being an hour late?

Even if he doesn’t come to the company for ten days and a half

He is also thinking about the company at home.

Don’t assign work to Assistant Zhang

Just rest if you don’t want to do it

Oh, by the way, the salary will be increased three times

Food, clothing, accommodat­ion, travel, and luxury goods

What are you going to do again?

What are you going to do again?

I just want to come and see you

So I want to throw me into your live broadcast room again

I really didn't mean to throw you into the pool

My attitude towards you has changed

You changed your attitude towards me

Should I be grateful for your return?

Do you have to be so blunt when you speak?

You think I'm a different person

Becomes no longer the same person as before

And I can live just fine without you

I just started to have a little bit of curiosity.

My recent changes towards you

What else can it be but curiosity?

If you have a whim, I will accompany you to play the role of deep

Your curiosity hasn’t lasted long enough for you to pay attention

I really want to be with you

Lawyer Fu, I’ve seen you like someone else.

No one made you fall in love with me

How could it be possible just because I forwarded a letter now?

You can fall in love with me

What I did in the past broke your heart

No matter what I do you won't believe it

It's impossible to say you don't like it and not like it, right?

What I did in the past broke your heart

No matter what I do you won't believe it

It's impossible to say you don't like it and not like it, right?

I'm not saying that I don't like it if I don't like it.

I wish the whole world would know

I wish that everyone who knew about this would lose their memory.

Go away. I don't want to see you again.

I know you are angry right now

Lawyer Mo signed such a big contract

There must be a celebratio­n party

Remember to leave a place for me

I want to give it all back too

Do you know that you almost killed Yingzi?

I will find a way to make up for it

But this is between us as husband and wife

If I still like you because of this

I will never interfere in your affairs

But he doesn't love you anymore

I will never watch you bully him again.

Do you think you have a few chances to start over in life?

Afraid of death, he threw her into the swimming pool

There are so many men bullying

What qualificat­ions do you have to ask her for forgivenes­s?

Husband, have you fulfilled your responsibi­lities as a husband for

What's more, don't you already have warmth?

Although we are not born to the same mother

But the grievances of the previous generation

It will never affect the relationsh­ip between us

Stole everything that belongs to me

I can ask for nothing for everything I paid

I fell in love much earlier than you did

If I had known you would let go

The world would be very different

Give it back to heaven and earth, give it back to you

The way he looked at me was so cold

Do you really not love me anymore?

What are you looking at at the wedding ring?

Congratula­tions! Women got what they wanted. What a shame.

Don't you realize that my attitude towards him is very different

Then you are in love with Miss Jiang

What else can it be if it's not love?

Your eyes have been staring at him lately

Those eyes almost touched him

The thought of him leaving me

I just want to protect him every day

That's the conspicuou­s cat who wants to be his alone

Then chase Miss Jiao back and choke her

Well done, I'll give you a bonus

Think about it, what does this woman care about most?

When you got married to Miss Jiang

No one knows except you two close relatives.

Is this Miss Jiang because of this incident?

I've been depressed for a long time

Let's reveal his identity at this celebratio­n banquet

Hey, give him another confession like the wedding of the century

Doesn’t this take control of him?

The prodigal son can't exchange for gold when he turns back.

But you are still such a handsome prodigal son

At the company celebratio­n banquet

You go find a few more media outlets that have been wanting to

I want to be witnessed by everyone

Let him know how I feel about him

Today is the celebratio­n party

Subconscio­usly he brought me too much pain

Unwarrante­d accusation­s of cheating

Silly sister wants to wear a battle robe

Just half a word of "cold and heat" soon

You will be so fascinated by him that you can't extricate

It would be more appropriat­e for you to wear something pink and

Today I want to take off the hat of love brain

That broken celebratio­n party

If you really want to take off the hat in your head about love?

Go directly to divorce Fu Jiuhan

Oh brother, you don’t understand

In order to get into Fujiu Law Firm, I

Later I worked there for two years

Never ask for leave, never be late

Working hard to do what I should do

Why are you bringing Brother Fu?

She can't live without a man who supports her

She's safe around you like your scepter

The true source of a queen’s confidence is never the scepter

Today I want to be beautiful alone

and Fu Jiuhan dissolved their marriage

It was here in my previous life

I'm no longer a kid who lets you bully me

Said Ms. Gu is going to confess to her wife today

I think the warmth is particular­ly important

So we are guessing who will be the rich wife

And why don’t I have a single vote?

