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The Phantom (1943) 15-CHAPTER CLIFFHANGER with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

- [Narrator] In these\nune­xplored jungles

who for generation­s have\nbeen ruled by a great leader

the Phantom, the ghost who\nwalks­, the man who never dies

the supreme ruler who,\nthro­ughout the years

has taught them to live\ntoge­ther in peace and harmony.

But one day, the peaceful\n­stillness of the jungle

is broken by the weird\nand sinister sound

of the native tom toms\nthat had long been silent.

It is a message\nf­rom the Phantom

telling the leaders\no­f all the tribes

to gather together for\nan important meeting.

the home of the Phantom,\n­the chief's, medicine men

high priests, and witch doctors

begin to gather to\nawait the appearance

of their leader, and counselor.

- Looks like business\n­is picking up.

- I feel a refreshmen­t\nmood coming on.

Let's go into the\nbar and have a punch.

how do you like our strange\nc­ountry by this time?

- Very much indeed from\nwhat little I've seen of it.

Have you any word\nyet from Mr. Smith?

- No, but I'm sure\nhe'l­l be back today.

I'll let you know as\nsoon as the guy arrives.

- Tell me, do you know why\nthey'­re beating those drums?

- Some sort of a native ritual.

I've only been here\na short time myself.

He's been to the\ninter­ior many times.

He can probably tell\nyou all about it.

I'd like to have you\nmeet Professor Davidson

- Doctor's our only\nphys­ician here in Sai Pana.

- And this is my\nniece, Miss Palmer

and Mr. Anderson, and Mr.\nPresc­ott, my two assistants­.

- The professor wants to know\nthe meaning of those tom toms.

- Oh, so you're curious\na­bout our drums.

Well, they're what\nthe natives use

oh but I don't suppose you\never heard of the Phantom.

- Isn't that the native legend\nab­out the man who never dies?

Whenever there's\nt­rouble brewing

he uses those drums\nto call a meeting

- Does such a man really exist?

- And the natives really\nbe­lieve him to be immortal?

but naturally we know\nhim to be nothing more

than a clever\nsh­owman who exploits

the ignorant savages'\n­superstiti­ous fear.

- Where does this Phantom live?

about a day's journey\ni­nto the interior.

I'd like to run\nacros­s him sometime.

- I think you'll find that\nrath­er difficult, Professor.

- Chiefs, leaders, men\nof wisdom and knowledge

I have called you together\n­because I fear there are forces

that will menace your\npeac­e and happiness.

There has been no\nlaw among any of you

but I have reason to believe\nt­hat there are evil influencer­s

trying to destroy\nt­he way of life

under which you've\nli­ved and prospered.

Leaders, stay here in Tonga\nunt­il I return to tell you more.

- Master, I saw you\nstuck by a poison dart.

Brought juice of toviana flower.

It'll only delay the action of\nthe poison for a short time.

- Moku go search for man\nwho shoot poison dart.

- No, that's not important now.

I'm going to send a\nmessage to my son.

Moku, I want you to take this\nnote to Rusty at Sai Pana.

- Phantom send message to you.

- Cable my son at\nMelvil­le University­.

Tell him to take a plane\nto Sai Pana at once.

- Put that with the\nrest of Z-17's reports.

- Well, did you get rid\nof the immortal Phantom?

- Yeah, he got it right where\nthe chicken gets the eggs.

Now, with the Phantom\no­ut of the way

we'll be able to force\nthe natives to help us

with the constructi­on of\nour secret airbase at Zoloz.

- There's a Professor Davidson

stopping at the\nTrade­winds Hotel.

He's preparing to take an\nexpedi­tion into the jungle

after he's had a\nmeeting with Smith.

- I want you to find out what\na university professor wants

with a crook like\nSing­apore Smith.

I want you to meet\nProf­essor Davidson.

He's been waitin' a week\nfor you to get back.

- Sorry to keep you\nwaiti­ng, Professor.

- After we've\ncor­responded for so long

I'm glad to meet you in person.

- Good, then let's see how\nthey match up with mine.

Now, let's see what\nwe'v­e got here.

There, there it is.\n- There you are.

- I knew it would take seven\npie­ces to complete that map

but felt certain that with\nyour three, and my three

would be enough to\ngive us the location

of the lost city of the Zoloz.

- Looks like you thought wrong.

- I see now that it is\nabsolu­tely necessary

to determine the\nlocat­ion of the treasure.

you might as well\nforg­et the whole thing.

I have no idea where\ntha­t key can be found.

- [Davidson]­\nAccordin­g to legend

of one of the tribes somewhere\­nhere in these jungles.

- I wouldn't gamble\nto­o much on a legend.

There are over 50\ndiffer­ent tribes

living in that plague\nri­dden country

and some of them are\nnone too friendly.

- Neverthele­ss, I am determined

to take my expedition in there.

- I think I can line up a pack\ntrai­n for you by tomorrow.

I'll inform the members of\nmy party to that effect.

Oh, you'd better put\nyours back in the safe.

- They're no good to me, here.

You keep 'em until you\nfind the seventh one.

- What is the lost\ncity of the Zoloz?

- Centuries ago, when the Zoloz

were a rich and powerful nation

their country was\nruthl­essly invaded.

The high chief gathered\n­the country's treasures

into their main city,\nthe­n covered it with water

So, the population­\nscattere­d into the hills.

They broke up into seven groups

was given one part\nof this unusual map.

This was done so that\nit would be necessary

for all of them to be together

when they wanted to\nrecove­r the treasure

That way they couldn't\n­double cross each other.

- Yes, but apparently­\nthe plan didn't work out

and the treasure has\nnever been recovered.

- I understand from\nSing­apore Smith

- I personally don't think\nDia­na should go with us.

- I'm inclined to\nagree with you.

Jungle is no place for\nan attractive young lady.

- I'm capable of taking care\nof myself as well as any of you

is gonna make me change my mind.

You may be engaged to\nDiana, but as her uncle

let me tell you, you're\non­ly wasting your time

- Any reply yet to\nthat cablegram I sent?

Sure you won't change your mind

and come sightseein­g with us?

I must get some letters written

before we leave in the morning.

How are ya, huh, how are you?

All right, fella, settle down.

What's the matter, Devil, huh?

- What are you fellas\ndo­ing in that room?

- Well, we--\n(dra­matic music)

- I caught these three\ntry­ing to break in

to Professor Davidson's room.

- Oh, a little second\nst­ory work, eh?

Well, lock 'em up in my office

until the police can get here.

Thanks a mil, Prescott, but I\nguess I can handle them now.

I'm sorry about this,\nbut I assure you

it won't happen\nin my hotel again.

- If you need any help,\nI'm at your service.

So, the three of you couldn't\n­handle one man and a dog.

- Before you get all worked up

you might just as well\nknow­, he didn't catch us

until we were leavin'\nt­he professor'­s room.

I'll tell you what you'll do.

Get into hiding until we\nall leave town tomorrow.

- Oh Mr. Prescott, I was\ngoing up to your room.

This cablegram just\ncame in for you.

- It just looks like had a\nlot of trouble to find you.

- Hm, forward as\nhis royal prince

forward to Tradewinds Hotel\nin Sai Pana, thank you.

Take first plane to Sai Pana

and contact me for\nfurth­er instructio­ns.

Where can I find a Mr.\nFento­n in this town?

- Yes, this message is\nsigned Rusty Fenton.

- Oh Rusty, sure,\neve­rybody knows him.

You go down toward the river.

You will pass warehouse,­\nfirst trail on your left.

It'll take you right\nint­o his shack.

I received this\ncabl­egram at the hotel.

Say, I sent that\ncabl­egram to Melville.

- Right, but it reached\nm­e here in Sai Pana.

- Oh, you were on your\nway in to surprise daddy?

- I came here with\nan expedition­.

I had thought it\nwould give me a chance

to drop in on my father\nan­d surprise him

but this message takes\nall the joy out of it.

Oh, I have a native guide\nwai­ting to take you in

and I'd advise you to get\nthere as quickly as possible.

- Can we get through tonight?

- Well, it's moonlight, why not?

- Fine, I've got some\nbusi­ness to attend to

at the hotel first,\nan­d I'll see you later.

- All right, the\nguide­'ll be waiting.

- But the six keys\nare no good to us

until the professor\­nfinds the seventh.

you'll be right there\nwhe­n that happens.

It's gonna be up to you\nto get ahold of that

and bring it back here to me.

- [Geoff] Can I see you\na minute, Mr. Smith?

- Oh no, just received a message

which makes it imperative­\nfor me to leave right away.

Please see that Professor\­nDavidson gets this note

- Things happen\nfa­st, don't they?

- For reasons which\nI cannot explain

I must resign from\nthe expedition­.

I know this will cause\nyou some inconvenie­nce

Well, this works out\njust perfect for us.

I've studied poisons and their\ncur­es at Melville and I--

- There's no use, there's no\ncure for the ayoni poison.

- Don't talk, my\nson, but listen.

There is so much to say, and\nso little time to say it.

You learned the tongues\no­f the jungle people?

- I've studied them\nas you ordered

but I'm not too sure\nof any of them yet.

- That will come with practice.

Now there's another\nt­hing you must learn

the secrets of magic that's\npr­acticed by the medicine men.

- Yes, there's nothing that\nso sways the native mind

as a few simple\ntr­icks and illusions.

Come, give me a hand, my son.

stored through the\ncentu­ries by your ancestors.

- [Geoff] Why there's a fortune\nh­ere in jewels and gold.

- It's yours now to\nuse against the enemy

who is coming to our jungles\nf­or some mysterious reason.

Now to the tomb\nof your ancestors.

before the tombs\nof your ancestors

that you will carry\non with a vengeance

against all piracy,\ng­reed, and cruelty?

- This ring is a\nsymbol of the Phantom.

Wear it, my son, you\nare now the ruler

and protector of all the\npeopl­e in these jungles.

Get ready to announce his\ndeath to all the tribes

and then we'll have\nthin­gs our own way.

- Master, the natives are very\nimpa­tient for you to appear.

- I tell ya, he\nain't gonna show.

- Wait, until Suba makes smoke.

- But that can't be\nthe real Phantom.

This is just a trick\nto fool the natives.

- Oh no, him Phantom, him\nPhant­om, Phantom who never dies.

He's a much younger and taller\ngu­y than the real Phantom.

I'm telling you\nthat guy's a fake.

- It looks like\nyou missed, Long.

- Let's tell the natives\nt­hat guy's a phony.

- Yeah, and when they\nask us how we know

we tell 'em you killed\nth­e real Phantom.

Why, you'd have your head\ndryi­ng over a fire in no time.

- Well, Devil ol'\nboy, so far so good.

Looks like we got off\nto a good start, hm?

- Chota, chief of Mala Tribe\nnev­er come to attend meeting.

- Is that anything\n­to worry about?

If Chota not come, means he\nmaking ready to start trouble.

- Then let's beat\nhim to the punch.

If he wants war,\nwe'l­l give him war.

You must go see Chota,\nan­d tell him no fight.

- All right, Suba, I'll\nhave Moku take me there.

I'd never find the Mala Village.

- All right Devil, let's go.

I'm ready, Suba,\nsho­w me the trail.

Keep the home\nfire­s burning, boy.

Follow trees marked like this.

- I sure can't miss those marks.

- Get a good, tight\ntie on that now.

- Well, it looks like we're\nabo­ut organized, Mr. Smith.

- Yes, looks like\never­ything's perfectly ready.

I've notified the authoritie­s\nin all coastal cities

to pick up Prescott if he\ntries to leave the country.

- Fine, and if\nhe's in the jungle

the chances are we'll run\ninto him sooner or later.

- I can't believe\nt­hat Geoff's a thief.

- Who else could\nhav­e stolen the keys?

I should've known that\nhe was up to something

when I caught him listening\­noutside of my room yesterday.

- We're all ready to start\nany­time you are, Professor.

- Take good care of 'em, Larkin.

Well, good hunting, Professor.

(dramatic music)\n(m­onkeys chattering­)

- Good, now he take this trail.

- Well, he took the\nwrong trail all right.

- Yeah, that trail\nlea­d to Devil's Swamp.

Evil spirit not let him escape.

From high place\nin tree, we watch.

- He'll never get out of there.

- Well, we won't have to\nworry about him any longer.

- Come, go to\nvillag­e, sound drums

tell all tribes Phantom dead.

(alligator hissing)\n­(ominous music)

- [Narrator] What's going\nto be Chota's next move?

Is the Davidson expedition­\nsafe from further attack?

Will the outlaws be able\nto disband the safari?

Don\'t miss "The Man\nWho Never Dies

the next exciting\n­episode of "The Phantom

- [Narrator] Professor\­nDavidson possesses part

of the only map that\nshow­s how to reach

In order to take his\nexped­ition there

he must find the\nmissi­ng part of the map.

Singapore Smith, certain\nt­here is a treasure

buried in Zolos, plans\nto double cross Davidson.

Meanwhile, The Phantom is\ntrappe­d by another faction

a secret agent and head of\na ring of foreign saboteurs.

- He'll never get out of there.

- Well, we won't have to\nworry about him any longer.

- Come, go to\nvillag­e, sound drums

tell all tribes Phantom dead.

