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someone has got to explain to us what is

there are families where all the men die

mysterious­ly sometimes in a two two

years cycle a three three year cycle a

man can be sitting in his house quietly

do you think all these prey bullets that

happen in America that somebody just

stands and just shoots and shoots some

people don't you ever dare they have to

emotionall­y imbalanced it's a lie it's a

spray bullets just do everything and

kill five of your family members alone

and the thieves go for no reason there

is an explanatio­n my assignment this

month is to open your eyes some of you

will call your loved ones and say Daddy

we need to meet as a family this is

my father is the only one alive of all

I knew that my father would have died

I don't know who is the most prosperous

person from my paternal lineage with all

can you imagine that they are not lazy

a holy Niche and the most educated

person just finished Secondary School no

matter how hard working you've seen them

bring people here there was a time a

mother brought it a daily here 500 level

medicine she started developing signs of

bipolar and now the girl just went mad

let that lady leave ten years later when

her life is almost useless the madness

will go by itself brothers and sisters

if we don't wake up the devil is going

to destroy us hear what I'm telling you

there are ladies the moment a guy comes

to say I love you just that I love you

something must happen I want to go and

accident breaks his leg destroys him and

all of a sudden they will go to a

prophet and because many times prophets

don't have that word balance I should be

they will interpret things from the lens

of their limited understand­ing and say

look I'm seeing that that girl is a

witch I'm seeing that she comes from a

there is a gentleman in this ministry I

think that that just went to be with the

they were supposed to bring the altar

here for Destructio­n when I was

that time I when I used to counsel

people would come with their Champs they

he's a full lady nobody ever I'm not

even saying that somebody cannot come to

marry you to ask you out there are

ladies nobody has ever tried to ask you

out wear anything and look nice there is

in this series I'm going to be showing

you something I discovered Joshua cause

Jericho say whoever builts it will build

it with the blood of his firstborn and

complete it with the blood of his last

born I will show you a king who tried to

build Jericho and his firstborn died and

as he finished his last born die Joshua

yet it was still working there that

everything was working in Jericho except

the water that had become Mara it had

Joshua said bring me salt something is

Break Every Chain Break Every Chain

please listen there are families that

they are Warfare almost never ends they

don't know why from one trouble to

another today your father is in a police

station as soon as he's finishing he's

going to court as soon as he's done they

are implicatin­g him in the office as

soon as he's done they wrote from your

shop as soon as they are trying to

manage the daughter gets pregnant then

the brother starts taking something

there is a pattern that is responsibl­e

for that nothing just happens there are

families where it is the women that feed

the men no matter how hard working you

are as a man your hand will not bring

I have met people I know they are not

what of people who travel and go abroad

and the devil just orchestrat­es it that

the security just catches them one

person and they deport them back they

didn't do anything wrong the only person

who was helping the mother in the

village and all the siblings now the guy

was going to a mall and police just

catches him and said there was a robbery

here and where are you from Nigeria go

and the person returns back to the

Village from where he came from

and you will see an old man laughing in

the village and say I told you no matter

where you go you will come back the old

man doesn't have Visa he's never gone to

the airport but he can make a man live

Italy and come back and sit down and

then we get up and say don't worry

everything will be all right come on now

there is a deliverer that must arise I I

know I know the business I did with God

I am success in my life is is almost a

taboo from my paternal side I'd never

my father is a good man one of the most

honest men I've met in my life

there are families anyone you train

nobody will ever become anything useful

there are some of our parents they

started sending children to school

before you were born but out of the over

30 children not one of them is useful

is sweeping the road somewhere what is

where nobody ever becomes a leader no

matter how you rise you only make it by

serving you'll never get to a point

where you are serve a man can walk for

10 years when it's almost getting to the

highest rank a scandal will come up that

he knows nothing about the demote him

until he retires my brother my sister

our Destinies have been manipulate­d by

forces we may not know and just because

of imbalances here and there which I

will show you many have rejected this

some of you as you are sitting now I

just described your life to you you know

you love God you are praying but nothing

you are praying you are fasting nothing

is changing I know somebody that did

like four or five universiti­es never

finished one never you leave this one

and go there they say you are an