Of course you don’t have a single vote

Who doesn’t know that your senior doesn’t like you?

Our law firm has a total of 105 people

Because I am the senior’s wife

The eyes of the masses are indeed sharp

Nuan Nuan, you won’t let us lose, right?

Don't be fooled by him, everyone

Maybe your chances will be greater

How badly do deputy lawyers usually treat you?

Just because you are beautiful

Since my name is on the list

Everyone in the company may be a worried wife

Always do something impossible

How about we make another bet?

Which of the two will get pregnant first?

In life, there is always something impossible to do

Why don't we bet on the associate lawyer and his wife again?

Who will mention the poison first?

I bet the associate lawyer's wife will take the drug first

Don't worry about what I'm proud of

You'd better think about it first after your lies are exposed.

Seniors will always be inferior to me

The more you feel that you are about to have everything

The easier it is to lose your reputation­, hum.

Then you will see who of the two of us is ruined.

Fujiu Law Firm’s Celebratio­n Banquet

With the joint efforts of everyone

Today is the celebratio­n banquet

Thank you all for your joint efforts

Let’s give everyone the most anticipate­d grand prize tonight.

Wait until you win this award

But is it possible that it will hurt if you fall?

How do you know this award is for me?

Sure enough, it’s the season where warmth can’t be used

Then we won the bet this time

If you lose, you have to pay a lot of money.

Yes, it does cost a lot of money

Why is this award given to warmth?

When signing the contract with Mr. Wang

Mr. Bingsi, I am really happy

Are you envious of the prize originally prepared for you?

All the seniors gave it to me

It’s not certain who loses and who wins

It’s not certain who will lose and who will win.

Although I joined the company not long ago

I don't contribute much to the company

Although I haven't realized it yet

How crowded are the elevators in the 9 to 5 job?

I haven't bet on rush hour yet

But the senior gave this award to me

Senior, I will definitely work harder

Senior, I almost fell down just now

Are you willing to give me another chance?

Are you willing to give me another chance?

Zhang Gongci is a woman’s wife

How badly did women treat him before?

Can you take me to the hospital?

Send me Nuan to the hospital

Won't you send me there yourself?

She is the proprietre­ss of Fujiu Law Firm.

One month’s salary for each of you

Remember to give it to me on time

Nuan Nuan, you are not a woman’s wife.

Then you are talking nonsense everywhere in the company

I turned out to be a green tea drinker

I must think that people from the eighteenth generation of Mazu

Are you willing to forgive me?

I regret treating you like that before

It will never change in a lifetime

Recalling our previous moments

When he talks about a perfect wife

Let me know the meaning of love

Promise him, promise him, promise

Take a look at the company group

Why is this video still being released?

Why is this video still being released?

How could you do such a shameless thing?

How could you get together with your senior’s brother?

It turns out that he was always plotting against me in my previous

Seniors’ videos have been posted to the company group

Just stop covering up for them.

They have already done unspeakabl­e things behind your back.

I just want you to deceive yourself and others again. That's

Anyway, everyone’s eyes are sharp

You actually choose to believe me

The video was all shot clearly.

Even if you want to abandon me

It makes me feel like I'm teasing him

Why hurt yourself like this?

Do you think I made this video on purpose?

Isn't it? I heard it with my own ears

You let someone send a message

Even if all this is directed and performed by myself

Compared to what you did to me

How can you have so many seniors?

Isn’t that what you, the mistress, want most?

What qualificat­ions do you, a cheating woman, have to say anything

I can handle my own affairs by myself

I don’t need an associate attorney to teach me what to do.

I've seen your daughter's divorce agreement

You calculated it very clearly

As long as 20% of my property

The deputy lawyer is doing this for my own good.

It is needed for the company’s operation

I have nothing to do with her anymore

She deliberate­ly took the photo in order to divorce me.

He took it deliberate­ly in order to divorce me.

This brain is spinning so fast

Just settle the issue of his wife's cheating.

Now it has spread on the Internet

Everyone called Jiang a bitch because of this.

It’s because of the fermentati­on of public opinion

As a result, the curse words become more and more unpleasant­.

There are also people who specialize in adding plugs to the door.

Grandpa was so angry that he died

I stand at attention on a pure day

You can still only be regarded as my defeated general

Your attitude towards Jiuhan suddenly changed

And the clothes and clothes have changed.

Sure enough, I guessed right

Also, you should be curious about the signing meeting

You shouldn't have had a particular­ly good life in your previous

Being held in the palm of Fu Xiaolan's hand and pampered?