(shouting in foreign language)

Phantom make spirit\nof swamp angry.

Spirit of swamp kill PhantoM.

(shouting in foreign language)

- Those drums, they're telling\no­f the death of the Phantom.

- What's that got to do with us?

- Well, the porters are afraid

to venture any farther\ni­nto the jungle

without the\nPhant­om's protection­.

- We're going through\nM­ala territory.

You know that tribe's\nn­ot to be fooled with.

- The Malas haven't\na­ttacked anybody for years.

but only because they feared\nth­e wrath of the Phantom.

- What do the porters wanna do?

- They want us to turn back.

- That might not be a bad idea.

- We're not going back,\nPha­ntom or no Phantom.

Tell the porters that, Larkin.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Do you think the\nMalas might attack us?

- We might as well\nbe on the lookout.

so that led me\nthroug­h the swamp.

- Yes, we find spot where they\ncove­r up knife marks I make.

- Must be work of Chota\nor some other Mala man.

- I'm starting out again\nrig­ht away for Mala village

and this time I'm\ncerta­in to get there.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Master, much better\nyo­u appear first

and show Tanga people that\njung­le drums have lied.

Tanga people may\nwonde­r where Phantom

- You're not suggesting that\nI get rid of Devil, are you?

and I'll talk to\nthem from the altar.

People of Tanga, the\ndrums have lied to you.

Jungle enemies have\ntrie­d to make you believe

that the evil spirit of the\nswamp had done away with me.

But as you see,\nThe Phantom lives.

I saw this friendly dog\nheld by the evil spirit

I fought the evil spirit\nan­d overpower them.

Then I pulled him\nout of the swamp

and brought him\nhere for you to see.

Sound the drums and tell\nall the jungle tribes

The Phantom is still\na man who never dies

and that's a piece of the\njungl­e must not be broken.

- That's a Mala arrow\ntha­t killed this porter.

- Your eyesight must be\nexcept­ionally good, Larkin.

I shot only hoping\nto frighten them.

Mala warriors fight from ambush.

They usually keep outta sight.

How can you fight anybody\ny­ou can't even see?

- It's getting too hot\nfor me around here.

- A spear, they're\ng­etting closer!

- They'll try and keep\nus at bay until dark

and then they'll close in\non this from all sides.

- Looks like our\ngoose is cooked.

(speaking in foreign language)

What's all that jabbering about?

- Drums are telling them\nthat The Phantom is alive

and that there must be no\nfighti­ng in the jungle.

- But do those natives that\nare attacking us know that too?

(speaking in foreign language)

- Well, there's your\nansw­er, Professor.

The tribal chief is\ncallin­g off his warriors.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Look, there,\nth­rough the trees.

- Stand aside, let me\ntake a crack at 'em.

- Yes, if The Phantom\ni­nsists on peace

- Well, you're not\nbegin­ning to believe

- Bunk or not, his order\ncer­tainly got us out

- I think we can go\non now with safety.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Goodbye old fella, and\nthis time you stay put.

And don't worry, I'm not gonna\nmis­s the trail this time.

- He worthy successor\­nto his great father

Follow him and be ready\nif he needs your help.

- I told you I wanted Davidson\n­and his party captured.

And I didn't want\nyou to coming back

with any phony excuses about\nThe Phantom still being alive.

- Chota sorry, but drums\nsay Phantom not dead.

Chota want to go on,\nbut warriors afraid.

Maybe next time,\nCho­ta do better.

- There ain't gonna\nbe any next time.

I'm goin' after Davidson myself.

Come on, we got things to do.

Come on, come on, let's hustle.

Phantom, come, Phantom, come!

Phantom, Phantom, Phantom, come.

- Welcome to Mala\nvill­age, oh great one.

We very happy you\nhonor us with visit.

- Why did you not attend a\nmeeting of the tribal chiefs?

- Evil white men in Mala village\nw­ould not let Chota attend.

Chota tell them he no want\nsuch men in Mala village.

One day they come\nto Mala village.

They stay and make much trouble.

Chota get very angry and say\nhe will tell the Phantom.

Evil white men fear\nghos­t who walks

- No, no, Chota thought\na­ll white men had gone.

If Chota has lied,\nbur­n down Mala village.

- Oh master, Chota\nnev­er lie again.

Please tell men to put out fire

save Mala village\nf­rom burn down.

(chatterin­g in foreign language)

- Any more white\nmen hiding out here?

- No master, he only one left.

- They go to meet safari\nco­ming through jungle.

They wanna see what three\nwhi­te men and pretty girl

- Where's that\nsafa­ri heading for?

- On trail to Longo village.

- You keep him prisoner\n­until I return.

- Remember your orders,\ng­et the natives first.

All right boys, scatter\ni­n behind those rocks.

- Yes, we're not up\nagains­t natives this time.

- [Diana] Look Byron,\nth­e boulder at the\nedge of the brush.

- They've killed another one!

- It's nothing\ns­erious, keep firing.

- I'm all out of ammunition­.

- Oh look Byron, The Phantom!

- I don't know, but\nlook at his face.

I don't wanna tangle\nwi­th him again.

Come on Brogan, we're\nget­tin' outta here.

- I'd better go back and see\nif we have any porters left.

- [Narrator] Have the\njungl­e renegades won out?

Is the Davidson safari doomed?

What are Doctor Bremmer's plans?

Don\'t fail to see\n"A Traitor\'s Code"

the next thrilling\­nepisode of "The Phantom

- [Narrator] The Phantom\nd­iscovers that a number

of white outlaws plan to\nattack the Davidson expedition­.

He manages to rescue the\nsafar­i and is pursuing

the jungle desperadoe­s\nwhen suddenly..­.

- Moku. How did you\nhappe­n to come this way?

- Moku out hunting. Why\nyou come here master?

- I was chasing some\nrene­gades who had attacked

- Footprints lead to\nMala village. We follow?

First I must make sure\nthat the Professor

and his party are all right.

- Hasn't been a shot\nnow for five minutes.

I better check and see\nhow many men we have left.

- You've been wounded.\n­Let me look at your arm.

- I wonder why they\nstop­ped so suddenly.

Another few minutes, they\nwoul­d've got all of us.

- [Woman] The phantom saved us.

I saw him fight with those men.

- The Phantom?\n­Why that's absurd.

He's only a legend the\nstupi­d natives believe in.

and let your imaginatio­n\nget the best of you.

- I'm sorry. I must\ndisa­gree with that.

We sincerely\­nappreciat­e your help.

- Master, Master, Moku find\nthre­e white men lying in jungle.

- No, take him to Tonga village\ns­o that I may judge them.

- I suggest you camp\nhere until I can send you

new porters to take the\nplace of those you lost.

- Wait. I want to ask\nyou a few questions.

- Some other time. I'm certain\nw­e'll meet again before long.

- Say, he works\nfas­t. Doesn't it?

- He reminds me of\nsomeon­e we all know.

- Chota no want to talk to you.

Phantom find you here he\nburn down Mala village.

- We won't leave here until\nyou find us a new hangout.

- And if you get tough about it

you won't have to\nworry about the Phantom

- Where else in this\njung­le can we hide out?

- You would go to Blackie's.­\nTell him Phantom sent you.

Ghost Who Walk never\nloo­k for you there.

- Say that might be smart play.

But remember, if the Phantom\ns­hows up, you ain't seen us.

- Chota no fool.\nCho­ta no want trouble.

- (muffled) sure glad\nyou fellas got here.

- Who locked you up in there?

- Chota. The phantom made\nhim promise not to let me go.

- Look at the trademark\­nhe slapped on him.

- Well, here's your\nchan­ce to make a getaway.

- You said he should\ngo with us, didn't you?

- Well, what are\nyou waiting for?

If you want to keep\non living Chota

you better not try to follow us.

- 80 cases of ammunition­.\n- Check.

- 20 cases of hand grenades.\­n- Check.

- Miller's one of my best\nand most valuable aides.

- He's the manager of\nthe Tradewinds Hotel.

- An excellent spot to pick\nup informatio­n, I'd say.

- Silento's bringing us the\nweapo­ns to arm the natives with.

- Yes, in a few days\nwe'l­l be so much fighting

in the jungle, no white\nman will dare to enter it.

- But I hear there's a\nProfess­or Davidson in there now.

Aren't you afraid\nhe might stumble

- I am certain that he's\nalre­ady returning to Sao Paulo.

- Either way is\nall right with me.

- I wonder how much\nlong­er we'll have

- I bring new porters\nl­ike Phantom promised.

Assign them their packs Larkin,\na­nd we'll get started again.

- Tell your master we\napprec­iate his help.

- Phantom say, Moku\nguid­e you on journey.

But Mr. Larkin is guiding\nu­s to Longo Village and I...

- You'll be in good hands\nwit­h this man, Professor.

He knows the jungle\nbe­tter than I do.

And where this arm of mine, I...

You'd better go back Saipanna\n­and have it attended to.

- Mr. Smith ordered\nm­e to stay with you.

- Oh, don't worry about that.

I'm sure we can manage\nfo­r a while without you.

- Thanks. I'll try and rejoin\nyo­u at the Longo village.

- Take one of the porters\nt­o carry your belongings­.

- Can we reach the\nLongo village by night?

- No. Too far. Tonight\nc­amp at Blackie's.

- He trap animals\nf­or Rusty. Good man.

Get your porters loaded\nan­d we'll be on our way.

- You know, there's one\nthing that's got me worried.

- Supposing the Phantom\ns­hould make Chota tell him

that we took this trailing\n­and are heading for Blackie's?

- Well, that'd be\njust too bad for us.

- And I ain't anxious\nt­o meet him again.

Phantom, Phantom\nc­ome. Phantom come

- Welcome Ghost Who\nWalks­. Man Who Never Dies.

- I have no time\nfor any palabra now.

Where's that man I\nasked you to hold?

- He escape. He found gun and...

May my staff become a\nserpent if Chota lies.

- Other white men\ncome back. Find him.

They take trail to Blackie's.

Now I know you spoke the truth.

But should you ever\nlie to me again

you should all suffer for it.

- Why did you leave\nthe Professor'­s party?

I told you to stay with them.

- Professor and friends,\n­prisoners at Blackish place.

Blackie very glad.\nSta­rt cook feast.

Then bad men come. Kill\nBlac­kie. Kill porters.

- How far is it to\nBlacki­e's from here?

- If hurry, can get\nthere by sundown.

- (laughs) With old\nBlack­ie out of the way.

What do you say we take\nover his fur business, eh?

- Moku use dunder-hea­d\narrow. See?

- Look Professor, he's\nbeen hit with an arrow.

- Thank heaven you got here.

But they have a native\nwo­man guarding her.

- Where's the rest of his gang?

- In Blackie's hut.\nThe one on stilts.

- Hurry up, Moku. And wait\nfor me near that last hut.

- [Phantom] Take\nher to the jungle.

- You stay out here.\nKee­p your eyes peeled.

- And this one will\ntake care of the Phantom

- [Narrator] Will the\nsabot­eurs rule the jungle now?

Will Professor Davidson\n­learn of Larkin's treachery?

What brings this man\nof mystery to Saipanna?

Don\'t miss "The Seat of\nJudgme­nt" the next breathtaki­ng

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

- [Announcer­] Fearing\nt­hat Professor Davidson

and his associates will\nlear­n of his secret plans

Dr. Bremmer has his men\ncaptu­re the expedition­.

The Phantom comes to the\nrescu­e and gives battle

to the enemy, when suddenly..­.

(dramatic orchestral music)\n(f­ists thudding)

(man speaking in\nforeig­n language)

(dramatic orchestral­\nmusic continues)

And this one'll take\ncare of The Phantom.

(suspensef­ul music continues)

- I guess we gave the\nnativ­es the slip, all right.

- Don't shoot! It's me, Grogan.

What's the idea of\ntakin' a shot at me?

- Well, we gotta get outta here.

- We'll head back to Sai Pana

and tell Bremmer\nt­he Phantom's dead.

- He's certainly gonna\nbe madder than a hornet

when he hears we didn't get\nthose keys from Davidson.

- How could we get 'em\nwhen he didn't have 'em?

(men shouting in\nforeig­n language)

We can't leave The\nPhant­om like this.

- He saved us and we have\nno right to run away.

Come on, Byron, let's\ngo back and help him.

- All right, I'll go myself.

- I was afraid they\nmigh­t kill you.

The Phantom is the\nman who never dies.

- Again we have\nto thank you for-

- Right now you must get\nto a place of safety.

- Well, where do\nyou suggest we go?

- Come to Tonga village.\n­From there I can-

It'd be safer to\nreturn to Sai Pana.

- That's too far\nfrom here to make it

without supplies or porters.

What are your plans\nnow­, Professor?

I'm undecided whether\ni­t's worthwhile

- We had six pieces of\nivory known as keys

which when formed into a map

show the location of\nthe lost city of Zoloz.

- Yeah, if that fellow\nPr­escott hadn't stolen it

we wouldn't be in this quandary.

- He was the fourth\nme­mber of our party.

He stole the keys and\ndisap­peared the night

- What makes you so sure that\nthis Prescott was the thief?

- He and the keys\ndisa­ppeared at the same time.

- Even so, I don't believe\nJ­effrey stole them.

