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What is Netiquette? with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

etiquette is the rules that govern

with the arrival of the internet Society

expanded to connect people all around

but connecting through a keyboard in

semi-anony­mity makes it easy to forget

thus arose the concept of netiquette

netiquette is etiquette for the internet

these are generally agreed upon rules

for respectful and appropriat­e

communicat­ion across the internet

most websites forums and social media

have their own rules as well as someone

to monitor compliance with those rules

if you're not sure what is appropriat­e

and what's not here are 12 netiquette

rules to guide your online Behavior

1. be as polite online as you would be

in person if you wouldn't insult someone

to their face or provoke or threaten

a screenshot or copy of what you say can

be made faster than you can delete that

as the saying goes once on the internet

three maintain self-contr­ol don't be

rude about a topic or to someone who

disagrees with you you can't go wrong if

you stay respectful polite and

4. read an entire post and its comments

before asking questions or posting

someone already may have asked or

5. be your own grammar police check your

spelling punctuatio­n and grammar there

are even apps that do it for you

it not only makes you look good but

6. respect others privacy use the blind

carbon copy recipient line to keep email

don't forward informatio­n without first

before sharing photos or videos Ask

lastly don't type in any old name and

email address when signing up for

anything just because you don't want

annoying marketing emails doesn't mean

the person whose name you typed wants

7. be quick to make your point whether

this shows respect for others time and

ability to digest your informatio­n when

they may be overwhelme­d with informatio­n

Overlook mistakes whether they be

spelling errors inane questions or

opinions that have you shaking your head

it's best to ignore mistakes instead of

nine don't abuse your power if you're a

moderator or system admin you have the

technical power to obtain informatio­n

that is private but don't betray the

trust others have placed in you it's

flame Wars are discussion­s and chats

that heat up into personal attacks and

when this happens simply leave the

insults and threats online can have

if you're on a forum or social media

platform that's unfamiliar educate

yourself on how things are done around

check out how people communicat­e with

one another and follow their lead

12. report hate speech whether it's

abusive language or inciting violence

against a person or group you could be

saving lives by reporting hate speech to

remember good netiquette is always

appreciate­d it's smart to be polite

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