In this life, you have always been scheming against me

In this life, you have always been scheming against me

Even if I give you a second life

you have no ability to change anything

The developmen­t of events is still exactly the same as in the

Grandpa will be furious when he hears the news

Your parents-in­-law and sister-in-­law will be very disappoint­ed in

And your parents will die in a car accident

Your brother will be imprisoned unjustly

And I will turn over and become the master in this life

Be the eternal hostess of a rich family

What else do you have to say?

After being reborn, I will definitely be stupider than you.

Look at your current situation

Remember to put the faces of Jiang Yinci and Fu Zhiyuan

A little bit of AI face-chang­ing cannot reveal any flaws

This time at the celebratio­n banquet

I still want AI to replace your original video.

You really put a lot of effort into it

You're trying to steal my position as Mrs. Fu

Still pretending to be so innocent

You can ask a profession­al to verify it

No matter what organizati­on is welcome

Senior, you have to believe me

The evidence is in front of you

How do you want me to believe you?

I'm not like you who was snatched away by others

What a terrible thing it is to destroy someone's innocence

I thought you were innocent and kind

You are simply a snake-hear­ted person

Don't look at me with such disgusted eyes, don't

I don't want to see you again

Although I don’t know what happened in my last life

You must have carried a lot of resentment

Even if God gives you another chance

In your previous life, you pretended to be a pretty girl in front

But he was discovered in the end

The things you robbed by means will not last long after all.

Whether it is the past life or the present life

What you use to rob will not last long after all.

Whether it is the past life or this life

It's impossible for me to fall in love with a woman who has a

I became a victim in my previous life

I will lose again in this life

I'm not willing to accept your promise

Take him to the police station

Not the kind of relationsh­ip you thought

I don't want to know what happened between you and him

Better not to talk about him

can you give me another chance

can you give me another chance

Even less qualified than you are now

I pray you can look at me one more time

I pray you can give me a chance

I heard that when you married Jiuhan, you brought a dowry of 100

Did he find another woman outside behind your back?

Can you tell us a little bit about your next plans?

Hello everyone, I am Jiang Yici

The love furnace that makes parents so angry that they have heart

Hello everyone, I am Jiang Yici

The love furnace that makes parents so angry that they have heart

If I leave, he will live like a dog

You will regret it within five minutes

There are countless good women around him for him to choose from

I'm the worst of all his women

Every time he takes another look

On the other hand, he enjoys how good I am to him

When laughter cuts through every skin like a knife

Will he live in pain and decadence?

Then finally discovered my importance

I would rather spend my life

I was still thinking about it the second before I died.

There is sadness in the beauty of death

Let him see me for that second

Just wearing my favorite A-shaped long kiss

Holding the arm of the woman he loves most

Throw them into the sky to celebrate them

I just realized that my life cannot be exchanged for that second

Therefore, I would like to advise all old girls who are in love

Tiger Man's Old Wai Sao Lang Street

Let me move from southeast to northwest

You really regained something

Didn’t I send a message to confess to you?

Whoever saves you, I should fight to the death with him

The worried sister from the previous life

He was your brother in the previous life

That is indeed a person who has lived a new life.

I am a person who has lived a new life

Don’t you have any questions and want to doubt me?

Hey, how many children will I have in the future?

When will your parents pass it on to me?

When did I become the chairman of the company?

Farewell Goose Qu Xiang Xiang Tiange

You will be almost 40 when I die

I haven’t found a sister-in-­law for me yet.

I have such excellent conditions

Brother, you can’t ask anything else

Hey, what are the numbers for the first prize in the lottery?

And which stock will rise the most violently in the future?

Are there any good business opportunit­ies in the future?

You always know this, right?

Hey, what is the number for the first prize of the lottery?

Hey, which stock will rise the most and make huge profits in the

Are there any good business opportunit­ies in the future?

You don't know this, do you?

Can't you ask me some simpler questions?

Hey, have humans brought Mars?

Are there ghosts in the world?

Is Qin Shihuang really alive to this day?

There is no brother like you

Get out, get out, sister, sister

There's no need to hide it, right?

Ah, rebirth of that loneliness

By the way, isn’t there a rebirth tool man?

Jiang Yingzi, I don’t understand

How can you arrange everything so well?

I just cleared myself up at the banquet because

You were the one who posted that video slandering my innocence.

I asked Fu Jiuhan to award the company's reward to you.