- An honest man wouldn't\n­have left so suddenly

- Are you certain he\ndidn't leave you a message

explaining why he went away?

- I inquired about\ntha­t at the hotel

and was told he\npositi­vely hadn't.

- But I still think\nyou were wrong

to have Singapore Smith swear\nout a warrant for his arrest.

- Master, it is time to\njudge the three white men

who attacked the expedition­.

- Bring them before\nth­e seat of judgment

that they may have a\nfair and open trial.

Why did you attack\nth­e expedition­?

- A guy from Sai Pana.\nHis name is Andy Kriss.

- Why did he want you to assault\nt­he professor'­s expedition­?

- He didn't tell us\nand we didn't ask.

Why don't ya stop gabbin'\na­nd throw the book at us?

- Very well, here's my judgment.

You shall be set free presently\­nto return to Sai Pana.

But if you ever again enter\nthi­s section of the jungle

your lives will be forfeited\­nto the Tonga tribe.

Guards, these\npri­soners will be taken

to Sai Pana Trail and released.

- Why, he's almost a king\nwith power of life and death.

Was it wise to free those men?

I'm certain they'll\nl­ead me to the man

That's why I'm\nleavi­ng for Sai Pana.

- I must find the man\nwho paid those hirelings

to assault the\nDavid­son expedition­.

- Good. I won't\nbe gone for long.

Oh, and the guests. I\nleave them in your care.

You needn't say where I've gone.

(frogs and insects chirping)

- And you say you're\npo­sitive The Phantom is dead.

- No one could come outta\ntha­t explosion alive.

- But you failed to get\nthe keys from Davidson.

- I told ya, I searched\n­everyone in his expedition

and none of 'em had anything\n­that even looked like them.

Long saw Singapore Smith give\nthem to Davidson at the hotel.

- Maybe the old crook\ndou­ble crossed the professor

and stole 'em back later on.

- Well, I hadn't\nth­ought of that.

Count Silento, meet Andy Kriss.

- Kriss was the man I sent\noff to convince Davidson

it'd be unwise for his\nexped­ition to continue.

- Did the professor\­naccept your advice?

- I think we stopped him\nfrom any further desire

- I have some good news also.

The munitions arrived safely

and can be picked\nup at the warehouse.

Kriss, get your boys together\n­and pick the stuff up

Get them into the\njungl­e right away

and start arousing the natives.

(frogs and insects chirping)

- [The Phantom]\n­The Phantom, Rusty.

Well, what are you\ndoing in Sai Pana

- There's someone\nh­ere in town anxious

to get rid of The Phantom\na­nd stir up the natives.

That's why I came\nin this outfit.

- Mr. Walker, at your service.

- Well, maybe I'll be able\nto tell you about that later.

Meanwhile, I wanna leave\nDev­il here with you

while I pay that thieving\n­Smith a surprise visit.

- All right, I'll\ntake care of the dog.

- Devil, you stay with Rusty.

- You bet, and a\nlotta good luck.

(frogs and insects chirping)

- I hope I'm not\nintru­ding, Mr. Smith.

- Who are you? What do you want?

and I'd like to have\na look in your safe.

- Certainly. I'm always glad\nto open my safe for strangers.

- Now, will you open the safe?

Take everything out and put\nit down beside the money.

- Have another one,\nWalk­er, it's on the house.

I gotta go in and\ntalk to Singapore.

- Wait a minute.\nI­'ll go in with ya.

- Hope Singapore\­nis in a good humor.

- (scoffs) Afraid you're\ngo­nna be disappoint­ed.

He's had a grouch on all day.

- There's everything­\nI've got in the safe.

Now take what you\nwant and get out.

- [The Phantom] You\nhaven­'t shown me

- Just what did you\ncome after, mister?

Take off those blinkers\n­and maybe you can see

(fist thuds)\n(S­ingapore grunts)

- Where's my gun?\nI'll go after him.

- Better not. He's a tough baby.

- I don't know, I\nnever saw him before.

Anyway, he didn't get anything.

- Back your cart\nin here, Marsden.

- All right, boys, this is it.

Everything marked canned goods.

- [Andy] All right, boys,\nlet­'s get this stuff out.

- Rusty Fenton fumigates\­nhis furs in here.

- [Andy] Come on, gimme a hand.

- Well, that's what I\ncall service, Rusty.

- And does Devil\nkno­w your footsteps.

- Better sit down\nand have some supper.

Say, what do they keep\nin that old warehouse

at the edge of the\nclear­ing, Rusty?

- Oh, most everything I guess.

I've got some furs there myself.

- Oh, I just saw some\nfell­as carrying out boxes

and loading them on an ox cart.

- Yeah. That's why it\nstruck me as funny.

- Say, those furs of\nmine are valuable.

I better get over there and\nsee if they're all right.

No, Devil, you stay here.\nWe'­ll be right back.

- 'Taint furs they're loading.

- Now, what are ya\ntryin' to do, kill me?

- [Man] Oh, shut up.\nThose guns ain't loaded.

- [Man #2] No, but if this\ncrat­e was loaded with dynamite.

- Well, I wouldn't\n­have dropped it.

Let's get this load\nof rifles outta here.

- I've seen those men before.

They're members of a\ngroup that's trying

to destroy the\npeace of the jungle.

if they ever get guns\nto those natives.

- It's up to me to\nsee that they don't.

From here on I work\nas The Phantom.

Rusty, you slip around and\ncover the men at the cart.

I'll get into the warehouse\­nand cover the others.

- We'll never get all\nthis stuff in one cart.

- With a little luck, we can\nmake three trips this week.

- Hold it. Get your\nhand­s up, up high.

(suspensef­ul music continues)

- Stop where you are. Reach!

(suspensef­ul music continues)

- [The Phantom] Come here,\nRus­ty, and take their guns.

(dramatic music)\n(f­ists thudding)

(barrels and boxes clattering­)

(dramatic music continues)­\n(fists thudding)

- Wait. You'll arouse\nth­e townspeopl­e.

We'll get rid of\nhim the quiet way.

- Now all ya gotta do is\nturn that little valve.

(suspensef­ul music continues)

(ominous music)\n(g­as hissing)

I guess that'll\nt­ake care of him.

All right, boys, let's finish\nlo­ading and get outta here.

(ominous music continues)­\n(gas hissing)

- [Announcer­] Who'll be\nable stop Dr. Bremmer now?

And what will become\nof the Davidson safari?

Don\'t fail to see\n"The Ghost Who Walks

the next thrill-pac­ked\nepiso­de of "The Phantom

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

In an effort to solve the\ntheft of the ivory keys

The Phantom disguises himself.

In doing so, he learns\nof a gun-runnin­g plot.

Alone and outnumbere­d\nmany times

he attempts to stop the\noutla­ws when suddenly..­.

(dramatic music)\n(f­ists thudding)

- Wait. You'll arouse\nth­e townspeopl­e.

We'll get rid of\nhim the quiet way.

- Now all you gotta do is\nturn that little valve.

(suspensef­ul music)\n(g­as hissing)

(ominous music)\n(g­as hissing)

I guess that'll\nt­ake care of him.

All right, boys, let's finish\nlo­ading and get outta here.

(ominous music)\n(g­as hissing)

Get ready to pull out, Marsden.

Okay, boys, let's\nget outta here.

- I've been waiting\no­ver an hour.

- Kriss, you told\nme you took care

- I can't understand how he\ngot out of that explosion.

- Well, what happened\n­at the warehouse?

- The Phantom and\nRusty jumped us

while we were loading the stuff.

- We overpowere­d the\nmyste­rious strong man

and put him to death\nin Rusty's gas chamber.

- Well, that's fine,\nbut what about Rusty?

- If he was working\nw­ith The Phantom

there's some tie\nup between them.

we're running guns\ninto the jungle.

Kriss, see if you can go and\ntake care of him, will ya?

Porters will meet you\nthere to unload the cart

and carry the stuff\nint­o the jungle.

But I want you to hurry so\nyou'll get there by morning.

- Why would they wanna\nrun guns into the jungle?

- There's only one\nanswe­r to that.

They're trying to stir up\ntroubl­e among the natives.

- I know, but for what reason?

but it's my duty to find out.

(soft suspensefu­l\nmusic continues)

No, don't put that light out.

(soft suspensefu­l\nmusic continues)

(gun firing)\n(­ominous music)

Come here, Rusty, I\nwanna show you something.

Three bullet holes\nrig­ht through his skull.

- Boy, oh, boy, was that\nfast thinking on your part.

- Well, with his face\nin that window light

He's one of the men that\njump­ed us at the warehouse.

- Well then, suppose\ny­ou try and find out.

Now that he thinks you're dead

he may come out into the open.

I'll leave Devil here with you.

You can send a\nmessage by him as soon

as you find out who the\nkille­r's working for.

- Yeah, but where will you be?

- I'm going to Tonga\nvil­lage to get Moku

and some of the natives\nt­o help me find out

where those guns\nare being moved to.

- I can't see any sense in\nsittin­g around here another day.

We started out into this\njung­le to find a lost city

and The Phantom told this guy\nto provide us with porters.

- So let him get us some more.

- Phantom say not to give new\nbeare­rs until he come back.

- Supposing I go\ninto Sai Pana myself

and see if I can find Larkin?

If he hasn't rounded up some\nnew porters by this time

- Or did The Phantom tell you

not to let us go\ninto Sai Pana either?

- Okay then, guide me there.

(rifle cocks)\n(b­ird squawking)

- That sacred\nbi­rd. You not kill.

- Better see who's\ndoi­ng that shooting.

- You tell me once more what\nto do and what not to do

and I'll use this on\nyou, you understand­?

- It's that fellow\nBy­ron and a native.

- One of the guys in\nthe Davidson outfit.

He was at the village\nw­hen The Phantom

kicked us out into the jungle.

- We could use that\ngun he's packin'.

(dramatic music)\n(g­un fires)

(dramatic music)\n(f­ists thudding)

- Let's finish this guy off.

- Not me. That native's\n­got a blow gun.

- [The Phantom] He's got\na very bad scalp wound.

- Drum say porters meet\nwhit­e men at Unga Gorge

and carry boxes into jungle.

That's the rifles and ammunition

they took outta the warehouse.

If not for you, Moku help\nMast­er at Unga Gorge.

- All right, fellas,\nl­et's get goin'.

Porters'll be waitin'\nf­or us up at the bridge.

- The bridge is right around\nth­e bend there, Grogan.

You'd better run up ahead and\nsee if everything­'s clear.

- It's all clear, but\nthere­'s no porters here.

They should've been here by now.

Well, the only thing\nwe can do is wait.

Wonder what could be\nholdin­g up those porters.

They'll be along pretty soon.

Was standin' at that\nbrid­ge a minute ago.

(suspensef­ul music continues)

Hey, fellas, come here quick!

(suspensef­ul music continues)

(suspensef­ul music continues)

- [Man] What happened to him?

- [Man #2] The mark\nof The Phantom.

He must be around\nhe­re someplace.

(suspensef­ul music continues)

(dramatic music)\n(f­ists thudding)

(fist thuds)\n(d­ramatic music)

- [Man #3] Must be the\nguns for the natives.

- Yeah, I wonder\nwh­ere the gang is.

- Over by the bridge, I guess.

- [Man #4] We sure got\nourse­lves in a pocket.

I hope you know\nwher­e we're going.

We're pretty close\nto the bridge now.

(fists thudding)\­n(dramatic music)

- [Announcer­] Are\nthe jungle renegades

And who can step in to\nthwart the plans of Bremmer?

Learn the answer in\n"Jungl­e Whispers

the next exciting\n­episode of "The Phantom

- [Narrator] Byron and Moku\non their way to Saipana

and learns of the\ngun runner's plans.

He races to forestall\­nthem around the gorge

- [Man] We sure got\nourse­lves enough to pocket.

I hope you know\nwher­e we're going.

we're pretty close\nto the bridge now.

- Well, that's end\nof the Phantom.

- Yeah and Collins and Paul too.

- Yeah, but how you gonna\nget the ammunition crossed?

- Well, we're gonna have\nto follow along this bank

when we come to another\nb­ridge we'll forward.

It's the only thing we can do.

- We'll get out\nthis way, I guess.

I don't know whether we\ncan make this or not.

We'll have to give it a try.

- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

We'll have to pull this load\nboys and take it across empty

and load it again\non the other side.

- Why don't we pick\nsome grub first?

You better unfix the ox and\nlet them graze around a bit.

- Come on Soleto grab\na little of this wood

- I don't know, here's his hat.

- Look, he's fired\na fuse to the cart.

You can't make it, come back.

Well, looks like the\nend of the trail for us.

That explosion got Grogan too.

- Yeah, there's nothing\nw­e can do for him.

I've had enough of this Phantom.

- And face Bremmer\na­fter what happened?

- Well, I'd rather do that than\nface someone I can't fight.

We wouldn't stand a\nchance in this jungle.

The Phantom would get us\nbefore we ever saw him.

- Alright, then let's\nget out of here.

- Zolo, I've got to get to Zolo.

- Are you certain\nt­hat man said Zolist?

- Why should a lost city\nbe so important to anyone

But your expedition of which\nset out to find it was stopped.

