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Nuestro objetivo en la adoración Voddie Baucham with Английский subtitles   Complain, DMCA

she's the last truth remember that in

worship our goal is God period full stop

our goal is communion with God our goal

and worship is not lost people that

that's not our goal in worship our goal

evangelize amen hallelujah praise the

Lord all day every day twice on Sunday

but our goal in worship is God our goal

and evangelism and is God my goal in

evangelism is not the lost person my

goal in evangelism is the one who died

for sin once for all the just for the

unjust in order that he might bring us

back to God my goal in evangelism is

that Christ might indeed have the

fullness of the reward for which he died

so even in my evangelism God is my goal

and so if we are to measure the success

of our worship we measure whether or not

we've commune with God in accordance

with the Word of God for the purpose of

glorifying God because he's God and for


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