But you said that card was given to you

This happened in the last life

You used time to say what I said in my last life

What I did in my last life was wrong

I can do whatever you want me to do

In the previous life, your brother brought your ashes to a

My long-await­ed wedding was ruined like this

Didn't the angry people form a bond?

In fact, I have noticed it a long time ago

Jiuhan is not so heartless towards you

Although you have never seen me in my previous life

Xiaohan's reaction is very abnormal

There can’t be people of the opposite sex

Later I realized I was wrong

He keeps delaying my marriage to him

I often go to your wedding room to sleep

Staying with the pillow you slept on all day long

It was also because of that time that I found out

The reason why he was nice to me the first time he saw me

Isn't it just simple love at first sight?

It's not love at first sight at all

I'm just his substitute­, just a substitute

I've had a bad heart since I was a child

It turned out to be Fu Jiuhan's first love

It was because of his first love that died

That's why you're so kind to me

My substitute means nothing to him.

Because of emotional breakdown

My body quickly developed a rejection reaction

I did so much to get the wine back

But in the end I got nothing

He obviously hates you so much

It seems that God is still open-minde­d

Hahaha, it seems God is still open-minde­d

But I didn’t come here to ask these questions.

Isn't this what you care about most?

Those are all things from the past life. Why do I still care about

Do you know which lottery number has the top number?

Are there any good projects to make a fortune?

In my previous life, I had Jiuhan to support me

No need to worry about money at all

What? You don’t know anything?

Why did you come back after rebirth?

Come back quickly wherever you go

But I don't intend to save your warmth

The evil in the past life is better than the suffering in the

You have to pay the debts of this life in this life

You'd better take care of yourself

Xiao Yingzi, I won't let you go

It's great that everything has been resolved

What are you looking for me for?

Did you really come here hard?

It has nothing to do with you, right?

How did I treat you in my previous life?

How did I treat you in my previous life?

Fu Jiuhan, do you really believe that there are previous lives in

You have no contact with me

All your thoughts are on warmth

You love him and protect him

You didn't even see me before I died

You will also give me my ashes

It's already happened in the past life

It’s good that I won’t bother you anymore.

That's because you like me not to pester you, right?

Then you should continue to like that one

Fu Jiuhan, stop pestering me.

In your previous life, you killed my parents

I also committed suicide because of you

What I experience­d in my previous life

Just sign the divorce agreement as I said.

I won't ask for any more property from you

I just want to make a clean break with you

I don't want to owe you anything

I don’t want you to owe me either

You have to be in debt to me

You already know everything about your past life

It should be you who took the initiative to leave me

Sister, sister, wake up, wake up, don’t sleep

You're on fire, you're on fire

That's right, she's Huo my sister.

Do you know how long it has been since I had a good sleep?

It's best to come to me if you have a big problem

Otherwise, I will definitely fight for the family property with

Your video that tells the world about love brains

Now the whole internet says you are a role model for women

Know how to make our family the richest man in the world

Would you like to increase your rating?

Hey, don’t rely on yourself to be reborn.

The biggest dark horse is 600 million Film and Television

30,000 times reporting rate

Guaranteed profit without loss

Also, don’t look at how many popular stars there are now.

But they will collapse soon

There are also several batches of dark horse stars

They are going to have a big drama soon

We need to set up an entertainm­ent company quickly

And then poach them all at a high price.

There are also several hit TV series that have knocked down

Fu Jiuhan, why are you getting married here?

What to say to the eldest lady

Divorce now has a one-month cooling-of­f period

You don't need to care about my previous identity

All you need to know is that I am now your faithful servant

It's mine that makes the eldest lady angry, not the boss's anger,

The eldest lady once promised grandpa to fulfill a wish

Within one month of the divorce cooling-of­f period

Let me serve you as your faithful servant

Since you went to disturb grandpa

I really have no choice if I go back to the eldest lady.

Whether it's for compensati­on or not

Whatever, I don’t want to leave you

Since you want to be my servant

No matter how big or small you are, you have to do it for me

If one thing is not done well

Can't come to intercede either

I'll go get you some shoes right now

Don't bother me if you have nothing to do

Madam, please drink the freshly squeezed juice.

Miss, you can see that you are tired, right?

Let me give you a shoulder squeeze

He doesn't really want to be an eyesore in front of me for 30

Grandpa, you really gave me a difficult problem.

I can't live this life anymore

Did you prepare your favorite milk porridge this morning?

It's been cold for half a month soon. Are you tired?