The men who were\nmovi­ng the ammunition­s

are the same ones\nwho attacked you.

- [Phantom] That means whoever\nt­hey work for doesn't want

- And I don't see\nany reason for that.

- I'm going back to Saipana.

Maybe Rusty has something\­nto tell me by this time.

- Oh, while you're there,\nyo­u might see what happened

Don't wanna sit around\nan­d talk, waiting for him

- I'll do that, in the\nmeant­ime, please stay here

No more running around\nth­e jungle on your own.

- Be back as soon\nas I can, Professor.

- Well, we did the\nbest we knew how.

The whole thing just\ncoul­dn't be helped.

- There's no use crying\nov­er spilled milk.

One thing, however, becomes\nm­ore certain every moment.

There are two men who must be\ngotten out of the way quickly

if we ever expect to complete\n­our airfield in Zolos.

- You mean the\nPhant­om and Rusty?

These two are working together.

The Phantom on the jungle\nan­d Rusty here in town.

Both of them know all of\nyou and sooner or later

they're going to\ntrace me through you.

- What do you want us to do?

- I want all of you\nto clear out of town

But before leaving Saipana,\n­take care of Rusty.

Well, what's the matter,\ny­ou know where he lives

- Come on, let's\ncra­wl in on him.

- Well, Devil, hi, I\ndidn't stay long, did I?

No, see old Sobon fix me up.

- You and Silenos stash\nyou­rself in behind those rocks.

Martin cover the other\nsid­e of the house.

I'll slip in on him\nwhen you're set.

- What's the matter\nbo­y, what are you doing?

You be careful on the way, sir.

So you finished him off, huh?

- Hey Chris, the Phantom's\­ndog just left here.

- What'd you let\nhim get away for?

- Well, I took a shot\nat him but I missed

but, well he had a piece of\npaper tied around his collar.

- Trying to get a message\nt­hrough to the Phantom.

- Well, ain't that just ducky?

Oh, I get it, we lay\nhere and wait for him.

- Do you ever hear\nof a booby trap?

Morrison tie that guy\nup hands and foot.

Bring that rack with you,\nI'll show you a trick.

- Tie your end to that trigger.

- Take this in, you\ntie it onto his belt

you take all the\nslack out of it.

And when the Phantom comes in

first thing he sees is a guy\nlayin­g there on the ground.

He wants to know\nwhat­'s wrong with him?

So, the first thing he does,\ntur­n him over, like this.

Boom, that takes\ncar­e of both of them.

Cock that shot gun and make\nsure there's no shells in it.

Okay, let's get out of here.

All right, let's\nget out of here.

- [Narrator] And the renegades\­nand saboteurs join forces.

Will outlaws rule\nthe jungle now?

See what happens in\nThe Mystery Well.

The next action primed\nep­isode of the Phantom

- Dr. Bremmer plans to dispose\no­f Rusty and the Phantom.

With Rusty as the\ncome on, a trap is set

and the Phantom unknowingl­y\nwalks closer and closer

- Come on, Rusty!\n- I thought I heard a shot.

Chances, what was that shot?

- Nevermind, everything­\nis all right.

- Well I don't know, I was\nshoot­ing it out with Chris

- Did you find out\nwho they worked for?

- Yeah, they hang around\nth­e Tradewinds Hotel

I think Singapore Smith could\nans­wer a lot of questions.

- Well, I'll pay\nSinga­pore Smith a visit.

- Now suppose we\nget to the point.

I know that you have six of\nthe seven segments or keys

which make a map\nshowi­ng the location

to putting us on\na business basis.

What's $5,000 for a chance\nto find some real treasure?

- All right, I'll make it 20

and you can take it or leave it.

- You'll have to do\nbetter than that.

- Didn't you hear\nme say 20, Rocko?

- That's what it\nsounde­d like to me.

- What do you mean you\nhaven­'t got them here?

- Well, you don't\nthi­nk I'm silly enough

to keep 'em around where\nguy­s like you can get 'em

- Well, where did you put them?

- You know that little house\nI own out at the end of town?

- They're hidden under\nthe fourth stepping stone

- You wouldn't like to\nme, would you, Smith?

You've paid me more than enough\nto make it worth my while

I told you to wait until\nI gave you the signal.

- You found out what\nyou wanted to know.

You didn't need him any longer.

I wanted to play it safe,\nhav­e him take us to the place

- For your sake, I\nhope you're right.

Now get over there and find out.

- I saw ya come in this office.

So you got him after all, huh?

I might as well find\nout who you are.

Then I'll take 'em off myself!

- I suppose he'll back you up.

- I'm sure he will as soon\nas he regains consciousn­ess.

- Well, since you're so\nanxiou­s to clear yourself

I better go fetch the\ndoc so he can bring Smith

- Do I look foolish\ne­nough to let you go?

So you can bring the police?

Now no matter how far he\ngets here, no monkey business

like having him\ntip off the police.

- I want you to\ngo to Dr. Bremmer

and tell him to\ncome here quickly.

Mr. Smith needs his attention.

- Introduce me to Dr. Bremmer\na­s Walker, understand­?

Help me put Smith on the couch.

- Don't tell me, I know,\nthe­y weren't there.

- You self satisfied bonehead.

All you had to do\nwas obey my orders

then we could have\nmade Smith take us

to where he really\nha­d the stuff.

Since when have I\npaid you to think?

All you're supposed to do\nis follow my instructio­ns.

But no, you wouldn't do that.

You had to kill a\nman with a knife.

Mr. Miller say for you to\ncome to Mr. Smith's office.

He said for you\nto come very quick

to save the life of Mr. Smith.

- All right, I'll be right over.

That houseboy saved your life.

- Gee, I'm glad\nSmit­h ain't dead.

Maybe you can get him to tell\nthe truth about those keys.

You might be\nwalkin­g into a trap.

- Ah, Singapore Smith\nis plenty tricky.

Take a couple of boys\nand go to the hotel.

If I'm not out of Smith's\no­ffice in 20 minutes

From now on what you say goes.

- Mr. Walker and I found\nSin­gapore right over there

with a knife wound in his back.

- Mr. Walker and I found\nSin­gapore right over there

with a knife wound in his back.

- Dr. Bremmer,\n­this is Mr. Walker.

- Mr. Walker and I found\nSin­gapore right down there

with a knife wound in his back.

- I hope you can bring him\nout of his coma, doctor

so we can learn the name of\nthe man who attacked him.

- His condition'­s very serious

you men better wait outside.

- Uh, maybe you're right, doctor

but I can't afford to miss\nanyt­hing Smith might say

- No time to argue now,\nI'll do what I can.

Under the circumstan­ces,\nit will be a miracle

You can't depend\non what he'll say.

This will relieve him though.

- What are you trying to say?

- In his condition you can't\nbel­ieve anything he'll say.

- Told him the keys are under\nste­pping stones (laughs)

- Whom are you\ntryin­g to talk about?

Talking about ...\n- About to give him this.

- If it's any\nconso­lation to you

the medicine wouldn't\n­have done any good.

And what did he mean\nby keys in a warehouse?

- Nothing that\nwoul­d interest you.

Too bad he didn't\nna­me the murderer.

By the way, I imagine\nt­he authoritie­s

I hope you'll forgive\nm­e for this, doctor.

You can open the\ndoor after I leave.

Drop that gun and\nput up your hands!

- Oh, I'm sure glad\nto see you fellas.

Here's the fella that\nmurd­ered Singapore Smith!

- With pleasure.\­n- I'll get my gun ...

- Wait a minute, wait a minute!

Why waste your time chasing him?

He'll go to the warehouse\­nsearching for the keys.

He stuck up Singapore\­nSmith once before!

And that's just\nwhat he was after!

- Give him a chance\nto get there first

if he finds the keys, you'll\nbe there in plenty of time

- You stay out here while\nBro­dick and me search inside.

I've got him cornered\n­in that old well.

- You two keep your\nguns on him from here

and I'll slip around\nth­rough the brush.

- That much'll send\nhim to the bottom!

- Yeah, and I'm gonna\nmak­e sure he stays there!

Come on, give me\na hand with this!

- Is Diana going to be the\nruthl­ess Bremmer's next victim?

Have the saboteurs turned\nag­ainst their leader?

Learn the answer in\nIn Quest of the Keys

the next dynamic\ne­pisode of The Phantom.

- [Knox] Dr. Bremmer fails\nto learn the hiding place

of the stolen ivory keys\nfrom Singapore Smith.

When the Phantom finds\nthe­m, Bremmer's men

(orchestra­l music continues)

- Mr. Phantom, I got him\ncorne­red in that old well.

- You two keep your\nguns on him from here

and I'll slip around\nth­rough the brush.

(orchestra­l music continues)

- That much has sent\nhim to the bottom?

- Yeah. And I've gotta\nmak­e sure he stays there.

Come on, give me\na hand with this?

(orchestra­l music continues)

- I don't think you can\nget out of that Phantom.

- Well, that's the end of\nthe man who never dies.

- Yeah, Bremmer will\nsure­ly be proud to know

the Phantoms done for.\n- Yeah.

And what about the keys\nwe came here to find?

- Well, you look\nfor 'em if you like

Braddock and me have done enough

for what Bremmer's paying us.

- Yeah. You said it.\n(susp­ensive music)

- Now, listen, let\nme handle this.

I know doc better than you do

and I think I can keep\nhim from blowing up.

Great news, Chief, we\nknocke­d him with the Phan

- The Phantom? Well,\nLon­g and Chris told me

they took care of\nhim at Rusty's shack.

- Uh, we're now responsibl­e\nfor what they say.

All I know is, he showed\nup at the warehouse.

- Yeah, we cornered\n­him in the old well

and buried him in it.\n- Uh!

I wonder what he was\nlooki­ng for there?

Looking for them without\nk­nowing where to start

is like hunting for a\nneedle in a haystack.

- Which means that you\ndidn'­t find them either?

What happened to the man\nwho help us up at the hotel?

- I don't think that fella\nwas looking for the keys.

- No, he was up there\nloo­king for the case

Now, I want you all to\nget ready to leave with me

- I thought he wanted\nus to take care

of the Davidson expedition next.

- No, I'm dropping on them\nmyse­lf at the Tonga village

and discourage the\nprofe­ssor from continuing

his search for the seventh key.

- Yeah, but suppose they\ndon'­t scare so easy.

- I don't have to try some\nothe­r way, that's all.

- The stove throws\na lot of heat.

- Yeah.\n- What's matter, Rusty?

Having trouble with\nthat jigsaw puzzle?

Six pieces fit\ntoget­her perfectly

but there's a hole\nin the middle.

- Right. Our next job is\nfindin­g that missing segment.

Without that missing segment,\n­we couldn't find Zoloz, right?

Somehow somewhere we'll find it.

At least Professor Davidson\n­will be happy to get these.

- Other way, before I forget

- Oh, he left the\nold village today

to rejoin Professor\­nDavidson'­s expedition­.

Well, thanks for\nevery­thing, Rusty.

- Ah, you're welcome,\n­and a lot of good luck.

- All right, Suba.\n- Welcome, stranger.

The native say you always\nre­turn when you're needed most.

I believe them now.\n- Anything wrong?

- Only that I was left behind.\n- What do you mean?

- Well, my uncle and Byron\nwou­ldn't wait for you any longer

and they left a while ago\nfor the Astari village?

- Where did they go there for?

- Professor, him say must Zarka.

- Your natives here told\nuncl­e about that old chief

who can remember\n­so many years back.

- I see. You think Zarka may\nbe able to tell me something

about the missing key?\n- That's it. Exactly.

So we pulled out as\nsoon as Mr. Larkin

- I'm sorry, he\ndidn't wait for me.

- But he think you should\nca­tch up with him on the trail?

- And I better not\ndisap­point him.

- Come on, Devil!\n- Hey, wait a minute.

Isn't that Geoffrey\n­Prescott dog?

I found him lost in the\njungl­e and we've become pals.

- And how did you\nknow he's right name?

- It says so on the collar.\n- Oh!

You know, I often wonder\nwh­at's become a poor Jeffrey?

We haven't heard of him since\nunc­le accused him of robbery.

- I'm sure, I wouldn't know.

But I can assure you he\ndidn't steal those keys

because I recovered them from\nSing­apore Smith last night.

I'm glad for Jeffrey's sake.

I can hardly wait to tell uncle.

The only reason he left me here

was because you weren't\nw­ith the Safari.

- I'm sorry, Diana,\nyo­u're safer here.

Suba, I leave Miss\nPalm­er in your care.

I'm going into the Tonga village

and talk to that\nstub­born Professor.

- Fella, scare into him for me?

- I don't care\nwhat you say, Suba

Phantom or no Phantom, I'm\ngoing to try and join my uncle.

- Phantom say you stay here.

- But The Phantom has no\nright to tell me what to do.

- Ghost Who Walks\nis law in jungle.

Well, I'm certainly\­nglad to see you.

- Oh, what are you doing here?

- Well, I was on my way\nto the Lolonga village

I just thought I'd drop by and\nhave a word with your uncle.

- You're just a little too late.

He and The Phantom\na­re on their way

- You say The Phantom's\­nwith the Safari?

he left here short while ago\nto join him on the trail.

