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STUPID WIFE: Faculdade - Episódio 02 Assista o próximo episódio - Na descrição with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

Duda told me that you wanted to talk.

Um... I don't want to anymore.

So, did you submit our assignment­?

That's exactly what I wanted \nto talk about with you.

So you know what happened? \n

but then I wanted to sleep a little longer, \n

I can't believe I won't get a grade \n

But I knew it! I've known all along that \nI couldn't trust you.

Luckily, tomorrow I'll meet the teacher \n

- Stop laughing, girl!\n- Chill out, your activist.

- (Luiza sighs)\n- I've already turned in our assignment­.

And in fact, the professor will upload the grade \n

Valentina, I was actually looking for you.

- Are you stalking me?\n- What?

What were you doing at my house \nyesterda­y, you lunatic?

This is between me and your dad, you know.

Once you were in my house with my family,\ni­t's my business too!

Seriously, I'm gonna make an exhibit \nof all your pictures.

- Wanna see your angry face?\n

Damn it, the semester is almost over, \n

Dude, why are you so obsessed \nwith being so annoying?

Tell me, Valentina! \nWhat were you doing at my parents' house?

Carol said your parents needed help in the garden, \n

Are you going to let me go now or kiss me?

Carol, can you believe it? \nValentin­a took all the test papers

from the copy shop at college \nand didn't return them.

I don't know how she managed it,\n

(Luiza sighs) This girl is so selfish.

- (Door opening sound)\n- I need to go.

Fabricia, where is Valentina?

First, good evening to you too, Luiza.

Valentina is running late today.

But what do you want with her?

- (Door opening sound)\n- Ugh!

Looks like paper. Printed papers.

Valentina asked Igor to bring it to you, \nand I brought it.

- I'm a pretty good friend, huh?\n- Oh, thank God!

- And... where is she?\n- Who? Valentina?

I think she's working on new projects,\­n

- Give me a break, okay, Duda?\n- (Duda chuckles)

By the way, I'm heading home, okay?

I'm exhausted, and we have an early class tomorrow

- so I think you should do the same.\n

I want to make out with him a bit! \n

- You're naughty, aren't you?\n- I am!

Anyone who doesn't know you, Luiza, \n

(Someone knocking on the door)

Did you notice we got a solid ten on the assignment­?

Now we can consider Fabricia's party \nthis weekend, huh?

I'm not going to a party at Fabricia's house!

You know I can't stand the cheerleade­r captain.

But you've never even spoken to her. \n

I do know that she's controllin­g, \nthat she's arrogant.

I know that you're planning \n

because look how perfect it is: \n

What a superficia­l and shallow kind of couple!

It even makes me nauseous. \nUgh!

(Laughs) Wow, that's just right!

- You got it all right.\n- Uhum!

Well, Valentina, everyone knows that!

By the way, what did you come here for, huh?

Nothing. I just came to let you know \nthat I'm leaving.

Igor and Duda make such an adorable couple, \ndon't they?

I think so too. They're such a cute couple.

It's just you and Valentina left to round out \nthis group, huh?

- (Carol chukles)\n

For God's sake, there's absolutely no chance \n

Well, I think she is really hot!

But honestly, she can be \na little shallow sometimes, huh?

You're absolutely right, \nshe's not a match for you, Luiza.

It's just that she's somewhat intelligen­t...

- "Somewhat intelligen­t"...\n- A little intelligen­t!

- Like this, right?\n- Yes, a little intelligen­t!

Seriously, you look amazing!\n­- (Unintelli­gible)

- (Unintelli­gible)\n- Looking strong, huh?!

- (Chuckles)­\n- You look strong there, huh?

Have you ever considered becoming \na photograph­er?

Um, have you ever considered being a model?

Can you imagine? You, a famous photograph­er!

And you? Modeling all over the world!

And what would you do, my love? \n

Oh, sure! Let's stop fantasizin­g \nand head to class.

- Let's study. Let's study.\n- How boring!

But, you know what, \nyou're actually pretty good at it!

I'm serious! She's pretty good!

I knew I shouldn't have ridden my bike here.

(Yelling) Now this crap doesn't want to work!

(Luiza humming almost inaudibly)

(Luiza knocking loudly on the door)

(Speaking loudly) Is anyone in there?

(Luiza knocking loudly on the door)

(Yelling) Valentina, do you realize \n

(Yelling) I've gotta go home, girl!

(Yelling) I have to catch a bus,\nI will get up early tomorrow!

(Yelling) Valentina, if you did this \n

(Yelling) I'm fed up! \nEvery day a different nuisance!

(Yelling) Valentina, I'm talking to you!

(Valentina breathing heavily)

- Hey?\n- (Valentina breathing heavily)

- (Valentina breathing heavily)\n­- Are you okay?

(Valentina breathing heavily) \nI'm claustroph­obic.

- Okay...\n- (Valentina sighs heavily)

- (Valentina sighs heavily)\n­- Hey, look, calm down, okay?

- (Valentina sighs heavily)\n­- Breathe.

(Valentina sighs heavily and cries)

(Crying) I won't be able to get out of here.

(Valentina sighs heavily and cries)

Hey, look at me. Look at me. \nJust look at me, okay?

Try to look at me.\nI'm here! I got you, okay?

- Try... Try... Try to look at me.\n- (Valentina sighs heavily)

- (Valentina sighs heavily)\n­- Hey?

- (Valentina sighs heavily and cries)\n

- Okay? We're in this together.\­n

- I'm here with you... We'll be out of here soon.\n

- We'll get out of here soon. I promise!\n

- (Valentina sighs heavily and cries)\n- Trust me.

- (Valentina sighs heavily and cries)\n- Trust me.

(Valentina sighs heavily and cries)

- Breathe.\n­- (Valentina sighs heavily)

- Breathe... with me, okay?\n- (Valentina holding back tears)

- (Valentina breathing heavily)\n

- breathe out through your mouth.\n

- Inhale through your nose...\n- (Valentina breathing heavily)

- Breathe out through your mouth.\n

- (Valentina sighs)\n- I'm here! I got you.

- (Valentina sighs)\n- It's going to be alright.

- (Valentina sighs)\n- There.


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