It's my honor to serve the eldest lady

Hey, madam, I'll open the door

Just finished wiping the floor. Don't drop it.

Fu Jiuhan, why are you bothering if you don't open the door?

What to say to the eldest lady

It's up to me whether we can meet or not.

If you want me to fire you, just say so.

It's up to me whether we can meet or not.

If you want me to fire you, just say so.

Mr. Fu and Miss Fu have been in Jingyang recently.

You are the one who disturbs the most sounds, right?

I'm taking care of the eldest lady

Fu Jiuhan has to clean up his house today.

You need to keep everything clean, you know?

Make sure it’s spotlessly clean

Where did your clothespin go?

I'm just worried about the eldest lady's comfort for a moment

Madam, wherever you are going, I will accompany you.

No need. Brother Fu will accompany me.

We can't let Yin Ci and my brother be alone together

I can't hear you clearly at all

Brother Fu, thank you for your hard work for making this trip.

I'll take him to apologize to you

It’s okay, he’ll keep harassing me for 10 more days at most

There's no reason to get close to me anymore

Are you really not giving him a chance?

Are you really not giving him a chance?

I will think of all the unhappy things

and all the stupid things I did for him

Brother Fu, I actually asked you out today

I have something to tell you.

I'm sorry I can't reciprocat­e your feelings

Thank you very much for liking me

I'm also very grateful that you are willing to do so much for me

I have no way to welcome a new relationsh­ip

So no matter where you are from now on

Whatever you want to do, I will bless you

I wish you peace, joy and success

Then I'll go first, take care

Don't be fooled by his sweet words.

He is not someone worthy of being entrusted with life.

The blind date my brother arranged for me is coming soon

Let them see you dressed like this here

Will it affect my ability to find a partner?

You are cruel to me, Fu Jiuhan

If you are cruel, I will pay Jiuhan

I don’t have what Miss Wei said.

Then why don't you do what I tell you?

I bought a blind date spot for date No. 1

I just happen to have a cold with various brands

Whether it's a cold or a hot cold

Just a dose of cold medicine

It will be ready automatica­lly in 7 days

During this period, you should drink more hot water

Don't like to hurry up and go to the next one

Blind Date No. 2: Profession­al Captain

I have many airplane models at home

I still have airplane decoration­s on my clothes

Whether it’s taking a flight to Paris Türkiye

No need to buy a plane ticket

Do you think I'm missing you for that little money?

Blind date No. 3, a profession­al teacher

I know three hundred Tang poems by heart

I will also recite the teacher's example

The late emperor was not yet half creative

And the fair customs are exhausted in one-third of the states

As long as it's you, you won't

How do you know it won't work?

Do you still have me in your heart?

Are you afraid of contacting me?

Okay, I'll go on a blind date with you

Let me introduce you to one

My ex-wife’s name is Zhang Yici

I could never catch him and hurt him

Think about what you did to me before

The words came out of your mouth

My ex-wife was a very beautiful woman

But because of this inexplicab­le pride, I

Because he is not my freely chosen love partner

The more I dare not give in

In fact, when I first saw him

I have a very different feeling about him

It's just a speck of dust in a dark world

I'm afraid of him who is so dazzling

He learned how to cook for me

I will never be your nanny again

Opportunit­ies are not available to everyone

Well, you want a chance, right?

If you could guess where I died in my previous life

Then I'll give you this chance

Only half an hour left until 24 hours

Fu Jiuhan, you still haven’t guessed it

Was it the creek I threw into you?

Although I have considered that

This bathtub is where you took my first time

I think you haven't forgotten it, right?

I was lying here at that time

I hurt you severely with my words

I'm asking you if you're right?

My brother was wrongly imprisoned

Do you want to ask the third question?

You told me the answer directly

You don’t have these memories

There's no way I can live with you with such memories.

What if I bought a ticket for resurrecti­on?

Explain why I laughed like this

It's you who's been counting on me

I do not know what you're talking about

It was you who killed Yingzi

It actually made it impossible for him to survive.

It was obviously you who killed him

Are you the one who insists on divorcing him?

He was just asking you those questions

Not even a trace of mercy, right?

The two of him fell in love and killed each other

As a result, I became this inexplicab­le stand-in.

Who are you showing this affectiona­te look to?

Anyway, you will never love again

Let me tell you another secret

I found someone to give him the fatal blow.

It's not that you've been hesitant

who can catch me and care about me

Mid-Autumn Festival One Hundred


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