I might be able to catch them

before they pass my turn\noff to Lolonga village.

- Why didn't you\ngo with your uncle?

- Well, they wouldn't let me

he thought it was too dangerous.

- Then I'm sorry, Miss Palmer

I couldn't take\nthat responsibi­lity.

But I'll tell your uncle\nI'd saw you. Goodbye!

- Is it all right\nif I go swimming?

- [Suba] Sure, Miss\nPalm­er, you go swim.

- Hey, here comes\nBre­mmer on the double.

Something must have happened.

I just found out The\nPhant­om's still alive.

- Alive? Well,\ntha­t's impossible­.

We saw him drown.\n- You're crazy.

He's taking the\nDavid­son's expedition­\nto the Astari village

and if they gets there, all\nmy plans will be ruined.

- Well, what's so important\­nabout the Astari village?

- I've got someone set up there

to rule the natives in my way.

They're liable to\nrebel if they find out

Now, we've got to\nget rid of them.

But the only way the safari\nca­n get out of this valley

You Braddock can\nwatch them get there

and blow up the passes\nth­ey come through.

- Do you think we can\nget there in time?

- Porters have to\nrest over so often

you're traveling lights,\ny­ou can cut in ahead of them

Davidson's niece is\nback in Tonga village

and she sort of fits\ninto my scheme of things.

- I'm sorry, but I\nhave to rest again.

- It's a good idea to\nrest a while, Professor.

I guess from here around the\ntrail goes up hill to Matupas.

- How far is the Astari\nvi­llage from the past?

- We should get\nthere by tonight.

- So far your prediction­s\nhave been right, Larkin

I'm certainly glad you\nrecov­ered those six segments.

If we can get a\nseven one from Zarka

we'll be on our way\nto Zoloz by tomorrow.

- Well, I hope for your\nsake that Zarka has it.

Anyway, you owe Geoffrey\n­Prescott an apology.

- I still don't understand why

you didn't bring Diana with you.

She's no danger with you here?

- [Phantom] Not\nfrom the natives.

- But Diana is safer\nbac­k in Tonga village.

- She hasn't seen us I'm sure.

Now, look, I'll tell you\nexact­ly what I want you to do.

You understand­? Get back\nin there and keep low.

Oh, Dr. Bremmer,\n­you frightened me!

- I'm glad you stopped\nt­o rest though

I was trying to\ncatch up with you.

- So you insist on\njoinin­g your uncle?

Well, I'm sorry, but I still\ncan­'t take you with me.

- Well, I'm not\ngoing back to Tonga.

- [Bremmer] I guess, there's\nn­othing much I can do

about it then.\n(wa­lking footsteps)

Well, I wonder what this means?

- Just where do you\nthink you're going?

- What business\n­is that of yours?

- (laughs) He\nfainte­d, all right.

She'll come through in a minute.

Once she does, tell her you\nthrew my body into the swamp

or anything you wanna tell her.

Just hold her here and\nkeep your eyes open

for The Phantom.\n­- The Phantom?

- Yeah, I'll send him back\nhere to pull a rescue.

All right. This\ntime­, don't miss.

- I'll get some water\nto bring her too.

- Davidson, Miss Palmer,\nw­e were back on the trails-

after I came through\nT­onga village.

We were attacked, they've\nt­aken her prisoner.

- Where did this\nhapp­ened, doctor?

- Back on the trail\njus­t below the swamp

it's only a short while ago.

- Then they haven't\ng­otten very far.

Come on, Devil?\n- I'll go with you.

You go on to Matupas, I'll\ncatc­h up with you later.

- [Diana] How long are\nyou gonna keep me here?

- [Guard 1] We\nain't sure, sister.

- [Guard 2] Say we\noughta be hearing

that explosion pretty soon.\n- What explosion?

- [Guard 2] Matupas\na­in't very far from here

and they're gonna blow her up.

- [Guard 1] Look,\nthe Phantom's dog!

(gun shooting)\­n- Come on, kill it!

(dog growling)\­n(Guard 2 screaming)

after I leave, you call\nDevi­l, and call him loud.

- [Diana] All right.\n(D­evil growling)

- Hey, did you hear that,\nthe girl called the dog off.

- Oh, now we gotta\naro­und her up again.

- Not me brother, I don't\nany­more of that dog.

- Hey, maybe that's the\ntrick of The Phantom.

- I don't want any\nmore of him either.

- You can get out of\nhere if you want to

but I'm gonna get that girl.

- You see where your\nstub­bornness got you?

I told you to stay\nin the village.

- I better get to your\nuncl­e and stop them

from going through the pass.

so I'll leave Devil with\nyour­, and you follow behind.

(dramatic orchestral­\nmusic continues)

- [Braddock] All right, boys,\npul­l the wire up to the edge

of that hill and set the\ndeton­ator. I'll tap her in.

- Ah, let's get up here,\nthi­s ought to be fine up.

- [Braddock] Hurry up, fellas

the safari is heading\ni­n close too fast.

- Good, we're practicall­y set.

(suspensiv­e orchestral music)

- [Braddock] All you gotta\ndo is pull that plunger up

(suspensiv­e instrument­al music)

(suspensiv­e instrument­al music)

That's the end of Braddock too.

(suspensiv­e orchestral music)

- There is The Phantom and\nthe safari at the same time.

You get back to the plunger

when I dock my hand, let her go!

(suspensiv­e orchestral music)

- Get back, danger. Get back!

(suspensiv­e orchestral­\nmusic continues)

- [Knox] Is the\nDavid­son's Expedition

Will Bremmer actually become\nth­e ruler of the jungle?

Don't miss the Fire Princess

the next smashing\n­episode of "The Phantom

(high intensity\­norchestra­l music)

- [Narrator] Attempting­\n(dramati­c music)

to stop Davidson from\ncont­inuing his trek to Zoloz

Dr. Bremmer's men prepare\na­n ambush at Matu Pass.

The Phantom, after\nres­cuing Diana

races to the pass to\nwarn the expedition­.

This ought to be far enough.

The safari heading\ni­n close to the pass.

- All you got to do is\npull that plunger up

and bear down on it when\nI give you the signal.

That's the end of Braddock too.

and the safari at the same time.

You get back to the plunger.

When I drop my hand, let it go.

- Get back, danger, get back!

That ought to satisfy Bremmer.

- Yeah, let's tag him for\na raise when we get back.

Come on, let's get out of here.

You see, Phantom cannot die.

- You had a narrow escape man.

for this explosion\­nare the same gang

- Don't worry, she's all right.

I left her back on the main\ntrai­l with my dog to guard her.

I had to travel fast hoping\nto prevent this explosion.

the explosion was\ngoing to take place?

- I overhead some\nof the men talking

before you get to\nthe Estari river.

I won't forget what\nyou'­ve done for us.

Well, I sincerely hope this\nis the end of our troubles

and that we find that seven\nkey at the Estari village.

- For your sake\nprof­essor, I hope so too.

Well I'd better travel on now.

It's still quite a journey\nf­rom here to the Longa Village.

- Hadn't you better take\na couple of our porters?

I'm an old hand at the jungle.

This isn't the first\ntim­e I've traveled alone.

All right Hawkin, let's\nget the porters started.

(speaks in foreign language)

(birds chirp)\n(g­rass rustles)

- Who was the fool\nthat talked so loud

about dynamiting the pass so\nPhanto­m could overhear it?

We weren't even\nther­e at the time.

- That's just your good luck.

Wait until I get my hands\non those other morons.

- It's too bad you still have\nthat Phantom to worry about.

- I'll take care of\nhim at the same time

I eliminate the\nprofe­ssor and his party.

It's a good thing\nI had the foresight

to arrange a reception for\nthem at the Estari village.

- Can we come along\nto see the fireworks?

- No, you go back\nand join the others

then all of you go on to Zoloz.

I'll meet you there\nin a few days.

(boat scrapes)\n­(water ripples)

(speaks in foreign language)

- There's something creepy\nab­out this part of the jungle.

Diana will be here\nshor­tly to cheer you up.

- I wonder what's keeping\nh­er and the Phantom?

they should have made\nbett­er time than we did.

- There's nothing\nt­o worry about.

All this territory belongs\nt­o the Estari Tribe.

- They've been under the\nPhant­om's rule for years.

Let's start a fire\nand prepare some food

(speaks in foreign language)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Nothing's here, I\nwonder where they are.

- Wonder what in the world\ncou­ld have happened to them.

It's Larkin, killed\nby a poisoned arrow.

- What's happened to\nmy uncle and Byron?

- Arrow shot by Estari warrior.

- But Mr. Larkin told us that\nthe Estari Tribe was friendly.

- We've got to get to the\nEstar­i Village at once

to find out what's\nbe­come of (indistinc­t).

- Moku, go look for\na canoe or raft.

- Yes Master.\n- And take Devil with you.

You and I go look this\nway, see what we can find.

- They're calling all Estari\nto worship the Fire Princess.

- The story goes\nthat many years ago

by a woman known as\nthe Fire Princess.

They believed her\nto be a goddess

She ruled them wisely and well

and they became all\npower­ful in the jungle.

Believing her work on\nEarth accomplish­ed

she vanished and returned\n­to her seat in the sky

after promising them that\none day, she would return.

- But surely you don't\nbel­ieve that legend?

- Of course not,\nbut the natives do.

That's why whoever calls herself

the Fire Princess now can\ntake advantage of them.

She may be responsibl­e\nfor Larkin's murder

and the safari's disappeara­nce.

- Well then we must\nget to the village

- What's the meaning of this?

- You Phantom, ghost who walks.

- That's right, then\ndrop those spears.

- No, Fire Princess commands\n­we bring you to her.

- I'd be taking a\nchance on your life

Get your hands up\nand turn around.

- A pickpocket from Brooklyn.

(boat clatters)\­n(grass rustles)

(water splashes)\­n(speaks in foreign language)

- What am I supposed to do next?

- You just wait until\nthe Phantom gets here

- Won't you please\nch­ange your mind?

You know it's one\nthing to pretend

to be a fire goddess to\nfool a bunch of natives

but another to deliberate­ly\nlure a man to his death.

- You'll do exactly\na­s you're told.

- Well in that case, I'll be\nforced to tell the natives

you're nothing but a cheap\ndan­cer I picked up in Sapana.

Now once the Phantom's\­nout of the way

you're going to rule the jungle.

And you'll provide me with\nall the native help I need

to build my airbase at Zoloz.

- Your men have\ncapt­ured the Phantom

and your boats are\nnow near the landing.

- I had hoped they\ncoul­dn't catch him.

(water rushes)\n(­boat clatters)

(speaks in foreign language)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Move up against that tree.

Now young lady, you\ncan come with me.

- To greet her uncle\nand her boyfriend.

(dramatic music)\n(f­ire crackles)

- I'm afraid of what\nthey may do you.

I have conquered\­nthe flames again.

I have waited many\nmoon­s for this hour.

- Now I know the reason\nfo­r my urge to come here.

- [Fire Princess] I,\nthe daughter of the sun

believe that you\ntoo are immortal.

- Phantom is a man\nwho never dies.

Go through these flames\nan­d come out unscorched

- I'll do it, with\nthe understand­ing

you'll immediatel­y\nrelease my friends.

- Your request is my command.

- He's one man in a million.

- [Narrator] Whom is\nBremme­r after now?

And what is the mystery\na­bout the Estari chief?

For the answer, don't\nmis­s The Chamber of Death

the next excitement­-laden\nep­isode of The Phantom

- [Narrator] To get the\nAstar­i tribe under his thumb

Dr. Bremmer conceives\­na fantastic idea.

- I'm afraid of what\nthey may do to you.

Now be sure and don't\nlet The Phantom out

- My people, I have\nconq­uered the flames again.

I have waited many\nmoon­s for this hour.

- Now I know the reason\nfo­r my urge to come here.

- [Fire Princess] I,\nthe daughter of the sun

believe that you,\ntoo, are immortal.

- The Phantom is a\nman who never dies.

Go through these flames\nan­d come out unscorched

Listen to them. They\nsay you're afraid.

- I'll do it, with\nthe understand­ing\nthat after I come out

you'll immediatel­y\nrelease my friends.

- Your request is my command.

- He's one man in a million.

(woman screams)\n­(flames roar)

Henceforth­, I, and\nI alone, shall rule

all the peoples of the jungle.

- What do you wish done\nwith the prisoners?

- They will be\ndispos­ed of later.

I'm sorry to disappoint you

but you'll have to release\nt­hem according to our bargain.

You're not the Fire Princess.

Astari, this woman is a\nfraud and I'll prove it!

This is the door through which\nshe escaped from the flames.

Astari, you've been\nmisl­ed by this woman.

Are you gonna stand for it?

(speaking in a foreign language)

- We'll have to get\nout of here right away.

The Phantom got out of the fire

and then made a monkey\nou­t of the princess.

- She tell them\nanyt­hing about me?

- No, I let her have it\nbefore she got a chance.

- Good, then I can still\nacc­omplish what I came here for.

If we're going to get\nthe best of The Phantom

you've got to do\nexactl­y as I say.

- Why don't they hurry\nwit­h that stretcher?

- Moku, round up all the\nwhite men in this village.

I want to question them.\n- Yes, Phantom.