occultist you leave this one and go

there they say something happened to

your result your result is not correct

you leave this one and go there and

there is problem not I'm opening your

eyes I'm showing you how this relates to

a gentleman sent me a text he had gotten

his Visa he got everything he got yellow

is where they stopped him and said where

did you get this yellow card did you get

I said what is all this one now

I use a travel agency I'm traveling say

took the guy to custom office blah blah

blah this and that happened They seized

footballer footballer that was going

God already got it those teams that can

invite you to go and play this guy was

God was sending him to now bring bread

for the parents and at the airport one

devil somewhere just stops that person

the house you are staying is the house

your grandfathe­r stayed for 40 years

your father could not build one you two

you are staying there have you seen

families where all the brothers with

their married wife stay in the same

grandparen­ts is that what the Bible says

doesn't the Bible say a man should leave

his father and mother but you leave

something brings you back grandfathe­r is

grandmothe­r is in the same house the

brothers in the even as a pastor part of

The Veranda is being used for night

vigil and regardless of the night vigil

and the prayer nothing is happening

how many videos have we done how many

prayer sessions have we done how many

men of God have been in Ministry and you

will think being a ministry will

automatica­lly get them free from this

regardless of their Ministry and

anointing this Spirit seemed to just fit

has anointed as Abraham was for 25 years

it's not just a faith issue because you

Abraham slept with Hagar once and a

child came so it was not just about

barrenness he was not barring

it was a conspiracy it was a fight of

mean are you getting what I'm saying now

could you say that Abraham was Abraham

Hagar was there gave him a child and yet

Sarah could not give him a child 25

are we together now all kinds of

have you paid attention to look at your

what of the hardship the inexplanab­le

there is no ease at all no matter what

you do you are brilliant you are

educated you started walking by 23 you

already had PhD yet nothing is happening

that's the finger of Satan and for many

of us we have seen it in dreams but you

see it in dreams and get up and say no

no no no don't worry let me just ignore

it I don't think anything is Right some

of you cannot go to bed in the upset

with you my story when I will go to bed

in the night and demons will come to

as a man of God oh I'm not saying an

unbeliever filled with the Holy Spirit

and these demons will not respect this

I will go to bed in the night and these

demons will come and press me I will

shout Jesus like I was told to shout

not one time did Jesus drive them

because the Bible cannot lie there is

when the Lord showed me I was free oh

and my assignment is that God will open

your eyes so that you will see

some of you will be surprised that after

all the seven jobless people in one

month will get jobs like that so

you will now know that until Deliveranc­e

happens upon Mount Zion there is no

possession of anything oh I will help

you bring your CV is nonsense you are

how many people have gotten scholarshi­ps

a Jimmy how many people have gotten

grants how many people have gotten

Millions some of our parents have sat

down on over 1 billion but as it is

right now they can't bring out hundred

let me tell you if this thing is not

addressed I promise you it can wait for

you for 40 years and catch up with you

you will think just because you are 25

years 30 35 you are free the day catches

up with you how about people who labor

when they are about to eat of their

labor they just mysterious­ly whether

through sickness or accident or whatever

inexplanab­le coincidenc­e nobody ever

eats of their labor they walk and live

for others now please don't feel bad if

what I'm saying relates to your loved

ones God is opening your eyes because

you are the Savior that will arise from

some of us today our mothers have told

us don't ever bring a poor man do you

know why because of something that they

saw there is a yoke upon their family

all the women suffer they enter Wicked

marriages where they suffer like slaves

and so in an attempt to help you say

look go and bring a rich man bring us

prosperous a man as you can get and

don't be free from what I'm telling you

and what's the drama that happens when

it's like a lecturer that has been

teaching if my life did not experience

this it would be that I'm just talking

because of people I've been a victim of

what I'm sharing for you that look study

the Ministries in zarya they don't reach

three years safely something must arise

find out how many men of God have been

and look at the track record that phone

that follows not that they are bad

there are powers there are Yokes and if

our eyes are not open to it then we're

getting into trouble are you ready to

pray again I'd like you to say Lord in

this series The Challenge in my life and

my family must come to Heritage

I have met Spirits in my life sit down

thank you for watching this video tell

me where you're watching from tell me

what you've learned in the comment

section and don't forget to subscribe

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telegram God bless you see you again in


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