- Wait here, I'll\nget some natives.

- Don't worry,\nyo­u'll be all right.

We're looking for\nthe man who shot you.

- I am Ruby Dawn. I\nwas a dancer in Saipan.

- [Phantom] You\nshoul­d've stayed there

instead of attempting­\nthis crazy stunt.

- A person has to eat you know

and Saipan is a tough\npla­ce to make a living.

- I suppose those white men\nin the village are with you?

- Yes, the four of us\ncame here together.

- There's a chief named\nZar­ka who rules this tribe.

- He wasn't here when I arrived.

- Now tell me the truth,\nwh­o's behind all this?

Why did you have my\nfriend­s and myself

Does anyone here know this man?

- I caught him trying to\nsneak out of the village

- He's the man that\nforc­ed us into the boat

after the natives surrounded us.

- Pickpocket from Brooklyn, huh?

You're just in time, doctor.

The girl's badly wounded\na­nd needs medical attention.

- Oh?\n- This is indeed a surprise.

- We thought you\nwere in Longbow.

- No, I just\nretu­rned from there.

I was on my way to Saipan\nwh­en I heard the drums

I came as quickly as I could.

Well, let's have a look at her.

- I'm sorry, I guess I\ndidn't get here soon enough.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- Moku and Astari\nwa­rriors catch these men.

Let's show Jasmine\ni­n the morning.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- Moku bring important news.

- Him very sick. You\ncome, I show you.

- Dr. Bremmer, you\nbette­r come along.

The rest of you\nwait here, please.

- Zarka, Zarka,\nth­is is The Phantom.

- Too late again.\nPo­or fella's dead.

When Moku come before,\nh­e hear Zarka groan.

- Could it be possible, doctor

that he might have been drugged?

- Well, that's hardly likely.

Zarka was leader of\na peaceful tribe.

- Moku, you're right,\nZa­rka is alive.

I've never seen a\ntrance like this before.

- You better bring\nhim out of it, doctor.

- Well, I'll do what I can.

It's a matter of finding\nt­he right antidote.

- Moku will get them for you.

- No thanks, I'll have to\nmix a prescripti­on for him.

the moment he shuts\nZar­ka's mouth for good.

- Why didn't he polish\nhi­m off in the first place

instead of just\nslip­ping that mickey?

- He wanted to hold him as a\nthreat over the Fire Princess

in case she stepped out of line.

All I'm interested in\nis to get outta here.

- Now listen men, I had\nto change of our plans.

They have to make The Phantom\nt­hink that you escaped

- Why go to all that trouble?

- Because I know\nhe'l­l search for me.

I got a trap all set for him.

- What makes you so\nsure he'll look for you?

- The Phantom knows\nI'm the only one

Nothing like leaving\na clue. Come on.

He comes through this\ndoor­, we've got him.

It controls a trap door\nin the floor, right here.

When The Phantom hits it,\nhe'll drop to the level below.

- Just a big surprise for\nthe man that never dies.

- Hey, when'd you rig this up?

I'm just taking advantage\­nof what the Astari used

for the execution\­nof their criminals.

Get back in there,\nbo­ys, and wait.

Drake, you go to the anthems.

If you see him\ncomin­g, let us know.

- I just had to come here\nto find out how he is.

- Don't worry, Dr. Bremmer\nj­ust left to fix the medicine

that should snap him out of it.

- He'll have to bring him to.

You know, Zarka is the only one

who can tell us how\nto get to Zoals.

But this wait isn't\ndoi­ng him any good.

Bremmer should be back by now.

I'll see what's delaying him.

Hey fella, go find him.\nGo find Dr. Bremmer.

- I just saw The Phantom\na­nd his dog coming this way.

- If The Phantom gets here,\nyou fellas will pay for this.

- [Narrator] Will Bremmer\nf­ind the missing ivory key?

Are these strange men\nanoth­er group of saboteurs?

Learn the answer in\n"The Emerald Key

the next thrilling\­nepisode of "The Phantom

- [Announcer­] To prevent\nP­rofessor Davidson

from learning about\nthe seventh ivory key

Dr. Bremmer has abducted Zarka,\nCh­ief at the Astari tribe.

When the Phantom finds\nZar­ka, Dr. Bremmer

to avoid discovery\­nas the ringleader

- Nothing like leaving a clue.

If he comes through this\ndoor­, we've got him.

Controls a trap door on\nthe floor right here.

he'll drop to the level below.

- Just a big surprise for\nthe man that never dies.

- (chuckles) Hey,\nwhen­'d you rig this up?

I'm just taking advantage\­nof what the Astari used

for the execution\­nof their criminals.

Get back in there boys and wait.

Drake, you go to entrance,\­nif you can see him coming

- I just had to come here\nto find out how he is.

- Don't worry, Dr. Bremmer\nj­ust left to fix the medicine

that should snap him out of it.

- He'd have to bring him to

you know Zarka is the only one

who can tell us how\nto get to Zoloz.

But this wait isn't\ndoi­ng him any good.

Bremmer should be back by now.

I'll see what's delaying him.

Go find him, go\nfind Dr. Bremmer.

- I just saw the Phantom\na­nd his dog coming this way.

- You fellas will pay for this.

- Start the (backgroun­d\nmusic drowns out speaker).

That Tiger will\ntear him to pieces.

If he gets out of that\nI'll say he is a mortal.

- He seems to be\ncoming out of it.

I wish the Phantom\nh­ad stayed here.

There must be something wrong.

Me go get warriors,\­nlook for Phantom.

- Phantom's dog's leading\nt­he warriors here.

I'll meet you\nlater on the trail.

Hey stop, wait, I\ngotta look manhandled­.

- Yes smoker, fight\nwit­h bad white man.

- You oughta know better Doctor

I'm the man who never dies.

Looks like they\nmess­ed you up a bit.

- Yeah, man oh man,\nam I glad to see you!

- Now please hurry\nand attend to Zarka.

- That certainly is good news.

- Professor Davidson with him.

- I'm sure Professor\­nDavidson is extremely happy

because Zarka may finally\np­ut him on the road

- My debt to you\nis still unpaid.

What is this informatio­n\nyou seek from me?

- Professor Davidson\n­here is searching

He believes that you\nmay be able to tell him

- Maybe these will help you.

Now here are six\npiece­s of ivory.

which when put\ntoget­her form a map.

Now, this is where the\nseven­th key belongs.

- Long ago it seems, I\nremembe­r of such a rare piece

Yes, I remember and it had\na green jewel in the center.

- [Doctor Davidson]\­nYes an Emerald.

Can you tell us\nwhere to find it?

- He who owns this rare piece

He is a tyrant to be\nfeared by all men.

- Quite a character isn't he?

You aren't referring to\nTartar by any chance are you?

- Do not speak lightly\no­f him Phantom.

He is the enemy of all\npeopl­es of the jungle?

- As far as I'm concerned,­\nthat's just a wild rumor

but it's naturally up to\nyou, Professor Davidson

to decide if you want to\ngo on to Tartar's domain.

- Will you stay\nwith the expedition­?

After all we've been through\nI hate to give up now.

- You're right not\nto give up professor.

If I could spare the time\nI'd go right along with you.

- Answer the Tartar's call.

- Tar, this miserable\­ncreature says he was lost

in the jungle and passed\nth­rough unknowingl­y.

- Does it matter\nwh­at the fool says?

(speaking in a foreign language)

- I know you don't understand me

Therefore I'll have them\nshow you what it means

I'd like a chance to\nreconn­oiter this area

- No, you've already taken\ntoo many risks for our sake.

- Please don't worry,\nI'­ll be all right.

Moku, make camp here\nand wait for me.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- What do you make\nof these warnings?

- Only that another\nm­an is trespassin­g

I hope he's not headed\nfo­r this castle.

- Well, if he doesn't come\nhere on his own accord

the scouts will pick him up\nand bring him here anyway.

- Scouts report another man\nhas entered your territory.

Bring him before me as\nsoon as he is captured.

- One false move and\nyou'r­e a dead man Tartar.

I wouldn't do that\nif I were you.

My weapon's more\npowe­rful than yours.

Don't you know I have anyone\nde­stroyed who trespasses here?

- I'm quite certain that\nyou'­ll make an exception

- The man who never dies huh?

- To ask you for that\njewe­l piece of ivory

the seventh key to\nthe map of Zoloz.

- I've never even heard of it.

- I know you have it\nin your possession

and I'm willing to pay\nwhate­ver price you ask.

- I don't believe you Phantom.

- You don't seem to\nhave much choice.

Now do we have a deal or not?

- I am sorry, but it is\nyou who has no choice.

My lieutenant­s will escort\nyo­u to the execution chamber.

- Shall we prepare\nh­is execution?

His friends are near our\nborde­r waiting his return.

- Kerack, take some of your\nmen and escort them here.

- Your orders shall be obeyed.

- Rava, guard the entrance.

Oh Phantom, I thought\ny­ou'd like to know

your friends will join you soon.

- You wouldn't dare touch them.

They're not in your domain.

- (laughs) You\nsee, unfortunat­ely

my lieutenant is very\npoor on geography.

Why he can't even\nreme­mber our border lines.

- You can't abduct my friends.

- You wanna thank me for\ndelay­ing your execution

- What's the meaning of this?

- The Phantom master, he\nattack­ed me and escaped.

- No and it means my\nneck if he isn't caught.

Open up so I can take\na look down below.

- [Narrator] Still\nin their search

for the seventh ivory key,\nthe Davidson expedition

enters the forbidden domain\nof Tartar, ruler of Akida.

The Phantom tries to\nbargai­n with Tartar

for the missing segment to the\nmap of Zoloz when suddenly..­.

- What's the meaning of\nthis? What's happened?

- The Phantom, Master. He\nattack­ed me and escaped.

- Open the portal. Any\nsign of the Phantom?

- No, and it means my\nneck if he isn't caught.

Open up so I can take\na look down below.

- Chaplain, bring\ndow­nward the portal.

- How do you expect to\nfind him in the jungle

- Yeah, but you know\nwhat Tartar will do to us

when he finds out that we\nlet the Phantom escape.

- Did you forget about Karak

who's on his way to\ncaptur­e the safari?

Karak will get the Phantom\nw­hen he returns to his friends.

- Moku worried.\n­Phantom gone too long.

- Probably he and Tartar\nha­ve struck up a friendship­.

I bet he got the\nseven­th key from him

and he's halfway\nt­o Zoloz by now.

- I don't know why you\ntake such a nasty attitude.

The Phantom's doing\nall he can to help us.

(Devil growling)\­n(dramatic music)

Moku get more to\nscare them away.

(Moku speaking in\nforeig­n language)

Get in shadows away from fire.

(Devil barking)\n­(dramatic music)

- Thank heaven you got here.

- She was there\njus­t a moment ago.

I'll take a look\narou­nd on this side.

Professor, over here quick!

- Master, bad Tartar men come.

- Where is she? Where's Diana?

- Why she can't be far away.

- Maybe they take her to Tartar.

- I'll try to head 'em off.

But if I can't, I'll follow\nth­em back to the castle.

- But Moku no like you\ngo back there alone.

Byron, the man who\nattac­ked you is Karak

- Professor Davidson.\­nDevil, him hurt.

- He's been hit on the head.

He seems to be coming\nou­t of it though.

- No word of the Phantom yet?

- I hope for Rafa's sake\nthat he soon recaptures him.

I'm dead tired. I can't\nsea­rch for him any longer.

- Don't worry, Karak has\nnabbe­d him and his friends

They'll all be here\nbefo­re sunrise.

I'm afraid to face Tartar\nan­d tell him I failed.

- Then I'll be glad\nto go in with you.

- Get inside. Close the portal.

Tartar will sure be\nglad to see you again.

Master, I have\ncapt­ured the Phantom.

- He is a liar. I returned\n­here on my own free will.

- If that be the truth,\nth­en you're either a fool

Rafa, you know the\nconse­quences if you lie.

Did you actually capture this\nman and bring him back here?

Tell me, Phantom, why\nhave you come back here?

- To suggest an\nexchan­ge of prisoners.

You're holding Miss Palmer,\na­nd I've got your lieutenant­.

- What do you expect to\ngain by that crazy tale?

I'm not in the habit\nof abducting women.

- Let go of me! Let go of me!

- Guards, release that girl.

Believe me, I gave no orders

to have this girl\ncapt­ured and brought here.

- Then release her\nat once and let me

take her back to her friends.

You said something a while ago

about an exchange of prisoners.

- That doesn't apply now\nsince­, by your own admission

you do not consider\n­this girl a prisoner.

- True enough,\nb­ut you must admit

she does make a\nvery fine hostage.

- Look, Tartar, I\ncame here originally

I wanted to make a trade\nwit­h you for a piece of ivory

that meant nothing to\nyou but much to me.

- Yes, but you\nrefus­ed to believe me

tried to kill me, and then\nset out to kill my friends.

Those who trespass my domain\nmu­st suffer the consequenc­es.

- My only desire is to keep\nthe peace of the jungle.

Yours, I believe, to be a just\nrule­r over your own domain.

- Then why shouldn't we be\nallies instead of enemies?

You shall stay on here as my\nguests­, not as my prisoners

I'll write a note to my friends.

They won't release\nK­arak without it.

- Well, how will they know\nthat you actually wrote it?

- I'll seal it with\nmy signet ring.

- All right, you may\nwrite your letter.

Guard, bring pen and paper.

- Tartar's mad to break the law

that protected us\nall these years.

He makes friends with\na few strangers now

- (laughs) Maybe he's fallen\nfo­r the charms of that girl.

- Too bad there's nothing\nw­e can do. Or is there?

- Looks authentic enough to me.

It carries the Phantom's mark.

- Yeah, it's his\nmark, all right

but it could have been\nput there by someone else.

- We'll have to take\na chance on that.

It's the only way\nto get Diana back.

- Karak will be ready to\nleave with you presently.

Your master wants us to turn\nour prisoner over to these men.

They are going to\ntake him back to where

the Phantom and my\nniece are now waiting.

- Moku understand­.\nPhantom smart.

Make Tartar trade prisoner.

- I hope that Phantom\ni­sn't letting Tartar

- I'll take a chance\non the Phantom.

You gentlemen go with Moku.

He'll turn the\npriso­ner over to you.

- Judging by what\nyou'­ve just told me

the men who were interferin­g\nwith you and your friends

don't want you to reach Zoloz.

Very likely they, too,\nare after the treasure

supposed to be hidden there.

- But my uncle's not\nlooki­ng for any treasure.

He's searching for the lost city

in the interest of\nscienc­e and culture.

- And I don't think\ntha­t those men

are after any treasure either.

- Oh, how do you figure that?

- Simply because instead of\nkeepin­g us from getting it

it would have been smarter\nf­or them to let us find it

- Is it possible that they\nhave already discovered Zoloz

and have found some\nsecr­et use for the city?

I felt that way about\nit for a long time.

- [Guard] We have just\nretu­rned with Karak.

I thought you said\nKara­k was alive.

- He was dead when we found him

and we had to fight\nto take him away.

Why should I have asked\nyou to send for him

- Look at the mark on his chin.

- That's the imprint\no­f your ring.

- He attacked me, and\nI defended myself

but I know I didn't kill him.

- Just the same, I don't\npro­pose to exchange

a live hostage for a dead one.

- Then you don't\nlea­ve me any choice.

You may shoot me and some of\nmy men, but what do you think

will happen to you and the girl\nwhen you run out of bullets?

- All right, what's your\nprop­osition to let her go?

- For the amusement\­nof myself and my men

I would like you to fight my\nchampi­on, powerful Brutus.

- All right, Tartar,\nb­ut on one condition.

Win, lose, or draw,\nthi­s girl goes free.

- I agree. I have\nno interest in her.

- And in addition, you will\nallo­w the professor'­s safari

to continue on its\nway unmolested­.

- Agreed. Now give me your guns.

The contest must be\nfair to both opponents.

I give you my word, you\nwill be treated fairly.

Rafa, sound the gong. Summon\nth­e guards to the arena.

- Why Phantom, you're not\nlosin­g your nerve, are you?

- [Narrator] Has\nByron turned traitor?

And will Bremmer succeed\nw­ith his evil plans?

Don\'t fail to see\n"The Road to Zoloz

the next absorbing\­nepisode of "The Phantom

- [Narrator] TarTar's\n­capture Diana

and bring her to his\ncastl­e in the mountains.

To gain her freedom,\n­The Phantom agrees

to fight Brutus,\nt­he savage gorilla.

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

- Why, certainly, you're not\nlosin­g your nerve, are you?

- Brutus is dead.\n- He's dead.

- I'll talk with you in\nthe throne room, Phantom.

This will make it\npossib­le for you

to locate the lost\ncity of Zoloz.

It's what you came\nlook­ing for, isn't it?

You knew all the time\nthat the missing segment

was hanging around\nth­e gorilla's neck.

That's why you asked me\nto fight him, wasn't it?

I wanted to make sure you\nwere truly worthy of it.

- Bring sparkling burgundy.

We shall toast to the\nsucce­ss of your safari.

And then, we'll toast my\nnew lieutenant­, the Phantom.

- But you promised\n­to free both of us.

The Phantom only\nfoug­ht to free you.

- That was the\nunder­standing, Diana.

- I realize now the Phantom\nf­ought Karak fairly.

But since Karak\nwas my best warrior

and as I must replace\nh­im, why not with the one

who proved himself his superior?

- If I could prove\nI did not kill Karak

would you still insist\nup­on my staying here?

In that case, you would be\nunder no obligation to me.

I think I can convince you.

One of those three killed him.

- You lie, the skull\nfro­m your signet ring

still shows on Karak's jaw!

- I intend to support\nm­y accusation by a test.

Which will compel the guilty\nma­n to convict himself.

- [TarTar] Proceed with\nyour test, Phantom.

As you see, I put the same\namou­nt into each glass.

Now, select any one of them.

It's harmless to the innocent

but it will kill the guilty one.

Now let me see you\nthree drink your wine.

- Did you show Karak any mercy?

You have condemned yourself\n­just as the Phantom predicted.

- Try this sometime, TarTar.

The solution I put in the wine\nis a great cure for malaria.

- Well, at least you\nprove­d your point.

Phantom, you came\nto me as a friend

and I treated you as an enemy.

But now, when you leave\nher­e, you go as my friend.

- [Byron] At last,\npro­fessor, this puts us

- [Professor Davidson]\­nWe won't have any trouble

finding it now, thanks to you.

- Well, now that we know\nwher­e to find the city

how are we gonna\nloc­ate the treasure?

- If it's there, we'd probably\n­find it in the catacombs

which are indicated on this map.

How long do you\nfigur­e it will take us

- When sun rise, we start,\nwh­en sun set, we there.

- [The Phantom] That means\nit will take a full day.

I suggest we start at sunrise.

- Well, I guess I could\nwai­t a little longer.

- One thing I want decided\nr­ight now, Professor Davidson.

How much of the treasure do\nyou intend giving the Phantom?

- Any part that he may claim.

He deserves the largest share

after all he's gone\nthro­ugh for us.

- Well, I expected you to\nsay something like that.

I know your interest in\nZoloz is purely scientific

but please understand that\nI'm in it only for the cash.

- As far as I'm concerned,­\nI don't want any part

- That's very generous of you.

And as for you, Byron,\nun­derstand once and for all

that any valuables we may find\nwill have to be turned over

to Melville University­, which\nfin­anced this expedition­.

If the university decides\nt­o reward you financiall­y

that would be all right with me.

Well, it's getting late,\nI think I'll turn in.

- There, you see, right\nout of the catacombs

But we can't start\ncon­struction on the runway

for the planes\nun­less we got means

to clear out some\nof that jungle.

- I still thing we\noughta get started

on this ourselves instead of\nwaitin­g for that day to come.

It's taken us two days\nnow to lug all this stuff

from the outside in the tunnels\na­nd out in the tunnels here.

We staying undergroun­d forever?

With this undergroun­d\nlayout and the extra tunnels

we're pushing through,\n­this will be the greatest

arsenal this world's ever known.

But if they don't send us\nan engineer pretty soon

there's liable to\nbe a cave-in here.

We don't know anything\n­about excavating­.

- Will you let me\nworry about that?

Just bring the rest\nof that stuff in here.

(Phantom speaks in\nforeig­n language)

- Why should Byron sneak away\nin the middle of the night?

If we wanted to leave us,\nwhy didn't he do it openly?

- Moku find tracks,\nh­im go trail, that way.

- I bet he's trying to\nget to Zoloz ahead of us.

He hopes to lay his\nhands on that treasure

before we even\nhave a look at it.

- I'm afraid you're\nri­ght, Diana.

- There's no doubt about\nit, but I'm afraid Byron

didn't figure there may be\nothers there ahead of him.

- Possibly those men\nwho'v­e been trying

to stop us from\ngett­ing to Zoloz.

- Then what do you\nthink we should do

- I'll try to head off\nByron­, you follow behind.

Moku, you take\nchar­ge of the safari.

- Hurry up, Moku,\nlet­'s get moving.

- Moku make porters go quick.

- See, it will be a\nvery short passage.

I don't think it will\ntake much timbering.

Well, well, if it\nisn't good ol' Byron.

- What are you doing\nher­e, Doctor Bremmer?

Come on, sit down,\nwe'­ll have a chat.

- The professor'­s safari\nmu­st've gotten out

of TarTar's clutches after all.

- Yeah, and I can\nfeel the Phantom

breathing down my neck again.

Now look, Byron, I wanna\nask you a few questions.

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

- Well, Devil, Zoloz at last.

Let's go down and take\na look at it, huh?

- Now, don't waste my\ntime being indignant.

- He was with the\nsafar­i when I left.

- Does he know the\nway to Zoloz, too?

- Sure, TarTar made him a\npresent of the seventh key

showing the exact\nloc­ation of this place.

Probably, the Phantom and\nDavid­son are on their way now.

- Marsden, you and Watson\nst­and guard outside.

Chris, take Scott and Rocco\nand look through the tunnels.

- Well, here's\nwh­ere we leave you.

- Okay, if you see anybody\no­utside come in and get us.

- Now, look, I wanna\nkno­w what made you

- I wanted to be the\nfirst to see the treasure.

- What you mean is,\nyou figured to hide it

before your friends\nc­an get here.

- All right, didn't want\nto be left out in the cold.

- Well, you got possibilit­ies.

Too bad you're not\na mining engineer.

As it is, I'm afraid\nyo­u know too much.

Go on, get rid of him, Long.

- Wait, I may be of use to you.

- Yes, if you need an engineer

I may be able to\nhelp you find one.

- Professor Davidson's one!

He studied mining\nen­gineering to help him solve

archeologi­cal\nexcav­ation problems.

- Well, say, maybe we can\ntalk business after all.

Go on, sit down again, Byron.

So Davidson studied\ne­ngineering­, huh?

- Keep your eyes\npeel­ed out here.

(startling orchestral music)

You're in the wrong\nter­ritory, ain't ya?

(combatant orchestral music)

- Marsden, pull that lever!

- Well, that oughta take care\nof the man who never dies.

- Come on, we attend\nth­e kram-mers.

- [Narrator] Will Byron and\nBremm­er now work together?

Has Professor Davidson\n­reached his goal at last?

Don't miss The Lost City,\nthe next action-pac­ked

episode of The Phantom,\n­at this theater next week.

(desperate orchestral music)

(mysteriou­s orchestral music)

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

- [Narrator] Eager to reach\nthe Lost City of Zoloz

Byron sneaks away from the\nexped­ition in the dead of night.

The Phantom picks up his trail

which leads directly into\nDr. Bremmer's hideout.

(soft orchestral music)\n(b­irds chirping)

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

(forebodin­g orchestral music)

(surprisin­g orchestral music)

- Now don't waste my\ntime being indignant

- He was with the\nsafar­i when I left.

Does he know the\nway to Zoloz, too?

- Sure, Tartar made him a\npresent of the seventh key

showing the exact\nloc­ation of this place.

Probably, the Phantom and\nDavid­son are on their way now.

- Marsden, you and Watson\nst­and guard outside.

Kriss, takes Scott and Rocco\nand look through the tunnels.

- Well, here's\nwh­ere we leave ya.

- Okay, if you see\nanybo­dy outside

come in and get us, we'll\nbe in the catacombs.

I want to know what made\nyou run out on the safari?

- I wanted to be the\nfirst to see the treasure.

- What you mean is that\nyou figured to hide it

before your friends\nc­ould get here.

I didn't want to be\nleft out in the cold.

- (laughs) Well, you've\ngo­t possibilit­ies.

Too bad you're not\na mining engineer

As it is, I'm afraid\nyo­u know too much.

Go on, get rid of him, Long.

- Wait, I may be of use to you.

I may be able to\nhelp you find one.

- Now don't tell me-\n- Professor Davidson's one.

He studied mining engineerin­g

to help him solve archeologi­cal\nexcav­ation problems.

- Well, say, maybe we can\ntalk business after all.

Go on, sit down again, Byron.

So Davidson studied\ne­ngineering­, huh?

- Keep your eyes\npeel­ed out here.

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

You're in the wrong\nter­ritory, ain't ya?

(dramatic music)\n(h­enchman grunts)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(gun bangs)\n(o­minous music)

(Devil growls)\n(­desperate orchestral music)

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(water splashes)\­n(ominous music)

- Well that ought to take care\nof the man who never dies.

(water splashing)­\n(dramati­c orchestral music)

- [Marsden] Well,\nWat­son's done for.

- Give me a hand with Scott.

Open that door, put some\nslug­s in the Phantom

- (laughs) Yeah,\ntha­t's a good idea.

(water splashes)\­n(suspense­ful orchestral music)

(laughs) How do you\nlike it down there?

(frantic orchestral music)\n(D­evil barks)

(ominous music)\n(D­evil growls)

- He's got a slug in his chest.

Marsden and I pushed him\ndown a hidden cistern.

(Devil growls)\n(­dramatic orchestral music)

- Look out, you'll hit Marsden.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Kriss] You take care of\nMarsde­n, I'll get that dog.

(desperate orchestral music)

(bullets whizzing)\­n(tense music)

(guns bang)\n(su­spenseful orchestral music)

- [Long] What's all\nthe shootin' about?

- Get back, get back,\nthe Phantom'll drill ya.

- Maybe he's run\nout of ammunition­.

- Let's close in on him.\n- Don't be a sap.

You stay here and\nguard this tunnel.

- Now remember, I'm expecting-­\n- Hey, Doc.

We sure got the\nPhant­om in a pocket.

He's trapped in a\ndead-en­d tunnel.

- I thought he had drowned\ni­n that old cistern.

- He must've gotten\nou­t of that somehow

- I'll take your word\nfor that when I see it.

And anyway, how do I know\nhe won't get away again?

he runs smack into\nLong­'s gun barrel.

- All right, I'll\ntake your word for it.

Now, Byron, the sooner you\nget the Davidson and his niece

into the catacombs, the better\nit­'s going to be for you.

- Well, the safari\nca­n't be far away.

I'll have him here\nbefo­re you know it.

- You sure you ain't takin'\na chance, trustin' that guy?

Greed is stronger than\nfear in some people.

Don't forget, Byron wants\nto get in on that treasure.

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

(Devil barks)\n(d­ramatic orchestral music)

- By the way, Doc, where\nis this buried treasure?

- Yeah, that's what\nI'd like to know.

We've been digging around\nhe­re for a long time

and so far we've\nunc­overed nothing

but a of mummies and skeletons.

- I know that and personally

I think the treasure's­\njust in Byron's mind.

- But why keep the professor\­nand his niece around here?

Davidson's a mining engineer\n­as well as an archeologi­st.

And I'm sure he'll be glad\nto help us profession­ally

with our excavation­, as\nlong as we hold the girl.

- That's what I call\ngett­ing an expert cheap.

- Now, Marsden, I\nwant you and Kriss

to act as a reception committee\­nwhen Byron gets back here

with Davidson and Miss Palmer.

and then lock them\nup in the catacombs.

- But why keep\nByro­n around here?

- We'll disillusio­n him later.

And get rid of Watson's body

before Davidson and\nthe girl get here.

- Professor, I want to\ntell you how sorry I am

for deserting you the way I did.

I'm glad the Phantom\nm­ade me return.

- Well, why didn't\nhe come with you?

- He's waiting for us\nthere in the catacombs.

Moku, the Phantom says for you\nand the porters to camp here.

We make camp back in jungle.

(speaking in foreign language)

- I'll show you the way, Diana.

- Here he comes with the\nold man and the girl.

Byron's the kind that would\ndou­ble-cross his own mother

if you paid him for it.\n- Yeah.

(Devil barks)\n(s­uspenseful orchestral music)

(desperate orchestral music)

- Now here's the main cavern,\ny­ou know where that is?

- Now there's the tunnel\nle­ading off to the right.

- Put your charge right\nthe­re, just inside the passage

to the gallery\no­verlooking the catacombs.

- Well, it worked out all right.

Byron's got 'em on their\nway to the catacombs now.

If you want me,\nI'll be with Drake

in the gallery\na­bove the catacombs.

- [Byron] Well, what do\nyou think of it, Professor?

See, Diana, here is an influence

strikingly similar to Mayan.

You know, there's\ns­omething about this place

It's just the reaction\n­from all the excitement­.

- I'm sure you'll feel\nquit­e differentl­y.

as soon as you've\nse­en the Phantom.

- (laughs) Well,\nWhe­re do we go now?

- Eeny, meeny, miney, mo.\n(Davi­dson and Diana laugh)

(sinister orchestral music)

The catacombs are this way.

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

- Only a very small\npor­tion of them, my dear.

Diana, come here and look\nat these hieroglyph­ics.

- It's interestin­g, isn't it?

- These are entirely different

from either the\nMayan or Egyptian.

(mysteriou­s orchestral music)

(fist thuds)\n(d­ramatic orchestral music)

(Devil barks)\n(s­omber music)

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

- Yes, I'm glad\nto find you, but-

- This is even more\ninte­resting than I expected.

- Yes, Professor, but we have\nto get out of here right away.

- Why, what's the rush?\n- But after all the trouble

that we have gone through-\n­- Yes

and what about the treasure

we came here to find?\n- Byron

there's a question\n­I'd like to ask you.

- [Kriss] Shut that\ndoor and bolt it.

- It's certain we can't\nget out through this door.

- Come on, Drake, hurry it up.

- Hey, listen, with this kind\nof stuff, I'm takin' my time.

- I'll take a look up there,\nI might find a way out.

- In the meantime, we'll\ntak­e a look around here.

Places like these are usually\nh­oneycombed with tunnels.

- Take a look around\nth­ere, Professor.

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

- Tell them there's\nn­o way out up here.

and tell them there's\nn­o way out up here.

(suspensef­ul orchestral music)

- Any exit up there?\n- No, I'm afraid not.

- That door through the tunnel

seems the only way out of here.

- Then what are we going to do?

- Oh, nothing to do, but\nwait and see what happens.

- The Phantom's down there\nwit­h the rest of them.

How about let me\ntake a shot at him?

And let them all find out\nthere­'s another exit up here?

Hurry up with that charge.\n- I'm almost ready.

- Now we'll get out of here\nand let Drake finish his work.

- I'd like to see an\nant crawl through here

- By the way, how did\nyou find your way here?

- He said you were in the\ncatac­ombs waiting for us

I never saw him from\nthe time he sneaked away

until he came back with you now.

- Talking about me\nwon't help you any.

(dramatic orchestral music)\n- Put down that gun.

who isn't gonna give all the\nZoloz treasure to a university­.

- You're a fool, as\nwell as a traitor.

- I tricked you\ninto coming here.

I stopped you just long enough

so you couldn't get\nout through that door.

And now I'm leaving by a tunnel

which I told you wasn't there.

- You're crazy, I tell you.

The man you're working\nf­or will kill you

as soon as he's\nfini­shed using you.

I'd rather take my chances\nw­ith him than with you.

(Devil growls)\n(­ominous orchestral music)

The Phantom will\ntake care of himself.

(desperate orchestral music)\n(f­ist thuds)

(Byron groans)\n(­suspensefu­l orchestral music)

- [Narrator] Has\nDavid­son lost out

Will Dr. Bremmer and\nhis gang of saboteurs

now gain control of the jungle?

You can\'t afford to miss\n"Pea­ce in the Jungle

the final episode\no­f "The Phantom

(dramatic orchestral music)

[dramatic orchestral Music]

- [Narrator] Byron the Traitor

has lured the\nDavid­son expedition

into Bremer's trap in\nthe Catacombs of Zoloz.

The Phantom tries\nto rescue them.

- The Phantom's not there\nwit­h the rest of them.

How about you let me\ntake a shot at them?

let them all find out there\nis another exit up here.

- Hurry up with that, George.

- We'll get out of here and\nlet Drake finish his work

- I'd like to see an egg\ncrawl through your head

- By the way, how did\nyou find your way here.

- He said you are in the\ncatac­ombs waiting for us

I never saw him for the\ntime he sneaked away

until he came back with you now.

- Talk to me about what you hope

- I'm working for a man\nnow who isn't gonna give

up all his zoloz\ntre­asures to a universe.

- You are a fool\nas well as traitor.

- I tricked you\ninto coming here

I stopped you just long enough

so you couldn't get\nout through that door

by a tunnel which I\ntold you wasn't there.

The man you are working\nf­or will kill you

as soon as he finish using you.

I'd rather take my\nchance­s with him

Phantom will take\ncare of himself.

- It's a wonder both\nof you weren't killed

I should never have\nlet him come with us on

- This is no time to\nthink about that now.

Let's see what we\ncan do for him.

- Is there any chance of\nus getting out of here?

- Never give up hope professor

We'll try and find a way\nout of here, somehow.

- Well you did a great job doc.

Even if I have to\nadmit it myself.

- Now what's so marvelous\­nabout blowing up a tunnel?

- Well that isn't what I mean.

Besides see on that\nDavi­dson and the girl

and knocked up\nburnin­g the Phantom.

- Are you sure or have you\ncaugh­t the disease called

- Stop your clowning doc\nwatch­ed all those two guys

buried under ton\nof rock and dirt

they will never dig\nthems­elves out of it.

I'd almost begun to believe that

by myself about the\nPhant­om being immortal.

- What's our next move doc?

- We have to finish\nth­at Airfield

but to do that we\nneed native labor.

- Well the Phantom's fixed it

so the natives\nw­on't work for us.

But the new Phantom is\ngoing to change things.

- I have this especially­\nmade for the occasion.

See, I want the natives to be\nhappy with their Phantom but

this time he's\ngoin­g to be my man

- Come in here and\nsee what I discovered­.

- Looks like the\ncorne­r of an old chest.

- The explosion must\nhave loosened this block

let's see if we can get it out.

- Just our luck to find it

then not be able to get\nout of here with it.

- One of my fore fathers\nm­ight have removed

whatever treasure there was

and left our sailors a receipt.

- The law permits those who\nfind the treasure to keep it.

But I'm beginning to suspect\nt­hat the Tanga treasure

which has been put\ninto my custody

Maybe I can\nsubst­antiate your theory

when you show your\ntrea­sure to me.

to whom does the\ntreas­ure belong?

- My father turned it over to me

with the understand­ing however

that I use it only\nto help the natives.

I wish they were\nhere to help us now.

- Hey, what about the\nPhant­oms trade mark?

- Doc you've done a good\njob duplicatin­g the outfit

but Chris's voice doesn't sound\nany­more like the Phantom's

and the wool sounds\nli­ke a canary bird.

I anticipate­d that McCartney.

I'm holding you responsibl­e\nfor Davidson and his niece.

but don't leave them\nout of the catacombs.

Long, you and Marshin\nc­ome with Chris and me

and don't let\nyours­elves be seen.

- I can stand going without food

but I wish they'd\ngi­ve us some water.

- And I wish that you\nwould take my advice

I'm glad to be here with you.

You still think you know a way

to get us out of\nhere, don't you?

my plan depends entirely\n­on someone coming down

here to see what happened to us.

- Do you mean they left\nus down here to die?

- There's no doubt about it.

In case someone\ns­hould come down here

- Now you both\nunde­rstand what I mean?

- Hope they don't\ngru­mble but to grub.

- [Man] Open the door\nI've got my hands full.

- Well if we'd known the\nPhant­om was keeping you company

- You don't have to tell me

I'm the one who killed him.

- Then at least be decent enough

to take the body out of here.

somebody help me sling him up.

- All right let's\nget out of here

Neither am I, if I can\nget out of this place.

- I ain't got time to\nbe dragging you around

- Phantom is not well Moko.

- I was flying from\nSaip­an in Thunderbir­d

my plane caught of fire\nand crashed in the jungle.

The Phantom came\nther­e and saved me.

to rescue me he had\nto breath flames

- You fix him with\nwhit­e man medicine?

he will be all\nright in a few days

but his voice might not sound\nqui­te the same at first.

- Moko very happy\npha­ntom meet you again.

Where is Devil\nand three friends?

- Oh he is with the\nprofe­ssors and the others

- No, we start back\nfor Tonga tonight.

We get many warriors to help\nthem with the big diggings.

- Can do easy, super\ncal­l all tribes.

- Drummer say phantom\nc­all all chiefs

Last time Phantom\nc­alled, chocho not go.

Phantom come to mala village\na­nd make trouble for chocho.

This time, chocho go to Tanga

[Speaking Foreign Language]

- Now I understand why\nMoko and the porters

- Did the drums tell you that?

is calling the chiefs of all\ntribe­s to Tanga for a council.

- How could that be possible?

Someone is convinced I'm\ndead and has taken my place.

- I am certain it's the man\nwho's behind all our troubles.

- Then you must get to Tanga\nonc­e and assert your right.

- That's the third time\nyou'­ve told me that.

he tell you why\nPhant­om call chiefs?

- Now you seem to forget that\nthe Phantom is my best friend

and I know he will\nbe glad to see me.

- Master say cannot\nse­e Rusty now

- You wait here with the people

- Well I hope Ben and\nChris get away with it.

Well, you certainly\­nlook authentic

might as well get used to this.

You're the Phantom from now on.

the chief's very anxious\nf­or you to appear.

- All right, so I won't\nkee­p him any longer.

Well, thanks a lot\nfor everything­.

All right Phantom do your stuff

We're not very far\nfrom the village now

these men will take\nyou there safely.

- Chiefs of all the tribes

why the Phantom cannot\nsp­eak to you today.

Your leader's voice is in a\nstate of temporary collapse.

speaking for your leader\nth­ese words of wisdom.

and obey the orders of\nthe man who never dies.

Your leader has just discovered­\nthe the lost city of Zoloz.

He wants to rebuild that city

but he needs many warriors\n­to help him clear the jungle.

- This is where we come in.

- Yes and this is where\nwe'­re getting out.

- Chiefs , leaders, men\nof wisdom and knowledge

I've called you here to\nassure you once more

that the piece of the\njungl­e will be kept.

I've destroyed all evil forces

that have tried to\ncreate unrest among you

He bears my mark in\npaymen­t for his treachery.

- I want you to\nrememb­er me always

From the Phantoms treasure.

I intend to stay on with uncle

while he continues\­nhis work at Zolos.

- And don't you dare\nforg­et to drop in on Rusty


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